무기 (Weapons)

출처: 폴아웃볼트위키

근접 무기들

name Damage Weight Value
'클로버'의 돌도끼 15 - -
Pool Cue 3 1 15
나이프 4 1 20
진압봉 4 2 70
개미 독침(단검) 4 (Poisons 4 dmg/10 sec.) 1 30
스위치 나이프 5 1 35
The Break (Pool Cue) 6 1 50
타이어 레버 《한 끝이 편평한 타이어 착탈용지레》 6 3 40
전투 나이프 7 1 50
Nail Board 8 4 30
야구 방망이 9 3 55
납 파이프 9 3 75
Butch's 주머니칼 (스위치 나이프) 10 1 50
중국 장교의 검 10 3 75
'노상강도(Highway-man)'의 벗 (타이어 레버) 10 5 75
오캄의 면도날 (전투 나이프) 10 1 65
Stabhappy (전투 나이프) 12 (+ Slightly more damage to limbs.) 1 60
Board of Education Nail Board 12 4 60
뱀파이어 엣지 (중국 장교의 검) 15 1 400
큰 쇠망치 20 12 130
초대형 쇠망치 25 20 180
30 6 100
The Tenderizer 큰 쇠망치 30 12 230
잭의 톱(톱) 30 (50% extra limb damage.) 6 200
Fawkes' Super sledge (초대형 쇠망치) 32 18 300
시시커밥(중동지역 요리용 꼬챙이) 40 (60 with Pyromaniac) 3 200


Name Damage Weight Value
Brass Knuckles 9 1 8
Plunkett's Valid Points 11 ( at 54% CND ) 1 12
Spiked Knuckles 18 1 10
The Shocker 32* + 25 DMG to robots 6
데스클로 건틀릿 32 (same as Power Fist) Special:ignores target armor defence 10 96
파워 피스트 32 6
피스토! 40 6

소형무기(라이플류 포함)

Name Damage Ammo Type Magazine Size Weight Value
.32 피스톨 6 .32 5 2 110
Silenced(소음기) 10mm 피스톨 8 10mm 12 3 250
10mm 피스톨 9 10mm 12 3 225
Zhu-Rong v418 Chinese Pistol 11 + 2x5sec 10mm 10 2 290 화염 데미지
어텀 대령의 10mm 피스톨 13 10mm 12 3 325
.44 매그넘 리볼버 26 .44 Magnum
Scoped(조준경) .44 매그넘 37 .44 Magnum 6 4 300
Blackhawk 58 .44 Magnum 6 4 491
10mm SMG 39 10mm 30 5 330
시드니의 10mm "울트라" SMG 50 10mm 50 5 430
Railway Rifle 30 Railway Spikes 8 9 200
Assault Rifle 40 5.56mm 24 7 300
Chinese Assault Rifle 53 5.56mm 24 7 500
Xuanlong Assault Rifle 66 5.56mm 36 7 400
B.B. Gun 3 BB's 50 2 36
헌팅 라이플 26 .32 5 6 150
Ol' Painless 31 .32 5 6 250
스나이퍼 라이플 40 .308 5 10 200
Reservist's Rifle 42 .308 3 10 500 높은 치명타 확률
Victory Rifle 42 .308 5 10 450 높은 knockdown 확률
Lincoln's Repeater 51 .44 Magnum 15 5 500
단총신 산탄총 [Sawed-off Shotgun] 52 Shotgun Shell 2 6
전투 산탄총 58 Shotgun Shell 12 7
무릎따개 75 Shotgun Shell 2 5
The Terrible Shotgun 82 Shotgun Shell 12 10


Name Damage Ammo Type Magazine Size Weight Value
락-잇 런쳐 varies Junk
미니건 75 5mm 240 18
Gatling Laser 103 EC Pack 240 18
(유니크)유진 (미니건) 105 5mm 240 18
Flamer 112 Flamethrower Fuel 60 15
복수(Vengeance) (Gatling Laser) 153 EC Pack 240 18
Burnmaster (Flamer) 160 Flamethrower Fuel 60 15
미사일 런쳐 170 Missile 1 20
Miss Launcher 231 Missile 1 15
팻-맨 1610 Mini Nuke 1 30
Experimental MIRV 1610 Mini Nuke 8 30

에너지 무기

Name Damage Ammo Type Magazine Size Weight Value
레이져 피스톨 12 Energy Cell 30 3 320
Smuggler's End 18 Energy Cell 30 3 450
Protectron's Gaze 25 Energy Cell 20 3
플라즈마 피스톨 25 Energy Cell 16 3 360
Colonel Autumn's Laser Pistol 75 Energy Cell 30 2 420
에일리언 블래스터(블라스터) 105 Alien Power Cell 10 8 500
레이져 라이플 23 Microfusion Cell 24 8 999
웨이져 와이플 28 Microfusion Cell 30 8 900
플라즈마 라이플 45 Microfusion Cell 12 8 1734
A3-21의 플라즈마 라이플 50 Microfusion Cell 12 8 2198
불창 (Firelance) 80 Alien Power Cell 10 2 749
Mesmetron 1 Mez.Power Cell 5 2 500


Name Damage Weight Value
Mirelurk Bait Grenade
Pulse Grenade 18 0.5
Pulse Mine 18 0.5
Frag Grenade 162 0.5
Frag Mine 162 0.5
Plasma Grenade 242 0.5
Plasma Mine 242 0.5
Nuka Grenade 501 0.5
Bottlecap Mine 802 0.5

Handmade Weapons


설계도를 얻어 작업대에서 만들수 있다.

이름 기술 및 특징 설계도 재료
시쉬케밥 Melee, 불 공격 1. 떠돌이 상인
2. 피는 물보다 진하다 (Blood Ties)-퀘스트 도중
(Vance를 죽이고 얻을 수도 있다.)
Motorcycle Gas Tank - Motorcycle Handbrake - Lawnmower Blade - Pilot Light
데스클로 건틀릿 Unarmed, 방어력 무시. 1.a camper at 스콧 피츠제럴드 오솔길 & 야영지 (F.scott Key Trail Campground). South West corner of the world map.
2. random encounter "wastelander vs deathclaw".
3. 배논 (Bannon)(리벳시티 (Rivet city))을 도와주고 나서.
Wonder Glue - Leather Belt - Medical Brace - Deathclaw Hand.
락-킷 런쳐 Big Guns, 쓰레기를 쏜다. 1. 메가톤 (Megaton)모이라
2. 떠돌이 상인
Vacuum Cleaner - Leaf Blower - Firehose Nozzle - Conductor
다트 건 Small Guns, 독 공격(8d * 8sec) Paint Gun - Radscorpion Poison Gland - Toy Car - Surgical Tubing
Railway Rifle Small Guns 1. 리벳시티 (Rivet city)
2. Stealing Independence 퀘스트 보상
Fission Battery - Pressure Cooker - Steam Gauge Assembly - Crutch
Bottlecap Mine Explosives 1. 텐페니 타워 (Tenpenny tower)
2. 황무지생존지침서
3. mirelurk 동굴 \\?? 조코의 주유소 (Jocko's Pop & Gas stop)
Lunchbox - Cherry Bomb - Sensor Module - 10 Caps
Nuka Grenade Explosives 1. 떠돌이 상인
2. MDPL-13 Power station
3. 누카-콜라 경연대회 (the nuka-cola challenge)
Nuka-Cola Quantum - Tin can - Turpentine - Abraxo Cleaner
Mirelurk Bait Grenade Explosives

수제 무기 세부 사양

이름 value Weight Clip Ammo AP Damage Auto Rate of Fire Spread Critical Crit. Damage
라-킷 런쳐 [Rock-it Launcher] 200 8 12 Misc. objects 32 50 No 3.33 1 1 25
누카폭탄 (Nuka-grenade) 50 0.5 - - 24 500 - - 0 0 N/A
병뚜껑 지뢰 (Bottlecap Mine) 75 0.5 - - 35 500 - - 1 0 N/A
시스케밥 (Shishkebab) 200 3 - - 28 35 - - 0 2 24
다트건 (Dart Gun) 500 3 1 Dart 25 6 No 8.33 0 2.5 12
철길소총 (Railway Rifle) 200 9 8 Railway Spikes 24 30 No 2 0.75 3 30
데쓰클로 건틀릿 (Deathclaw Gauntlet) 150 10 - - 26 20 - - 0 5 30

설계도 위치

출처: www.wikicheats.com

설계도 지역 세부 위치/방법
Bottlecap Mine Megaton Reward for part of the Wasteland Survival Guide Quest
Bottlecap Mine Lamplight Cavern Sold by Knick Knack
Bottlecap Mine Jocko’s Pop & Gas Stop On a workbench inside the shop
Dart Gun Tenpenny Tower Puchased from Lydia
Dart Gun MDPL-05 Power Station Found next to a corpse
Dart Gun Temple of the Union Reward for completing Head of State quest
Deathclaw Gauntlet F Scott Key Campground Found next to a corpse in a small camper
Deathclaw Gauntlet Rockopolis Found on a corpse outside Rockopolis (where the Unarmed Bobblehead is found)
Deathclaw Gauntlet Rivet City Side with Bannon during the Bannon's Request]] side mission
Railway Rifle Rivet City Complete Stealing Independence
Railway Rifle Underworld Purchased from Tullip
Railway Rifle MDPL-13 Power Station Inside on the workbench
Rock-It Launcher Megaton Purchased from Moira
Rock-It Launcher Vault 101 during Trouble on the Homefront Safe behind the plaque with your mother's bible quote in medlab
Rock-It Launcher Trade Caravan Purchased from Crazy Wolfgang
Nuka Grenade Girdershade Complete the Nuka-cola challenge
Nuka Grenade Trade Caravan Purchased from Doc Hoff
Nuka Grenade Cliffside Caverns Near some skeletons at the very end of the caverns, in the Yao Guai Cave.
Shishkebab The Family Taken from or given by Vance
Shishkebab West of SatCom Array NN-03d On the table inside a small shack
Shishkebab Trade Caravan Purchased from Lucky Harith
누구나 수정할 수 있다.
