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태아신우확장증 (Fetal Pyelectasis)

임신 중 태아의 신장의 신우가 부풀어오르는 증상.

경미한 신우확장증의 경우, 다수에서 요로계 폐색과 관련이 없고 임신 기간 중 또는 출생 후에 자연 소실되는 경향이 있다.

산전 초음파가 널리 이용되어 태아 신우확장증의 발견이 많아짐에 따라, 부모의 불안감이 커질 수 있기 때문에 저절로 좋아지는 신우확장증과 병적인 신우확장증을 조기에 감별하는 것이 중요하다. 임신 중기 신우확장증을 신우의 전후경에 따라 경도 및 중등도 이상으로 분류할 수 있으며 10mm이상을 중증 신우확장증이라 한다.

Fetal pyelectasis can be a relatively common finding in an antenetal ultrasound scan, often detected at the routine 2nd trimester morphology scan. There is a recognised male predilection. The estimated prevalence is at ~ 2% of routine second trimeter scans


Pyelectasis can result from a number of factors. In the majority of cases, it is physiological and resolves spontateously. However, it may also herald the presence or evolution of renal tract pathology, such as :

  • fetal PUJ obstruction
  • fetal VUJ obstruction
  • urethral obstruction - e.g. posterior urethral valves
  • vesicoureteric reflux
  • duplex kidney


down_syndrome: presence and strength of this association is currently under debate and at best considered very mild. Radiographic assessment


Fetal pyelectasis is assessed on axial plane ultrasound through the fetal renal pelvices. It is considered present if measurements are above the levels stated below

신우확장증의 기준

4 - 4.5 mm at 18 - 20 weeks (i.e. the routine 2nd trimester)
5 mm at ~ 20 - 29 weeks
6 mm at 32 weeks

지속적 태아신우확장증의 기준

persistent fetal pyelectasis : > 7 mm in the 3rd trimester

Fetal pyelectasis can also be affected by maternal hydration - physiological fetal pyelectasis


The vast majority of cases (~ 96%) with mild pyelectasis in the second trimester resolve, either during pregnancy or in the early postpartal period. The risk of post-natal renal pathology is increased with :

  • increasing degree of pelvic dilatation
  • in-utero progression
  • bilateral involvement

The presence of fetal pyelectasis is sometimes considered a soft sign for chromosomal abnormalties : see associations above

Antenatally detected renal pelvic dilatation, especially in isolation, is considered a weak predictor of vesicoureteric reflux although postnatal sonographic evaluation is often recommended.


Some advocate a repeat prenatal scan at 30 - 40 weeks gestation for all fetuses with 6 mm or more of renal pelvic dilatation is detected prior to 28 weeks as well as postnatal follow-up for persistent pyelectasis

Post natally, most cases with pyelectasis resolve spontaneously in the first year of life and invasive procedures are not required.
