폴아웃3 치트 코드(Console Codes)

Hit the Tilde (~) key to access the console and enter one of the following codes. '~'를 누르고 아래의 문구를 입력하세요.

Code Effect
player.addspecialpoints # add # special points
SP를 # 만큼 증가
tmm 1 toggle map markers
지도 표시
player.setlevel # changes leve to #, doesn't affect anything else.
캐릭터의 레벨을 #으로 만든다.
modpca (s.p.e.c.i.a.l) # changes the chosen stat by adding the given number.
특정 능력치를 #만큼 증가시킨다.
GetQuestCompleted complete current quest
현재 임무를 완료한 것으로 만든다.
getXPfornextlevel gain a level
레벨업을 한다
tgm God Mode
무적 상태
tcl No clipping mode
벽 뚫기 모드
player.additem 000000F "XXX Replace "XXX" with the amount of caps(money) you want.
돈을 XXX 만큼으로 설정한다.(앞의 0은 생략해도 됨. 000000F가 아닌 F라고만 해도 됨.)
rewardKarma # reward # karma points to player
#만큼의 카르마(명성) 포인트를 추가한다.
setspecialpoints # set the number of special points to #
SP를 #으로 설정
player.setav <SKILL> # Sets skill level to #. Max 100. this sets all skill bonuses but those from gear, tag skills, or attributes.
기술수준을 #으로 설정한다. (100 까지 가능) 예시 ) player.setav sneak 100
player.setav <S.P.E.C.I.A.L.> # Sets the typed attribute to the number provided. (1-10)
특정 (스탯)을 #으로 설정한다. ( 1-10 만가능 ( 10 이 맥스수치임)) 예시 ) player.setav endulance 10
tfc toggles free camera mode (useful for character screenshots)
자유 시점 상태로 설정/해제 한다.
tm turns off/on the HUD (useful for character screenshots) 화면 정보를 끄거나 켠다.
player.placeatme (hex) (value) (x) (y) 게임내 오브젝트를 호출한다EX) 핵스값이 00000001, 10개를 자기 자신에게 소환하려면 player.placeatme 00000001 10 1 1 (오블리비언기반. 사용된다.)
unlock Unlocks any selected physical lock (doors, chests, etc) and terminals.
선택된 상자/자물쇠/컴퓨터를 열거나/해킹한다.
resurrect 선택된 NPC를 부활시킨다.
movetoqt 퀘스트 장소로 이동한다
setgamesetting favdca
rryweightmult x
.무게제한을 x만큼 (기본값은 10) 무게제한 = 150 + (x * 힘) (ex setgamesetting favdcarryweightmult 300로 한 경우 캐릭의 힘이 6이면 150 + (300 * 6) = 1950으로 무게제한이 1950이 됨.

coc testqaitems 테스트룸으로 이동 , 돌아올 때는 coc megatoncommonhouse

Contributed By: Emonquente, Iced~Metal, Miroku_of_Nite1, HitmanDante, Link6747, Spike7042, sharingan87

낑긴 npc 처리

refid 를 알아내시고.. (~ 후 그놈을 마우스 클릭)

 prid <refid>


 moveto player 

되어야 합니다.;;

  • 수리메뉴 불러오기 - player.showrepairmenu (자신의 수리스킬 만큼 수리가능 한다)
  • 무게 수정하기 - player.setav carryweight 숫자 (위에거와달리 이건 재접속해도 변경되지않습니다)

무한 경험치사용법

Sandman Trick

This requires the Sandman perk. Once you have the perk, find a location where a child sleeps. When you've found a sleeping child, use the sandman perk to murder the child. Since you aren't allowed to kill children in Fallout 3, you won't actually murder the child. You will, however, gain 50 xp for the use of sandman. Repeat the process for infinite xp. You won't even loose karma since you don't actually kill anyone. The children of Andale to the south of Megaton work well for this trick.

잠귀신 퍽 버그를 사용할려면, 잠귀신 퍽을 필요로한다. 잠귀신퍽 을 가지고 있다면, 아무곳이나 아이가 자고있는곳을 찾으세요. 자는 아이를 발견하였다면, 잠귀신 퍽을 사용해서 아이를 암살해보세요. 폴아웃3에서는 아이를 죽일수 없기 때문에, 사실 당신은 아이를 죽이지 못한다. 반면에, 이 퍽(잠귀신)을 사용함으로써 당신은 50의 경험치를 얻게됍니다. 무한한 경험치를 위해서 계속 반복하세요! 아무도 죽이지 않으므로, 카르마(성향) 또한 떨어지지 않습니다. 이 트릭은 메가톤 남쪽에있는 안데일(식인마을)마을의 아이에게 잘 통한다. [패치를 통해서 고쳐졌습니다.]

말장난 버그

In Big Town, find a girl named Bittercup, and talk about her dating exploits. Next, find Pappy and use your speech skill to ask about Bittercup. You'll earn a small amount of xp for succeeding with the skill. Continue to hit that same option for infinite xp.

Big Town에서, Bittercup이라는 여자아이를 찾아서 dating exploit에 대하여 대화를 나누세요. 그 다음, Pappy를 찾아서 Bittercup에 대하여 물어보는거에서 speech skill을 사용하세요. speech skill에 성공하면 약간의 경험치를 얻게된다. 계속 경험치를 얻으려면 반복하세요.

무한으로 돈 버는 법


질더쉐이드 (Girdershade) (뉴카여자덕있는곳) 에서 로날드 (Ronald Laren)(유닠 무릎따개 (The Kneecapper)를 가진 NPC)을 찾으세요.그는 야한 잠옷을 200캡씩 주고 사겠다고 한다. 잠옷은 게임상 몇몇 곳에서 찾을수 있는데, Family 주변의 세네카스테이션(아래푸 퀘스트할 때 가는 지하철도)도 그중 하나이다. 로날드 (Ronald Laren)에게 잠옷을 200원에 팔고, 그걸 또 훔쳐서 다시 200원을 받고 팝니다. Robert는 상인이 아니므로, 캡이 떨어질 일이 없습니다. 원하는만큼 반복하세요. Stealth(은신능력)이(가) 높아야할수도 있다.

In Girdershade, find Robert Laren. He wants some naughty nightwear and will pay 200 caps for them. The clothing can be found at a few points in the game including the Subways near the Family. Sell the clothing to Robert. Steal them back and resell them for another 200. He's not a vendor, so he'll never run out of caps. Repeat as desired. This can require a high level of stealth and some fuck you

아이템 치트

개수가 많으므로 Ctrl-F를 누르고 원하는 항목의 이름으로 찾으면 편리하다.

아이템 치트 사용법

콘솔창을 연다음 player.additem XXXXXXXX O를 입력한다. XXXXXXXX는 아래의 아이템코드를 확인하여 원하는 아이템의 코드를 입력하세요 O는 추가하는 아이템 개수이다.

ex) 밑의 Brotherhood Power Armor 2개 추가하는 경우 player.additem 00075201 2

DLC에서 새로 추가된 아이템의 경우 맨앞의 두자리가 DLC코드가 된다. 그런데, DLC가 설치되는 순서에 따라 이 숫자가 달라지게된다.

예를 들어 xx07520 라면 xx를 01,02,03,~~ 등으로 바꾸어 시도해본다.

의류 치트

player.additem을 사용하세요.

  • 진보된 방사능 복장 - 0003307A
  • All-Purpose Science Suit - 000CB605
  • 아포칼립스 글레디에이터 아머- 000CB5F6
  • 아포칼립스 글레디에이터 헬멧 - 000CB5F7
  • 무장된 볼트101 강화복 - 0006C587
  • 군대 파워 아머 - 00061A72
  • Athlete of the Wastes Outfit - 000340FB
  • Ballcap with Glasses - 00028FFA
  • 반다나 - 00073D57
  • 바이커의 고글 - 0009B188
  • BirthSkirt - 0007CFF0
  • Blast Off Helmet - 0007494C
  • Blast Off Pajamas - 0005B6EA
  • Boogeyman's Hood - 0008F775
  • 브라민 가죽 옷 - 00018DE5
  • 브라더후드 오브 스틸 파워아머 - 00075201
  • 브라더후드 오브 스틸 파워헬멧- 00075203
  • 브라더후드 오브 스틸 서기복장- 000854CF
  • 방한 T-51b 파워 아머 - 0100c18f
  • Button's Wig - 0008A6DD
  • Child Blastoff Helmet - 0007C109
  • 중공군 스텔스 아머 - XX00c18f
  • 중공군 스텔스 헬멧 - XX00c190
  • 중공군 장교 모자- 00078646
  • 중공군 복장 - 000340D2
  • Autumn 대령의 코트 - 0005157E
  • 컴뱃 아머- 00020420
  • 컴뱃 헬멧- 00020426
  • 코만도 아머- 000CB544
  • 개조된 리콘 아머- 000CB5FA
  • 개조된 리콘 아머- 000CB5FB
  • 크로우의 아이봇 헬멧 - 000B17A0
  • 아빠의 황무지 복장- 00079F09
  • 디펜더 아머- 000CB543
  • 더러운 중국군 복장- 000CB603
  • 더러운 전쟁전 사업복장- 0005C682
  • 더러운 전쟁전 평상복장- 000340CF
  • 더러운 전쟁전 아이복장- 000340C4
  • Dirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit - 0005BB70
  • Dirty Pre-War Relaxedwear - 0005BB6F
  • 더러운 전쟁전 봄 복장- 00066C71
  • 리 박사의 안경- 0005C9A0
  • 리 박사의 복장- 000340DA
  • 라이언의 복장- 00087274
  • 엔클레이브 모자- 00078647
  • 엔클레이브 복장- 000340DE
  • 엔클레이브 파워아머- 00023B62
  • 엔클레이브 과학자 복장- 0001B5BD
  • 엔클레이브 기습부대 아머- 000CB5F3
  • 엔클레이브 기습부대 헬멧- 000CB5F4
  • 방사능 저항 복장- 000C09D4
  • 율로지 존의 모자 - 00034126
  • Explorer's Gear - 000CB549
  • 아이봇 헬멧 - 0004E6A0
  • 안경 - 000340FD
  • 구울 마스크 - 0001DC1C
  • GlassesReadingChild - 0005DC82
  • 때묻은 전쟁전 사업복장- 000B1056
  • 핸드-미-다운 레이더 복장- 000CB5FE
  • 핸디맨 강화복- 000BF6FD
  • 만인을 위한 모자- 000CB604
  • Head Wrap - 00074336
  • Highway Scar Armor - 000CB5FF
  • 하키 마스크 - 00033598
  • Junior Officer Outfit - 000340F9
  • Kid's Ballcap with Glasses - 0009B185
  • Kid's Baseball Cap - 000340C1
  • Kid's Cave Rat Outfit - 000340E4
  • Kid's Murray the Mole Hat - 00078643
  • Kid's Party Hat - 00028FF8
  • Kid's Police Hat - 000340E1
  • Lab Technician Outfit - 000340D7
  • Leather Armor - 00020423
  • Leather Armor - 0002DC05
  • Ledoux's Hockey Mask - 0007401C
  • Lesko's Lab Coat - 000C24F9
  • Lincoln's Hat - 0004445B
  • Linden's Outcast Power Armor - 00070877
  • Lucky Shades - 000CB54B
  • Lyons' Pride Power Armor - 00061A73
  • MacCready's Helmet - 0002D11B
  • Makeshift Gas Mask - 000C111A
  • Maple's Garb - 0005A6CA
  • Mayor MacCready's Outfit - 000340E7
  • Merc Adventurer Outfit - 00034124
  • Merc Charmer Outfit - 00034122
  • Merc Cruiser Outfit - 000CB60B
  • Merc Grunt Outfit - 000CB60A
  • Merc Troublemaker Outfit - 00034123
  • Merc Veteran Outfit - 0008C83C
  • Metal Armor - 0003307F
  • Metal Helmet - 00033080
  • Modified Utility Jumpsuit - 0007C17C
  • Motorcycle Helmet - 0009B186
  • Mysterious Stranger Hat - 0006B467
  • Mysterious Stranger Outfit - 0006696D
  • Naughty Nightwear - 000C8E07
  • Oasis Druid Hood - 0009B18A
  • Oasis Exile Hood - 000C942D
  • Oasis Robe - 000340E8
  • Oasis Villager Robe - 000340E9
  • Outcast Power Armor - 00060C70
  • Outcast Power Helmet - 00060C72
  • Outcast Recon Helmet - 000645ED
  • Party Hat - 00050E44
  • Party Hat Stanley - 000B75E2
  • Pint-Sized Slasher Mask - 000340FC
  • Police Hat - 000AB491
  • Poplar's Hood - 0005A6CB
  • Power-Suit Armor - 000CB60C
  • Power Armor - 00025083
  • Power Helmet - 00014C08
  • Pre-War Baseball Cap - 00028FF9
  • Pre-War Bonnet - 000340CD
  • Pre-War Casualwear - 0001EA6D
  • Pre-War Hat - 000340C8
  • Pre-War Kid's Outfit - 000340C3
  • Pre-War Outfit and Watch - 000ABBE2
  • Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit - 0005BB66
  • Pre-War Relaxedwear - 0005BB63
  • Pre-War Spring Outfit - 000340D0
  • Prototype Medic Power Armor - 0007836E
  • Pyro Helmet - 000CB600

책 치트

  • 과학대백과사전 - 0002D3A4
  • 중공군 스페셜포스 지침서 - 00034045
  • 내과의학에 관한 수도 학술지 - 00034043
  • 딘의 전자공학책 - 0003403D
  • 숨으세요! - 0006A80C
  • 풋 락커 - 000199C2
  • 야만전사 그로그낙 - 00034040
  • 총 과 총알 - 0003403E
  • 거짓말, 오빤 국회 스타일~ - 00034044
  • 국가 5성급 비밀 - 0002D3A3
  • 니콜라 테슬라와 당신!(개인적으로 니콜라테슬라 존경함 기호T테슬러) 파워공고 - 00034041
  • 실 낙원 - 000BACFE
  • 삽화로 보는 붝싱 - 0003403F
  • 서바이벌 가이드 - 0002D3B2
  • 정크타운의 육포상인 이야기 - 00034042
  • 오늘날의 곡예사 - 00034046
  • 미육군: 30가지 화염방사기 제조법 - 00034048
  • 황무지 생존 가이드 - 000C5634
  • 당신은 특별합니당! - 000AB2EF
  • The Megaton 화이팅~ -Ants-

수제무기 설계도 치트

  • 다트 건★ - 000BAFFA
  • 병뚜껑 지뢰- 000BAFFB
  • 데스클로 건틀릿★ - 000BAFFC
  • 뉴카 수류탄 - 000BAFFD
  • 개못 소총★ - 000BAFFE
  • 록-잇 런쳐 - 000BAFFF
  • 시쉬케밥 - 000BB000

무기 치트

Player.additem [itemhex] [item number]
  • .32 피스톨 - 0000080A
  • 10mm 피스톨 - 0001A334
  • 10mm 서브머신건 - 00004321
  • 에일리언 블래스터 - 00004322
  • 돌격소총 - 0001FFEC
  • 야구 방망이 - 0000421C
  • BB탄 총 - 000C0327
  • Black Bart's Bane - 0006B535
  • 병뚜껑 지뢰 - 0000433A
  • 청동 너클 - 00004324
  • Breaker - 000CB546
  • Buzzsaw - 0003BC6F
  • 중공군 돌격 소총 - 00046BDD
  • 중공군 장교 검 - 0006415D
  • 징웨이 장군의 전기검(충격검) - 0100c07c
  • 중공군 권총 - 00004325
  • 컴뱃 나이프 - 00064093
  • 전투 산탄총 - 00004327
  • 전투 산탄총 - 0003713D
  • 다트건 - 0000432A
  • 데스클로 건틀릿 - 0000432B
  • Electrical Zap - 00022FF1
  • Excalibat - 000C80BC
  • 펫 맨 - 0000432C
  • Fire Hydrant - 00021367
  • Flamer - 00039550
  • 수류탄 - 00004330
  • 대인 지뢰 - 00028172
  • 가스트랩 더미 - 000001F6
  • 개틀링 레이져 - 0000432E
  • 가우스 라이플 - 0100c07d
  • 가우스 라이플 베타 - 01001616
  • Hand Laser - 00018B9E
  • 사냥용 총 - 00004333
  • Jack -000C6E5B
  • 칼 - 00004334
  • 레이져 - 0007B237
  • 레이져 피스툴 - 00004335
  • 레이져 소총 - 00004336
  • 레이져 소총 - 00074795
  • 납 파이프 - 00004337
  • Liberty Laser - 00033FE2
  • LibertyPrimeWeapBomb - 0005932F
  • Mesmeron - 00004339
  • Mesmetron - 000BF5A4
  • 미니건 - 0000433F
  • 마이얼럭 미끼 수류탄 - 00030664
  • 미사일 런쳐(발사기) - 00057E8F
  • 네일 보드 - 000A01DD
  • 뉴카 슈류탄 - 00004342
  • 플라즈마 슈류탄 - 00004332
  • 플라즈마 건 - 0003954F
  • 플라즈마 지뢰 - 0000433D
  • 플라즈마 라이플 - 00004343
  • 경찰봉 - 00004345
  • 풀 큐 - 00004346
  • 파워 피스트 - 00004347
  • Protectron's Gaze - 000C553F
  • 펄스 수류탄 - 00004331
  • 펄스 지뢰 - 0000433E
  • 방사성 침 - 00058717
  • 레일웨이 라이플 - 00004348
  • 구충제 스틱 - 0002D3B7
  • 예비군의 라이플 - 00092966
  • 리퍼 (전기톱) - 00004349
  • 락-잇-런처 - 0000434B
  • 롤링 핀 - 00029769
  • 소드 오프 샷건 - 0000434C
  • 스코프 .44 매그넘 - 0000434D
  • 시쉬케밥 - 0000434E
  • 소음 10mm 피스톨 - 00004350
  • 슬렛지해머 - 00063FA2
  • 저격총 - 00004353
  • 스파이크 너클 - 00004354
  • 슈퍼 슬렛지 - 000B0E7C
  • 스위치 블레이드 - 000289C3
  • Tire Iron - 00004328
  • 머리핀 =000000A
  • 버티버드 소이 건= 0003E5E2
  • 버티버드 건 =00089C51

특별무기 치트

Player.additem [itemhex] [item number]

고유장비 (Unique Items) 참조

이름 종류 위치 & 얻는 방법 품번
포크스의 초대형망치 볼트87 (Vault 87)1) 0007843F
피스토 (Fisto!) Power Fist MDPL-13전력중계소 [Mdpl-13 Power Station]2) 000CB601
A3-21의 플라즈마 라이플 리벳시티 (Rivet city)3) 0006B539
개미침 (Ant's Sting) Knife AntAgonizer's Lair4) 000C553E
블랙호크 (Blackhawk) Scoped .44 Magnum 아가사의 집 (Agatha's House)5) 000303A2
교육의 판대기 (Board Of Education) Nail Board 절벽위 판자집 (Clifftop Shacks)6)
버치의 이쑤시개 (Butch's Toothpick) Switchblade 볼트101 (Vault 101)7) 00078440
Colonel Autum's 10mm Pistol 권총 제퍼슨 기념관 (Jefferson Memorial)8) 0006B531
Colonel Autum's Laser Pistol 레이져권총 제퍼슨 기념관 (Jefferson Memorial)9) 000ABBE4
실험용 MIRV (Experimental MIRV) 미니누크발사기(Fat Man) 국가방위군본부 (National Guard Depot)10) 0003422B
살인마 잭 (Jack The Ripper) 데쓰클로 서식지 (Deathclaw sanctuary)11) 000C6E5B
링컨총 (Lincoln's Repeater) 엽총 역사박물관 (Museum of History)12) 0003C07A
미스런쳐 (Miss Launcher) Missile Launcher 인디펜던스 요새 (Fort Independence)13) 000B2644
올페인리스 (Ol'Painless) Hunting Rifle 데이브 공화국 [Republic Of Dave]14) 00066C76
저더스플랭켓의 잘못된시작 가시달린 손무기 알링턴 국립묘지 (Arlington National Cemetry) 15) 000CAFA9
Protection's Gaze Laser Pistol 캔터배리 커먼 (Canterbury Commons)16)
예비군총 (Reservist's Rifle) Sniper Rifle Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel17)
밀수꾼의 끝 Laser Pistol 시타델 (Citadel)18) 0006B536
찌르는 즐거움 Combat Knife Mini-Encounter19) 000C80BE
(The Break) 당구 pool cue 파라다이스 폴스 (Paradise falls)20) 00066C77
텐더라이져 (The Tenderizer) Sledgehammer 앵커리지 기념관 [Anchorage Memorial]21) 000A874B
벰파이어의 시대 Chinese Officer's Sword Meresti Trainyard22) 00078441
승리총 (Victory Rifle) Sniper Rifle 버려진 판자집 (Abandoned Shack)23) 000CB548
훤롱 (Xuanlong Assault Rifle) Jury Street Metro Station24) 000c800e
주롱 v418 중국권총 (Zhu-rong V418 Chinese Pistol) 롭 엔터프라이즈 (L.O.B. Enterprise)25) 00060C2C
방화의 달인 [Burnmaster] Flamer Franklin Metro Utility26) 000C80BD
유진 (Eugene) Minigun Reilly's Rangers Compound27) 0006B538
불창 (Firelance) 에일리언 블래스터 Mini-Encounter28) 000C80BA
노상강도의 친구 [Highwayman's Friend] Tire Iron 캔터배리 커먼 (Canterbury Commons)29) 00078442
메즈메트론 (Mesmetron) 현혹기? 파라다이스 폴스 (Paradise falls)30)
오캄의 면도날 [Occam's Razor] Combat Knife 베니스터 요새 (Fort Bannister)31) 000CB602
시드니의 기관총 (Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG) 기관총 국립 기록 보관소 (National archives)32) 0006E7CC(정상), 00066C77(부서진것)
무릎따개 (The Kneecapper) 자른샷건 질더쉐이드 (Girdershade)33) 0006B53A
쇼커 (The Shocker) Power Fist 침수된 역 (Flooded Metro)34) 000BFF62
공포의 산탄총 (The Terrible Shotgun) 샷건 에버그린밀즈 (Evergreen Mills)35) 0006B534
복수 (Vengeance) Gatling Laser 데쓰클로 서식지 (Deathclaw sanctuary)36) 000CB547
웨저 와이플 (Wazer Wifle) Laser Rifle 리틀 램프라이트 (Little Lamplight)37) 00061793
역류소총 xx00ed14
사랑의 매 치트38) 000C80B9
오그레디의 중재자(지킴이) 손무기 치트39) 0007843D
쇠소리를지르다 0007F598
슬래셔 나이프 식칼 평온의 거리 (tranquility_lane), 외부에선 치트40) 0002869C
클로버의 클리버 중공군장교검 치트41) 000C80B8
저주 종결자 야구방망이 치트42) 000C80BB
로 독(Law Dog) .322리볼버 치트43) 0006B532
버티버드 소이 건 0003E5E2
버티버드 건 00089C51

폴아웃 통합커뮤니티 및 THE MEGATON화이팅~♥ -Ants-

총알 치트

  • .308 Caliber Round - 0006B53C
  • .32 Caliber Round - 000207F7
  • .44 Round Magnum - 0002937E
  • 10mm Round - 00004241
  • 5.56mm Round - 00004240 (전에있던 코드는 추가시 적용이안되서 총알로 쓰지못했습니다. 수정)
  • 5mm Round - 0006B53D
  • Alien Powercell - 00029364
  • BB - Ammo - 0002935B
  • Bottlecap Mines - 0000433A
  • Dart - 00047419
  • Electron Charge Pack - 0006B53E
  • Energy Cell - 00020772
  • Flamer Fuel - 00029371
  • Frag Grenades - 00004330
  • Frag Mines - 0000433C
  • Mesmetron Power Cell - 0006A80D
  • Microfusion Cell - 00004485
  • Mini Nuke - 00020799
  • 미사일 - 00029383
  • Pulse Grenades - 00004331
  • 개못 - 00029384
  • 산탄총 총알 - 00028EEA
  • Sonic Energy - 00056634

퍽(Perk) 치트

player.addperk을 사용하세요.

  • 아다만티움 골격 - 00094EC4
  • 액션 보이 - 00031DBA
  • 액션 걸 - 0007B202
  • 동물 친구 - 00031DB5
  • 향상된 치명타 - 00031DBB
  • 요부 - 00094EB8
  • 피보라 - 00094EBA
  • 식인종 - 00094EBC
  • 화학자 - 0009982D
  • 화학저항자 - 00099827
  • 동심 - 00003142
  • 특공대 - 00099828
  • 이해자 - 00031DE1
  • 컴퓨터 마법사 - 00031DC4
  • 집중포화 - 00044CAF
  • 살인 청부 업자 - 00044CA8
  • 사이보그 퍽 - 00044CAB
  • 파파 보이 - 00044948
  • 파파 걸- 00069310
  • 철거 전문가 - 00031DAB
  • 교육받은자 - 00031DD8
  • 탐험가 - 00031DE5
  • 곤충 학자 - 00031DD9
  • 빠른 신진 대사 - 00094EBF
  • 교묘한 처리 - 00094EC1
  • 재산 찾기 - 00031DE3
  • 사신 정신 - 00099834
  • 총을 걸친 사내- 0004494E
  • 총잡이 - 00094EBB
  • 지금 바로! - 00031DAC
  • 공평한 중재 - 00044CAD
  • 잠입자 - 00044CB0
  • 혹독한 훈련 - 00044CB1
  • 철권 - 00031DDB
  • 바람둥이 - 00094EB9
  • 법률자 - 00044CAC
  • Lead Belly - 00044CA9
  • 가벼운 발걸음 - 00031DB7
  • 생명을 주는자 - 00031DB1
  • 꼬마 야구선수 - 00014B97
  • 흥정의 달인 - 00031DB8
  • 잠귀신 - 00031DAD
  • 의문의 사나이(상하이 조) - 00031DBC
  • 분노 폭발 - 00044CA7
  • 야행성 인간 - 00094EBD
  • 닌자 - 00031DCC
  • 마비 펀치 - 00044CAA
  • 방화광 - 00031DB2
  • 방사능저항자 - 00031DA9
  • 악당 - 00044CA6
  • 식객 - 00031DAA
  • 은밀한 질주 - 00031DB3
  • 큰게 좋아 - 0009982E
  • 스나이퍼 - 00031DB4
  • 태양력 - 00031DC5
  • 튼튼한허리 - 00031DDE
  • 학습자 - 00031DD3
  • 테그! - 00031DBD
  • 도둑 퍽 - 00031DD6
  • 인성 - 00031DE0
  • 충분히쉬다 - 00061822

퀘스트 퍽(Perk) 치트

player.addperk을 사용하세요.

  • 개미의 시야 - 000C1A6C
  • 개미의 힘 - 000C1A6B
  • 나무껍질 피부 - 00035E04
  • 무너진 꿈 - 00030FEB
  • 피의 생물 - 00003131
  • 파워아머 훈련 - 00058FDF
  • 방사능 재생능력 - 0003066B
  • 향상된 조건반사 - 00024D5C
  • 초보 생존가 E - 000331d7
  • 초보 생존가 D - 000331d6
  • 초보 생존가 C - 000331d5
  • 초보 생존가 B - 000331d4
  • 초보 생존가 A - 0002d3a2
  • 생존의 권위자 E - 000331df
  • 생존의 권위자 D - 000331de
  • 생존의 권위자 C - 000331dd
  • 생존의 권위자 B - 000331dc
  • 생존의 권위자 A - 0002d3a0
  • 생존 전문가 E - 000331db
  • 생존 전문가 D - 000331da
  • 생존 전문가 C - 000331d9
  • 생존 전문가 D - 000331d8
  • 생존 전문가 A - 0002d3a0

음식/약품 치트

  • 개미고기 =0003C345
  • 여왕 개미 페로몬= 00033068
  • 맥주 = 00015197
  • 딸기(베리)맛 멘토스= 000BF7C6
  • 블람코의 맥 치즈 =0008C556
  • 변종파리 고기= 0007C10D
  • 혈액 팩 = 00034051
  • 브라민 스테이크 = 00015198
  • 풍선 껌 =0008C560
  • 버프아웃 = 00015163
  • 동굴 펀구스 =00038E0C
  • 크램(스팸) =0008C552
  • 다람쥐 조각 꼬지(치) = 00031948
  • 오래된 과일 =0001519C
  • 댄디보이 사과 = 0008C554
  • 더러운 물= 000151A4
  • 개 고기 =00034050
  • 방사능 스낵 케이크 =0008C55A
  • 화염 개미 즙=00085ABB
  • 신선한 사과 =00015196
  • 신선한 당근 = 00015199
  • 신선한 배(혹은 배추라는데 잘 모르겠음) =0001519F
  • 신선한 감자 =000151A0
  • 포도맛 멘토스 =000BF7C5
  • 껌 =0008C564
  • 마이얼럭 헌터 고기 = 00065175
  • 인육 =0003404F
  • 차가운 뉴카콜라 =00040DCB
  • 이구아나 조각 = 0001519A
  • 이구아나 꼬지(치)= 0001519B
  • 물에바로타먹는거= 0008C558
  • 제트 =00015164
  • 불량 식품 =0003359C
  • Med-X =00050F8F
  • 멘토스 =00015165
  • 마이얼럭 케이크 =0003404D
  • 마이얼럭 고기 =0003404E
  • 미스 퀀텀 파이 =00049076
  • 땅두더지 고기 =0003404C
  • 모어렛 끝내주는부위 =000ABD17
  • 과일 = 00034049
  • 라면 = 0001519D
  • 누카-콜라 =0001519E
  • 누카-콜라 퀀텀 =000284F9
  • 뉴카럭(마이얼럭) 고기 =00095F48
  • 오렌지맛 멘토스 =000BF7C7
  • 돼지고기와 완두콩 통조림 = 0008C55E
  • 포테이토 칩 =0008C562
  • 싸이코 = 00015166
  • 깨끗한 물 =000151A3
  • 라드로치(방사능 바퀴)고기 =0009C957
  • 라드-X - 00015168
  • 라드어웨이 - 00015167
  • 솔즈베리 스테이크 =000293A9
  • 스카치 =000151A1
  • 연한껍질 마이얼럭 고기 =000552CE
  • 다람지 꼬지(치)구이 =00031949
  • 다람쥐 스튜 =0003194A
  • 스텔스 보이 =43E94
  • 스팀팩 =00015169
  • 이상한 고기 =0002E376
  • 이상한 고기 파이 =0007E173
  • 슈가 밤 =0008C551
  • 스위트 롤 = 00030A23
  • 울트라 제트 = 000C9CF4
  • 보드카 =00032C74
  • 위스키 =00032C75
  • 와인 = 0003404A
  • 야오과이 고기 =0003404B

**크리쳐 소환 치트**

Player.PlaceAtMe를 사용하세요.

  • 7BDA7 Mister Gutsy
  • 7B861 Failed FEV Subject
  • 76926 Dog
  • 7480F Scavenger's Yao Guai
  • 73E23 Scavenger's Yao Guai
  • 73E1E Scavenger's Yao Guai
  • 73E1D Scavenger's Dog
  • 73E12 Scavenger's Yao Guai
  • 73E10 Scavenger's Dog
  • 73E08 Scavenger's Yao Guai
  • 73E07 Scavenger's Dog
  • 73244 Scavenger's Yao Guai
  • 73243 Scavenger's Yao Guai
  • 73242 Scavenger's Dog
  • 7323F Scavenger's Yao Guai
  • 7323E Scavenger's Dog
  • 73204 Glowing One
  • 72B8A Feral Ghoul Roamer
  • 72B88 Feral Ghoul Roamer
  • 72B87 Feral Ghoul
  • 72B82 Glowing One
  • 72B7F Feral Ghoul Roamer
  • 72B79 Feral Ghoul Roamer
  • 72B59 Feral Ghoul
  • 71896 Outcast Protectron
  • 6C5CD Outcast Robobrain
  • 67386 Protectron
  • 663A4 Protectron
  • 6639F Protectron
  • 6639E Protectron
  • 62EAC Enclave Eyebot
  • 62DEA Enclave Eyebot
  • 5C342 Feral Ghoul5B3BE Radroach
  • 5AE49 Enclave Eyebot
  • 569B2 Radroach
  • 54D75 Mole Rat
  • 53389 Mole Rat
  • 52B9A Feral Ghoul
  • 526E2 Mole Rat
  • 4E5EB Mirelurk
  • 47E87 Mirelurk King
  • 44DCE Radscorpion
  • 2F585 Jitters
  • 1FEC8 Fluffy
  • 1F67C Brahmin
  • CAADA Samuel
  • CAAC0 Mad Brahmin
  • CA032 Brahmin
  • C938B Scavenger's Dog
  • C8513 Super Mutant
  • C8231 Radroach
  • C8063 Fire Ant
  • C79DE Pumpkin
  • C72C9 Fire Ant Warrior
  • C595E Radroach
  • C58EF Fire Ant Warrior
  • C4977 AudioTemplateMirelurkKing
  • C394C Yao Guai
  • C34D2 Super Mutant
  • C3280 Deathclaw
  • C290A Deathclaw
  • C053F Thomas Jefferson
  • C053E Backup Protectron Unit
  • BF5B8 Giant Ant
  • BE92D Super Mutant
  • B05E5 Super Mutant
  • B05E4 Super Mutant
  • B05E3 Super Mutant
  • B0449 Deathclaw
  • A5D4E Sentry Bot
  • A5C6E Sentry Bot
  • A5C6C Robobrain
  • A592B Protectron
  • 838B4 Yao Guai
  • 7DD14 Rex
  • 7DD0D Pete
  • 7DD0B Muttface7DD06 Ginger
  • 7DCFB Bandit
  • 7DCF5 Hooligan
  • 74163 Andy
  • 603AA Mark I Turret
  • 5CC80 Vicious Dog
  • 5C3AA Protectron
  • 5BB10 Mole Rat
  • 5BB02 Protectron
  • 5AC77 Protectron
  • 500B8 Robobrain
  • 3E592 Radroach
  • 3D807 Glowing One
  • 39AF9 Protectron
  • 3995B Protectron
  • 391AE Mister Gutsy
  • 34785 Giant Ant Queen
  • 34777 Invader Ant
  • 3118D Mark VI Turret
  • 31189 Hoff's Pack Brahmin
  • 27DEB Crow's Pack Brahmin
  • 27DE7 Harith's Pack Brahmin
  • 27DE5 Wolfgang's Pack Brahmin
  • 251B2 Super Mutant
  • 1E821 AudioTemplateTurretCeiling
  • 3402 Eye Intercom
  • BCC4D Deathclaw
  • BC11C Eye Intercom
  • BAE92 Factory Protectron
  • BAD1A Feral Ghoul
  • B9B5C AudioTemplateSentryTurret
  • B2997 Protectron
  • B15F9 AudioTemplateAntQueen
  • AF836 Deathclaw
  • AF619 AudioTemplateRadScorpion
  • AF5E5 Enclave Sentry Bot
  • AF5E4 Enclave Sentry Bot
  • AEDE4 Fire Ant Soldier
  • AEDE3 Fire Ant Worker
  • AEC51 Enclave Sentry Bot
  • AEC21 Enclave Sentry Bot
  • AE86C Feral Ghoul
  • AC5F3 Mister Handy
  • ABD6F Protectron
  • AB4A1 Sentry BotAB48B Vicious Dog
  • AA7C0 AudioTemplateBrahminPack
  • A8A5C Mark V Turret
  • A7B1E AudioTemplateDeathclaw
  • A53F0 Protectron
  • A5396 Brahmin
  • A4E5D Brahmin
  • A4529 Protectron
  • A4528 Protectron
  • A4527 Protectron
  • A4524 Protectron
  • A4426 Protectron
  • A3D15 Mole Rat
  • A29F4 Mirelurk
  • A289F Mirelurk
  • A25B1 Radroach
  • A11FA Radroach
  • A09CF Feral Ghoul Roamer
  • 9FAFA Feral Ghoul
  • 9EE04 Super Mutant
  • 9E8E9 Super Mutant
  • 9E8E8 Super Mutant
  • 9E8E7 Super Mutant
  • 9E8E6 Super Mutant
  • 9E8E5 Super Mutant
  • 9E8E4 Super Mutant
  • 9E8E3 Super Mutant
  • 9E8E2 Super Mutant Brute
  • 9E8E1 Super Mutant Brute
  • 9E8E0 Super Mutant Brute
  • 9E8DE Super Mutant Brute
  • 9E897 Radroach
  • 4147E Super Mutant
  • 4147C Super Mutant
  • 30522 Nuka-Cola Security
  • 9B91A AudioTemplateBlowFly
  • 9B172 Andy
  • 97F30 Super Mutant Behemoth
  • 97161 Enclave Eyebot
  • 94ECE Super Mutant Master
  • 94ECD Super Mutant Master
  • 94ECC Super Mutant Master
  • 94ECB Super Mutant Master
  • 94ECA Super Mutant Brute
  • 94EC9 Super Mutant Brute94EC8 Super Mutant Brute
  • 94EC7 Super Mutant Brute
  • 94EC6 Super Mutant
  • 94EC5 Super Mutant
  • 94881 Sentry Bot
  • 94880 Sentry Bot
  • 9487F Mister Gutsy
  • 9487E Robobrain
  • 94868 Protectron
  • 94867 Sergeant RL-3
  • 92C4F Super Mutant Brute
  • 92C4E Super Mutant Master
  • 92C4D Super Mutant Master
  • 92C4C Super Mutant Brute
  • 92C3D Bloatfly
  • 8F7B0 Mark II Turret
  • 8F0CF Talon Company Guard Dog
  • 8F086 Eye Intercom
  • 8646F Mark IV Turret
  • 8646E Mark IV Turret
  • 8646D Mark IV Turret
  • 8646C Mark II Turret
  • 8646B Mark II Turret
  • 8646A Mark II Turret
  • 8B5FE Brahmin
  • 8840C Mole Rat
  • 854D5 Fire Ant Soldier
  • 83EB5 Fire Ant Worker
  • 7F477 Wadsworth
  • 7F476 Godfrey
  • 7E1B4 Brahmin
  • 7D410 Mirelurk King
  • 7C166 Mark VI Turret
  • 7B23B Mark IV Turret
  • 7B235 Mark II Turret
  • 79F2B Enclave Eyebot
  • 78803 AudioTemplateMirelurk
  • 7079D AudioTemplateMoleRat
  • 6F772 Mark II Turret
  • 6F587 Super Mutant Behemoth
  • 6C559 Stefan
  • 6B970 Radroach
  • 6B238 Radroach
  • 6B237 Andy
  • 6A901 Enclave Eyebot6A772 Dogmeat
  • 68646 Centaur
  • 65712 AudioTemplateFeralGhoul
  • 6490C Radroach
  • 6020B Fire Ant Nest Guardian
  • 5FD26 Liberty Prime
  • 5FCCB AudioTemplateRobotProtectron
  • 5F9D1 Sentry Bot
  • 5F9CC Sentry Bot
  • 5F9CB Sentry Bot
  • 5F9CA Sentry Bot
  • 5CC52 AudioTemplateRobotRobobrain
  • 5CC51 AudioTemplateRobotSentrybot
  • 59BC0 Enclave Eyebot
  • 58A0C Mister Handy
  • 58772 Glowing One
  • 4E140 Deathclaw
  • 3FB04 AudioTemplateYaoGuai
  • 3E632 AudioTemplateDog
  • 522DB Radroach
  • 513F1 Super Mutant Brute
  • 513EE Super Mutant
  • 4F793 Uncle Leo
  • 4EE09 Deathclaw
  • 4E79C Doc
  • 4D5B7 Milo, Shipping Foreman
  • 4D036 AudioTemplateRobotMrHandy
  • 4BAF8 Super Mutant Behemoth
  • 4B03D Robobrain
  • 43EC0 Enclave Eyebot
  • 406AA Vicious Dog
  • 381DF Vicious Dog
  • 307C2 Giant Radscorpion
  • 1EE61 Masterbrain
  • 3D34E Fawkes
  • 3CAC5 Metro Protectron
  • 3AEF7 AudioTemplateRadRoach
  • 3A6FF Sentry Bot
  • 3A149 Super Mutant Master
  • 3A148 Super Mutant Brute
  • 3A147 Super Mutant
  • 393ED Fire Ant Soldier
  • 393EC Fire Ant Worker
  • 36F89 Mister Handy
  • 36F87 Protectron3358A Muffy
  • 33581 Mister Handy
  • 32D2C Radroach
  • 32D2B Giant Radscorpion
  • 32D2A Giant Soldier Ant
  • 32909 Mutated Forager Ant
  • 3210D Deathclaw
  • 31E29 Deathclaw
  • 3181D Marigold Ant Queen
  • 31810 Protectron
  • 30D89 Radroach
  • 306CC Radroach
  • 2F582 Dean Dewey
  • 2F005 Giant Ant
  • 2DB94 Super Mutant
  • 2DB93 Super Mutant
  • 2D6F7 Radroach
  • 2D509 Maintenance Protectron
  • 2D4C7 Radroach
  • 2D3BE Clancy
  • 2D3BD Mirelurk King
  • 2D06B Sentry Bot
  • 2B8EA Cerberus
  • 2B8E7 Meat
  • 2B8E5 Ethyl
  • 2AB96 Super Mutant
  • 2A171 Radroach
  • 2977A Mister Handy
  • 296C5 Mr. Handy
  • 29036 Giant Soldier Ant
  • 29035 Super Mutant
  • 28FED Super Mutant Behemoth
  • 28047 AudioTemplateBrahmin
  • 27FB6 Super Mutant Brute
  • 27FB4 Super Mutant
  • 27FB3 Super Mutant Brute
  • 27FB2 Super Mutant Master
  • 27FAD Brahmin
  • 27FA7 Four Score
  • 27053 Giant Ant
  • 24103 AudioTemplateSuperMutantBehemoth
  • 1D3CD Rotting Brahmin Corpse
  • 14C79 Super Mutant
  • 14C50 Super Mutant
  • 21EC1 Mister Gutsy21EC0 Mister Gutsy
  • 21EBE Mister Gutsy
  • 21EBD Mister Gutsy
  • 21490 Brahmin
  • 2131F Sawbones
  • 20AF7 Radroach
  • 205D9 Super Mutant
  • 1EFE3 Radroach
  • 3AD8 Feral Ghoul
  • 3A78 Button Gwinnett
  • 20776 Super Mutant
  • 2040E Deputy Weld
  • 1FB34 Giant Ant
  • 1F567 Super Mutant Behemoth
  • 1E747 Private Jones
  • 1E746 Mister Buckingham
  • 1D770 Mister Mulberry
  • 1D76F Deputy Steel
  • 18FAE Shakes
  • 1D6EC Super Mutant
  • 1D6EA Super Mutant
  • 1D6E2 Metro Protectron
  • 1D529 Super Mutant
  • 1D418 Vicious Dog
  • 1CFA2 Brahmin
  • 1CFA0 Yao Guai
  • 1CF9F Mole Rat
  • 1CF9E Giant Radscorpion
  • 1CF9D Radscorpion
  • 1CF9C Dog
  • 1CF9A Deathclaw
  • 1CF95 Super Mutant Behemoth
  • 1CF93 Super Mutant
  • 1CF90 Centaur
  • 1CF8F Protectron
  • 1CF8E Protectron
  • 1CF8D Protectron
  • 1CF8B Protectron
  • 1CF8A Sentry Bot
  • 1CF89 Robobrain
  • 1CF87 Raider Guard Dog
  • 1CF84 Mirelurk Hunter
  • 1CF83 Mirelurk
  • 1CF81 Giant Worker Ant
  • 1CF80 Giant Soldier Ant1CF7F Giant Ant Queen
  • 1CF7C Radroach
  • 1CF7B Glowing One
  • 1CF7A Feral Ghoul
  • 1CF77 Feral Ghoul Roamer
  • 1CF75 Sentry Bot
  • 1CF74 Robobrain
  • 1CF73 Enclave Eyebot
  • 1CF72 Deathclaw
  • 1CF71 Sentry Bot
  • 1CF70 Robobrain
  • 1CF6E Sentry Bot
  • 1CF6D Robobrain

Console Codes Guide Version 1.0 by Yam Nad

Codes ~

  • activate - Activates the last door you clicked on in the console that is locked but needed to be opened from another place.
  • AddPerk - That's right! Get any perk you want, any and/or all.
  • addspecialpoints # - Add # special points
  • advlevel - Advance one level
  • CompleteAllObjectives / CompleteQuest - Complete quest objectives
  • DisableAllMines - Disables mines
  • EnablePlayerControls - Move around during "locked" cinematics
  • GetQuestComplete/GetQC - Complete all quest items
  • GetQuestCompleted - Complete current quest
  • getXPfornextlevel - Displays xp needed for next level
  • Kill - Automatically kill the target you selected in Console Mode (to target an enemy in console mode, make sure they're visible on the screen, go into the console, and then click on the enemy)
  • Killall - 모두를 죽인다. 만약 건물 내부가 아닌 외부에있다면 외부의 모든 생물을 죽인다.
  • modpca (SPECIAL) # - Adds X points to your SPECIAL stat.
  • moveto player - Move the currently selected target to the player's location.
  • movetoqt - Moves the player to the current quest marker.
  • MoveToQuestTarget/movetoqt - Warp to your quest's target location.
  • placeatme X Y Z - (untested) Should place desired item near you. Replace X Y Z with ItemCode, number of items and their condition, if condition is applicable.
  • player.additem X Y Z - Replace X,Y,Z with ItemCode, number of items and their condition, if condition is applicable.
  • player.coc # - Teleports Player to NPC with the ID #
  • player.ForceAV - Directly set your skill values.
  • player.getav karma - Gets the current number of karma.
  • player.modav actionpoints # - Permanently modifies player's max action points.
  • player.modav carryweight # - Permanently modifies player's max weight.
  • player.modav skill # - Modifies player's desired skill. (player.modav luck 10)
  • player.modScale (float) - Modifies players scale from 1.0 to -1.0 (double to quarter size). ("player.modscale 0.2" makes player 0.2 bigger)
  • player.removeitem "XXX" - Removes "XXX" number of items from your inventory of type. Useful for removing quest flagged items
  • player.setav # - Sets skill level to #. Max 100. This sets all skill bonuses but those from gear, tag skills, or attributes.
  • player.setav # - Sets the typed attribute to the number provided. (1-10)
  • player.setlevel # - Changes level to #.
  • prid X - Replace X with the code for a character you want to select, if you can't select him through clicking on him in console mode.
  • ResetQuest - Reset a quest.
  • resurrect - Revives dead selected console target.
  • rewardKarma # - Reward # karma points to player
  • rewardxp X - Replace X with the number of experience points to receive
  • save fred 1 - Opens a text file with all objects (items, npcs, props) and their corresponding ID Form codes (unique for every savegame). This is VERY useful for opening a searchable database matching NPC names to ID numbers.
  • set timescale to # - Alters the speed in which the in-game time passes.
  • SetEssential 1 - Sets the NPC as essential.
  • setessential 6a772 1 - Dogmeat is marked Essential (Unkillable)
  • setgs fJumpHeightMin # - Changes how high your player will jump. Replace the # with the desired height. (default = 64)
  • setgs iMaxCharacterLevel ### - Sets the maximum level that your character can reach through experience gain. Replace the ### with the desired maximum level.
  • SetPCCanUsePowerArmor 1 - Allows player to wear Brotherhood of Steel armor without the training prerequisite.
  • SetPCYoung - Everyone wants to be a kid again!
  • setspecialpoints # - Set the number of special points to #
  • SexChange - Self Explanatory
  • ShowNameMenu - Change your name.
  • showracemenu - Open the character creation screen
  • tcai - Toggles combat AI on/off. Enemies stand still and do not fire back. Some will still continue their patrol-route.
  • tcl - Toggles clipping mode on/off.
  • tfc - Toggles free camera mode (useful for character screenshots. Remember to enter 3rd-person view first, or the player will be invisible and a (presumably) debug part of the HUD will be visible to the right from center.)
  • tg - Toggles grass on/off.
  • tgm - Toggles God-mode on/off.
  • tm - Toggles the HUD on/off (useful for character screenshots)
  • tt - Toggles trees culled/not culled.
  • tmm 1 - Toggles all map markers on.
  • unlock - Unlocks any selected physical lock (doors, chests, etc) and terminals.
  • player.setav speedmult 100 이동속도를 100으로(너무 빠르니 죽을 수 있음. 주의)
  • player.setgs fjumpheightmin 64 점프높이를 64로 (기본이 64. 너무 높이면 떨어지며 죽을 수 있음. 주의)

Adding Items ~

Player.additem [itemhex] [item number]

Bobby pin=000000A


  • Big Book of Science=0003403C
  • Big Book of Science =0002D3A4
  • Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual =00034045
  • D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine= 00034043
  • Dean's Electronics= 0003403D
  • Duck and Cover!= 0006A80C
  • Footlocker =000199C2
  • Grognak the Barbarian= 00034040
  • Guns and Bullets= 0003403E
  • Lying, Congressional Style =00034044
  • Motivational Secrets of the Stars 0002D3A3
  • Nikola Tesla and You =00034041
  • Paradise Lost= 000BACFE
  • Pugilism Illustrated =0003403F
  • Survival Guide Manuscript =0002D3B2
  • Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor= 00034042
  • Tumblers Today =00034046
  • U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes= 00034048
  • Wasteland Survival Guide= 000C5634
  • You're SPECIAL!= 000AB2EF

Aid Supplies

  • Ant Meat =0003C345
  • Ant Queen Pheromones= 00033068
  • Beer= 00015197
  • Berry Mentats= 000BF7C6
  • Blamco Mac and Cheese =0008C556
  • Bloatfly Meat= 0007C10D
  • Blood Pack= 00034051
  • Brahmin Steak= 00015198
  • Bubblegum =0008C560
  • Buffout= 00015163
  • Cave Fungus =00038E0C
  • Cram =0008C552
  • Crispy Squirrel Bits= 00031948
  • Crunchy Mutfruit =0001519C
  • Dandy Boy Apples= 0008C554
  • Dirty Water= 000151A4
  • Dog Meat =00034050
  • Fancy Lads Snack Cakes =0008C55A
  • Fire Ant Nectar =00085ABB
  • Fresh Apple =00015196
  • Fresh Carrot= 00015199
  • Fresh Pear =0001519F
  • Fresh Potato =000151A0
  • Grape Mentats =000BF7C5
  • Gum Drops =0008C564
  • Hatchling Mirelurk Meat= 00065175
  • Human Flesh =0003404F
  • Ice Cold Nuka-Cola =00040DCB
  • Iguana Bits= 0001519A
  • Iguana on a Stick= 0001519B
  • InstaMash= 0008C558
  • Jet =00015164
  • Junk Food =0003359C
  • Med-X =00050F8F
  • Mentats =00015165
  • Mirelurk Cakes =0003404D
  • Mirelurk Meat =0003404E
  • Miss. Quantum Pie =00049076
  • Mole Rat Meat =0003404C
  • Mole Rat Wonder Meat =000ABD17
  • Mutfruit= 00034049
  • Noodles= 0001519D
  • Nuka-Cola =0001519E
  • Nuka-Cola Quantum =000284F9NukaLurk Meat =00095F48
  • Orange Mentats =000BF7C7
  • Pork N' Beans= 0008C55E
  • Potato Crisps =0008C562
  • Psycho= 00015166
  • Purified Water =000151A3
  • Radroach Meat =0009C957
  • Salisbury Steak =000293A9
  • Scotch =000151A1
  • Softshell Mirelurk Meat =000552CE
  • Squirrel on a Stick =00031949
  • Squirrel Stew =0003194A
  • Stimpaks =00015169
  • Strange Meat =0002E376
  • Strange Meat Pie =0007E173
  • Sugar Bombs =0008C551
  • Sweetroll= 00030A23
  • Ultrajet= 000C9CF4
  • Vodka =00032C74
  • Whiskey =00032C75
  • Wine= 0003404A
  • Yao Guai Meat =0003404B


  • Power Helmet =00014C08
  • Power Armor =00014E13
  • Pip-Boy 3000 =00015038
  • Brahmin-Skin Outfit =00018DE5
  • Enclave Scientist Outfit= 0001B5BD
  • Wasteland Wanderer Outfit= 0001BA00
  • Tinted Reading Glasses= 0001C295
  • Vault Lab Uniform= 0001CBDC
  • Vault 101 Security Armor =0001CBDD
  • Ghoul Mask= 0001DC1C
  • Pre-War Casualwear =0001EA6D
  • Combat Armor= 00020420
  • Leather Armor =00020423
  • Combat Helmet =00020426
  • Sheriff's Duster= 00020429
  • Tunnel Snake Outfit =0002042E
  • Raider Painspike Armor =0002042F
  • Raider Psycho-Tic Helmet =00020432
  • Ranger Battle Armor= 00023030
  • Ranger Armor= 00023030
  • Pip-Boy 3000 =000236D8
  • Rivet City Security Helmet= 000239CB
  • Rivet City Security Uniform= 000239CC
  • Enclave Power Armor= 00023B62
  • Power Armor= 00025083
  • Pip-Boy Glove= 00025B83
  • Recon Armor Helmet =00028EAD
  • Kid's Party Hat =00028FF8
  • Pre-War Baseball Cap =00028FF9
  • Ballcap with Glasses= 00028FFA
  • Roving Trader Outfit =0002B385
  • MacCready's Helmet= 0002D11B
  • Leather Armor= 0002DC05
  • Sheriff's Hat =0002DD80
  • Slave Collar =0002F563
  • Recon Armor= 0003064D
  • Radiation Suit =00033078
  • Advanced Radiation Suit =0003307A
  • Raider Sadist Armor= 0003307C
  • Raider Badlands Armor =0003307D
  • Raider Blastmaster Armor =0003307E
  • Metal Armor= 0003307F
  • Metal Helmet =00033080
  • Hockey Mask =00033598
  • Kid's Baseball Cap =000340C1
  • Pre-War Kid's Outfit =000340C3
  • Dirty Pre-War Kid's Outfit= 000340C4
  • Pre-War Hat =000340C8
  • Pre-War Bonnet =000340CD
  • Dirty Pre-War Casualwear =000340CF
  • Pre-War Spring Outfit =000340D0
  • Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit= 000340D1
  • Chinese Jumpsuit= 000340D2
  • Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit= 000340D3
  • Lab Technician Outfit =000340D7
  • Scientist Outfit= 000340D9
  • Doctor Li's Outfit =000340DA
  • Enclave Officer Uniform =000340DE
  • Kid's Police Hat= 000340E1
  • Kid's Cave Rat Outfit =000340E4
  • Sexy Sleepwear= 000340E6
  • Mayor MacCready's Outfit= 000340E7
  • Oasis Robe= 000340E8
  • Oasis Villager Robe =000340E9
  • Red's Jumpsuit= 000340EA
  • Red's Bandana= 000340EB
  • Vault 87 Jumpsuit= 000340ED
  • Vault 112 Jumpsuit =000340EF
  • Vault 101 Child's Jumpsuit =000340F2
  • Ragamuffin Outfit= 000340F8
  • Junior Officer Outfit= 000340F9
  • Wasteland Scout Uniform =000340FA
  • Athlete of the Wastes Outfit= 000340FB
  • Pint-Sized Slasher Mask =000340FC
  • Eyeglasses= 000340FD
  • Wasteland Doctor Fatigues= 000340FE
  • Wasteland Surgeon Outfit =000340FF
  • Ranger Battle Helmet= 00034105
  • Tenpenny Security Uniform =00034119
  • RobCo Jumpsuit= 0003411A
  • Red Racer Jumpsuit =0003411B
  • Vault 101 Security Helmet =0003411C
  • The AntAgonizer's Costume 0003411D
  • The Mechanist's Costume =0003411E
  • The AntAgonizer's Helmet =0003411F
  • The Mechanist's Helmet =00034120
  • Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit =00034121
  • Merc Charmer Outfit= 00034122
  • Merc Troublemaker Outfit= 00034123
  • Merc Adventurer Outfit =00034124
  • Eulogy Jones' Hat= 00034126Slave Collar =0003D1FE
  • Regulator Duster= 0003E54A
  • Surgical Mask= 0003E591
  • Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit =000425BA
  • Enclave Power Armor =0004443E
  • Lincoln's Hat= 0004445B
  • Eyebot Helmet =0004E6A0
  • Party Hat= 00050E44
  • Colonel Autumn's Uniform =0005157E
  • Maple's Garb =0005A6CA
  • Poplar's Hood= 0005A6CB
  • Raider Blastmaster Helmet =0005B6E8
  • Blast Off Pajamas= 0005B6EA
  • Tenpenny Security Helmet =0005B6EB
  • Pre-War Relaxedwear =0005BB63
  • Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit =0005BB66
  • Dirty Pre-War Relaxedwear =0005BB6F
  • Dirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit =0005BB70
  • Dirty Pre-War Businesswear =0005C682
  • Sunglasses =0005C99F
  • Doctor Li's Glasses =0005C9A0
  • Tortiseshell Glasses =0005C9A1
  • GlassesReadingChild= 0005DC82
  • Outcast Power Armor =00060C70
  • Outcast Power Helmet =00060C72
  • Army Power Armor =00061A72
  • Lyons' Pride Power Armor =00061A73
  • Tunnel Snake Outfit= 00061D98
  • Outcast Recon Helmet =000645ED
  • Mysterious Stranger Outfit =0006696D
  • Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit =00066C71
  • Leather Armor= 00066C72
  • Power Armor= 00066C73
  • Leather Armor =00066C74
  • Tesla Armor= 0006B464
  • Tesla Helmet =0006B465
  • Mysterious Stranger Hat =0006B467
  • Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit= 0006C587
  • Linden's Outcast Power Armor =00070877
  • Bandana= 00073D57
  • Three Dog's Head Wrap =00073FEC
  • Ledoux's Hockey Mask =0007401C
  • Head Wrap= 00074296
  • Head Wrap= 00074334
  • Head Wrap =00074335Head Wrap =00074336
  • Blast Off Helmet =0007494C
  • Ragamuffin Tophat= 00074950
  • Wasteland Scout Hat =00074952
  • Brotherhood Power Armor =00075201
  • Brotherhood of Steel Powered Helmet =00075201
  • Brotherhood of Steel Powered Armor= 00075203
  • Brotherhood Power Helmet= 00075203
  • Prototype Medic Power Armor =0007836E
  • Kid's Murray the Mole Hat =00078643
  • Raider Arclight Helmet =00078644
  • Raider Wastehound Helmet =00078645
  • Chinese Commando Hat =00078646
  • Enclave Officer Hat =00078647
  • Roving Trader Hat =00078648
  • Dad's Wasteland Outfit =00079F09
  • Child Blastoff Helmet= 0007C109
  • Modified Utility Jumpsuit =0007C17C
  • Shady Hat= 0007C17D
  • BirthSkirt =0007CFF0
  • Pre-War Outfit and Watch= 0008198C
  • Vance's Longcoat Outfit= 00083C5C
  • Brotherhood Scribe Robe =000854CF
  • Elder Lyons' Robe= 00087274
  • Underwear= 00089B52
  • Button's Wig= 0008A6DD
  • Merc Veteran Outfit =0008C83C
  • Tesla Armor =0008F571
  • Boogeyman's Hood= 0008F775
  • Tenpenny's Suit =00096CB7
  • Kid's Ballcap with Glasses =0009B185
  • Motorcycle Helmet =0009B186
  • Biker Goggles= 0009B188
  • Stormchaser Hat= 0009B189
  • Oasis Druid Hood =0009B18A
  • Merc Grunt Outfit =000A3045
  • Talon Company Armor =000A6F76
  • Talon Combat Armor =000A6F76
  • T-51b Power Armor= 000A6F77
  • T-51b Power Helmet =000A6F78
  • Police Hat =000AB491
  • Pre-War Outfit and Watch =000ABBE2
  • Three Dog's Glasses= 000ACDA4
  • Talon Combat Helmet= 000B0278
  • Grimy Pre-War Businesswear =000B1056
  • Crow's Eyebot Helmet= 000B17A0
  • Crow's Eyebot Helmet =000B17A0
  • Vault 108 Jumpsuit= 000B73F1
  • Vault 106 Jumpsuit =000B73F2
  • Vault 92 Jumpsuit =000B73F3
  • Party HatStanley= 000B75E2
  • Handyman Jumpsuit = 000BF6FD
  • Environment Suit= 000C09D4
  • Makeshift Gas Mask= 000C111A
  • Lesko's Lab Coat = 000C24F9
  • Merc Cruiser Outfit = 000C5D34
  • The Surgeon's Lab Coat = 000C71E1
  • Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap =000C72FB
  • Torcher's Mask= 000C7C4E
  • Wanderer's Leather Armor = 000C7C54
  • Naughty Nightwear = 000C8E07
  • Oasis Exile Hood = 000C942D
  • Vault 77 Jumpsuit = 000CAFBE
  • Defender Armor = 000CB543
  • Commando Armor =000CB544
  • Explorer's Gear= 000CB549
  • Lucky Shades= 000CB54B
  • Shellshocked Combat Armor =000CB5EF
  • Shellshocked Combat Helmet =000CB5F0
  • Talon Combat Helmet =000CB5F1
  • Talon Combat Armor =000CB5F2
  • Enclave Shocktrooper Armor =000CB5F3
  • Enclave Shocktrooper Helmet= 000CB5F4
  • Road Rascal Leather Armor =000CB5F5
  • Apocalypse Gladiator Armor =000CB5F6
  • Apocalypse Gladiator Helmet =000CB5F7
  • Robo-Thor Helmet =000CB5F8
  • Composite Recon Armor =000CB5FA
  • Composite Recon Helmet =000CB5FB
  • Sharp-Dressed Raider's Armor =000CB5FC
  • The Devil's Pigtails= 000CB5FD
  • Hand-Me-Down Raider Armor= 000CB5FE
  • Highway Scar Armor =000CB5FF
  • Pyro Helmet= 000CB600
  • Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit= 000CB603
  • Hat of the People =000CB604
  • All-Purpose Science Suit= 000CB605
  • Merc Charmer Outfit= 000CB606
  • Wasteland Legend Outfit= 000CB609
  • Merc Grunt Outfit =000CB60A
  • Merc Cruiser Outfit =000CB60B
  • Power-Suit Armor =000CB60C
  • Pre-War Casualwear =000CB60D
  • Sleepwear =000CB60E
  • Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit= 000CB60F


  • .308 Caliber Round =0006B53C
  • .32 Caliber Round =000207F7
  • .44 Round Magnum =0002937E
  • 10mm Round= 00004241
  • 5.56mm Round =00078CC4
  • 5.56mm Round =00004240
  • 5mm Round =0006B53D
  • 5mm Round =000615A8
  • Alien Powercell =00029364
  • BB - Ammo= 0002935B
  • Bottlecap Mines =0000433A
  • Dart =00047419
  • Dart =0002936E
  • Electron Charge Pack= 000615AF
  • Electron Charge Pack= 0006B53E
  • Energy Cell= 00020772
  • Energy Cell= 00078CC2
  • Flamer Fuel= 00029371
  • Flamer Fuel =====00078CC1
  • Frag Grenades 00004330
  • Frag Mines= 0000433C
  • Mesmetron Power Cell= 0006A80D
  • Microfusion Cell= 00078CC3
  • Microfusion Cell =00004485
  • Mini Nuke =00020799
  • Missile =000B8791
  • Missile =0005F706
  • Missile =00078CC5
  • Missles= 00029383
  • Pulse Grenades =00004331
  • Railway Spikes =00029384
  • Shotgun Shell= 00028EEA
  • Shotgun Shell= 0004C5F9
  • Sonic Energy =00056634


  • .32 Pistol= 0000080A
  • .44 magnum =00050F92
  • 10mm Pistol =0001A334
  • 10mm Pistol =0000434F
  • 10mm Pistol= 0006F210
  • 10mm SMG ( Sydneys "Ultra" )= 0006E7CC
  • 10mm Sub Machine gun =00004321
  • A3-21's Plasma Rifle =0006B539
  • Acid Spit= 000B8793
  • Acid Spit =====0006E8CE
  • Alien Blaster 00004322
  • Ant's Sting =000C553E
  • Assault Rifle =0001FFEC
  • Baseball Bat= 0000421C
  • BB Gun =000C0327
  • BB Gun= 00004323
  • Black Bart's Bane= 0006B535
  • Blackhawk= 000303A2
  • Board of Education =000C310F
  • Bottlecap Mine =0000433A
  • Brass Knuckles =00004324
  • Breaker= 000CB546
  • Butch's Toothpick =00078440
  • Buzzsaw =0003BC6F
  • Chinese Assault Rifle =00046BDD
  • Chinese Assault Rifle= 0000080B
  • Chinese Officer's Sword= 0006415D
  • Chinese Officer's Sword= 0002B3CB
  • Chinese Pistol =00004325
  • Chinese Pistol (Zhu-Rong v418 )= 00060C2C
  • Clover's Cleaver =000C80B8
  • Col. Autumn's 10mm Pistol =0006B531
  • Col. Autumn's Laser Pistol =000ABBE4
  • Combat Knife= 00004326
  • Combat Knife =00064093
  • Combat Shotgun= 0003713D
  • Combat Shotgun= 00004327
  • Curse Breaker =000C80BB
  • Dart Gun =0000432A
  • Deathclaw Gauntlet =0000432B
  • Electrical Zap= 00022FF1
  • Eugene= 0006B538
  • Excalibat =000C80BC
  • Experimental= MIRV 0003422B
  • Fat Man= 0000432CFawkes' Super Sledge= 0007843F
  • Fire Hydrant =00021367
  • Firelance =000C80BA
  • Fisto!= 000CB601
  • Flamer =00078C60
  • Flamer =0000432D
  • Flamer =000C58EE
  • Flamer =000A0C02
  • Flamer =0009E8DF
  • Flamer =0007C10B
  • Flamer =00039550
  • Frag Grenade= 00004330
  • Frag Mine =0000433C
  • Frag Mine =00028172
  • GasTrap Dummy= 000001F6
  • Gatling Laser =0000432E
  • Gatling Laser =0000432E
  • Hand Laser= 00018B9E
  • Highwayman's Friend =00078442
  • Hunting Rifle =00004333
  • Jack= 000C6E5B
  • Knife= 00004334
  • Laser= 00050ED0
  • Laser= 0007B23A
  • Laser= 0007B237
  • Laser Pistol= 000B4178
  • Laser Pistol =00063E8A
  • Laser Pistol= 00004335
  • Laser Rifle =00074795
  • Laser Rifle= 00004336
  • Law Dog= 0006B532
  • Lead Pipe =00004337
  • Liberty Laser= 00033FE2
  • LibertyPrimeWeapBomb= 0005932F
  • Lincoln's Repeater= 0003C07A
  • Love Tap= 000C80B9
  • Mesmeron= 00004339
  • Mesmetron= 000BF5A4
  • Minigun =0000433F
  • Mirelurk Bait Grenade= 00030664
  • Miss Launcher =000B2644
  • Missile Launcher= 00057E8F
  • Missile Launcher =00004340
  • Nail Board= 000A01DD
  • Nail Board= 00063FDCNuka-Grenade= 00004342
  • O'Grady's Peacemaker =0007843D
  • Occam's Razor= 000CB602
  • Ol' Painless= 00066C76
  • Plasma Grenade =00004332
  • Plasma Gun =0007C10C
  • Plasma Gun =0003954F
  • Plasma Mine =0000433D
  • Plasma Pistol =00004343
  • Plasma Rifle =00004344
  • Plunkett's Valid Points =000CAFA9
  • Police Batton =00004345
  • Pool Cue =00004346
  • Power Fist =00004347
  • Protectron's Gaze =000C553F
  • Pulse Grenade =00004331
  • Pulse Mine= 0000433E
  • Radioactive Spit= 00058717
  • Railway Rifle =00004348
  • Repellent Stick =0002D3B7
  • Reservist's Rifle= 00092966
  • Ripper= 00004349
  • Rock-it launcher =0000434B
  • Rolling Pin= 00029769
  • Rolling Pin= 000B2943
  • Sawed-Off Shotgun =0000434C
  • Sawed-Off Shotgun =000AE8AE
  • Scoped .44 Magnum =0000434D
  • SentryBot Laser Gatling =000389AF
  • SentryBot Minigun =00057E8E
  • Shishkebab= 0000434E
  • Shriek= 0007F598
  • Silenced 10mm Pistol= 00004350
  • Slasher Knife =0002869C
  • Sledge Hammer= 00004351
  • Sledgehammer =00063FA2
  • Smuglers End (Laser Pistol) =0006B536
  • 스나이퍼 라이플= 00004353
  • 스파이크 너클 =00004354
  • Stabhappy =000C80BE
  • Super Sledge =000B0E7C
  • Super Sledge =00004352
  • Switchblade =0006407F
  • Switchblade= 000289C3
  • 시드니의 울트라 기관단총= 0005DEEEThe Break= 00066C77
  • The Kneecapper =0006B53A
  • The Shocker =000BFF62
  • The Tenderizer =000A874B
  • 끔찍한 샷건 =0006B534
  • Tire Iron= 00004328
  • 흡혈귀의 시대 =00078441
  • 버티버드 소이 건= 0003E5E2
  • 버티버드 건 =00089C51
  • 승리의 라이플= 000CB548
  • 와이저 와이플= 00061793
누구나 수정할 수 있다.
포크스 (fawkes)가 가지고 있다. 볼트87 (Vault 87)을 탈출하면 없어지므로 미리 뺏어두어야 한다.
Foreman's office1
아가사의 노래 (Agatha's song) 보상(볼트 92의 남자화장실에서 음악악보를 챙겨가야 한다)
침실용 탁자 옆에 있는 판자집 중 하나의 내부에, 해골이 팔을 뻗은 곳에 있다.
버치가 갖고있슴
8) , 9)
탈환 (Take it back!) 마지막 작전 중
Armory and Bunker: Inside armory, on table with Mini-Nukes.
On the dead Enclave Soldier
Offices, rear archives area, inside display case
Small southwest room on the lower level, adjacent to the high galley area6
Carried by Dave4(또는 옆의 safe)
Carried by the Drifter
B-Ring, in Elder Lyon's safe2
Any encounter involving Raiders; this might be dropped
당구대 위 by the roasting Brahmin
Service entrance, sewers utility door Repair or use Anchorage Stash Key to open0
피는 물보다 진하다 (Blood Ties): inside Vance's sword cabinet
In the shack locker, north of the Rockbreaker's Gas Station(lock pick난이도가 very hard)
On the body of Prime, in the diner(History of technology에서 이벤트를 보아야 prime시체가 생김. 관련내용은 퀘스트부분 참조)
East Wing, inside case in CEO's office
Irradiated and gutted subway car
알 수 없는 폭발 뒤 그냥 하늘에서 떨어짐.
도미믹과 매쳇의 집(차고를 집으로 쓰고 있다)
Strickly Business시작 시 Grouse가 준다
Taken < Commander Jabsco8
Inside the trap-filled storage chamber
Bazaar, carried by 친절한 잭 (Smiling Jack) 샤론 (Charon)에게 주면 좋음
가장 안쪽에 피 고여 있는 곳
Biwwy's Wazer Wifle, 차일드 하트 퍽이 있으면 그냥 얻을 수 있슴.
38) , 39) , 40) , 41) , 42) , 43)
치트를 통해서만 가질 수 있다
