
Xvfb provides an X server that can run on machines with no display hardware and no physical input devices.

Xvfb가 Xorg를 대신하여 가상으로 X를 만들어 주는것

Xvfb와 wine를 이용하여 리눅스 text환경에서 콘솔 win 프로그램 돌리기

로컬 혹은 리모트 서버에 X로 접속하거나 띄우지 않고 콘솔로만 접속하여 윈도우 콘솔 프로그램을 돌리고자 할때 Xvfb 와 wine을 이용할 수 있습니다…

일단 Xvfb와 WINE 을 설치합니다..

Xvfb 사용하기

$whereis winecfg $winecfg

winecfg 를 실행하여


디렉토리와 관련 파일들이 만들어 지도록 합니다…

$cp /etc/wine/config ~/.wine/ 로서

config 파일을 복사해 옵니다..

$Xvfb :99 -screen 0 800x600x8 & $export DISPLAY=:99

99는 가상서버의 DISPLAY 번호이며, echo $DISPLAY 를 통하여 확인 할 수 있습니다.. export DISDISPLAY=:99 를 통하여 현재 터미널에 Xvfb 에서 실행 메시지들이 표시되도록 합니다… 이때 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts 디렉토리에 필요한 폰트? 가 빈폴더로 있을시 에러가 뜰 수 있으며 이때는…

$Xvfb :99 -fp /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/ -screen 0 800x600x8 &

로서 넘어 갈수 있습니다…

$wine c:\\windows\\system\\wcmd.exe

로서.. 윈도우 프로그램을 띄울수 있으며.. 윈도우의 콘솔 서버프로그램을 띄워서 외부에서 접속이 가능합니다….

혹시 안될경우… 실행파일이 압축? 이 되어 있어서 않될 수 있습니다.. http://istmp.hp.infoseek.co.jp/untElock0.98+.zip





Xvfb − virtual framebuffer X server for X Version 11 SYNOPSIS

Xvfb [ option ] … DESCRIPTION

Xvfb is an X server that can run on machines with no display hardware and no physical input devices. It emulates a dumb framebuffer using virtual memory. The primary use of this server was intended to be server testing. The fb code for any depth can be exercised with this server without the need for real hardware that supports the desired depths. The X community has found many other novel uses for Xvfb, including testing clients against unusual depths and screen configurations, doing batch processing with Xvfb as a background rendering engine, load testing, as an aid to porting the X server to a new platform, and providing an unobtrusive way to run applications that don’t really need an X server but insist on having one anyway. OPTIONS

In addition to the normal server options described in the Xserver(1) manual page, Xvfb accepts the following command line switches: −screen screennum WxHxD This option creates screen screennum and sets its width, height, and depth to W, H, and D respectively. By default, only screen 0 exists and has the dimensions 1280x1024x8. −pixdepths list-of-depths This option specifies a list of pixmap depths that the server should support in addition to the depths implied by the supported screens. list-of-depths is a space-separated list of integers that can have values from 1 to 32. −fbdir framebuffer-directory This option specifies the directory in which the memory mapped files containing the framebuffer memory should be created. See FILES. This option only exists on machines that have the mmap and msync system calls. −shmem This option specifies that the framebuffer should be put in shared memory. The shared memory ID for each screen will be printed by the server. The shared memory is in xwd format. This option only exists on machines that support the System V shared memory interface. If neither −shmem nor −fbdir is specified, the framebuffer memory will be allocated with malloc(). −linebias n This option specifies how to adjust the pixelization of thin lines. The value n is a bitmask of octants in which to prefer an axial step when the Bresenham error term is exactly zero. See the file Xserver/mi/miline.h for more information. This option is probably only useful to server developers to experiment with the range of line pixelization possible with the fb code. −blackpixel pixel-value, −whitepixel pixel-value These options specify the black and white pixel values the server should use. FILES

The following files are created if the −fbdir option is given. framebuffer-directory/Xvfb_screen<n> Memory mapped file containing screen n’s framebuffer memory, one file per screen. The file is in xwd format. Thus, taking a full-screen snapshot can be done with a file copy command, and the resulting snapshot will even contain the cursor image. EXAMPLES

Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1600x1200x32 The server will listen for connections as server number 1, and screen 0 will be depth 32 1600x1200. Xvfb :1 -screen 1 1600x1200x16 The server will listen for connections as server number 1, will have the default screen configuration (one screen, 1280x1024x8), and screen 1 will be depth 16 1600x1200. Xvfb -pixdepths 3 27 -fbdir /var/tmp The server will listen for connections as server number 0, will have the default screen configuration (one screen, 1280x1024x8), will also support pixmap depths of 3 and 27, and will use memory mapped files in /var/tmp for the framebuffer. xwud -in /var/tmp/Xvfb_screen0 Displays screen 0 of the server started by the preceding example. SEE ALSO

X(7), Xserver(1), xwd(1), xwud(1), XWDFile.h AUTHORS

David P. Wiggins, The Open Group, Inc.

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* 출처: Xvfb
