책 (Books)

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16 Accords of Madness, v. IX25Vaermina's TaleList 4\
16 Accords of Madness, v. VI25Hircine's TaleList 4
16 Accords of Madness, v. XII25Malacath's TaleList 4
2920, Evening Star, v1211Carlovac TownwayVolume 12 of an historical series about Vivec and the EmpireList 3
2920, First Seed, v311Carlovac TownwayVolume 3 of an historical series about Vivec and the EmpireList 3
2920, Frostfall, v1050Carlovac TownwayVolume 10 of an historical series about Vivec and the EmpireConjurationskill book
2920, Hearth Fire, v950Carlovac TownwayVolume 9 of an historical series about Vivec and the EmpireConjurationskill book
2920, Last Seed, v875Carlovac TownwayVolume 8 of an historical series about Vivec and the EmpireSneak skill book
2920, MidYear, v670Carlovac TownwayVolume 6 of an historical series about Vivec and the EmpireHeavy Armor skill book
2920, Morning Star, v150Carlovac TownwayVolume 1 of an historical series about Vivec and the EmpireOne-handedskill book번역
2920, Rain's Hand, v455Carlovac TownwayVolume 4 of an historical series about Vivec and the EmpireRestorationskill book
2920, Second Seed, v560Carlovac TownwayVolume 5 of an historical series about Vivec and the EmpireSpeechskill book
2920, Sun's Dawn, v260Carlovac TownwayVolume 2 of an historical series about Vivec and the EmpireIllusion skill book
2920, Sun's Dusk, v1111Carlovac TownwayVolume 11 of an historical series about Vivec and the EmpireList 3
2920, Sun's Height, v73Carlovac TownwayVolume 7 of an historical series about Vivec and the EmpireList 0
A Children's Anuad6Early religious book providing a simplified version of The Anuad creation myth from the Mythic EraList 2
A Dance in Fire, v13Waughin JarthChapter 1 of a clerk's adventures in ValenwoodList 0
A Dance in Fire, v250Waughin JarthChapter 2 of a clerk's adventures in ValenwoodBlock skill book
A Dance in Fire, v33Waughin JarthChapter 3 of a clerk's adventures in ValenwoodList 0
A Dance in Fire, v44Waughin JarthChapter 4 of a clerk's adventures in ValenwoodList 0
A Dance in Fire, v530Waughin JarthChapter 5 of a clerk's adventures in ValenwoodList 4
A Dance in Fire, v660Waughin JarthChapter 6 of a clerk's adventures in ValenwoodSpeechskill book
A Dance in Fire, v760Waughin JarthChapter 7 of a clerk's adventures in ValenwoodSpeechskill book
A Dream of Sovngarde8Skardan Free-WinterA soldier's tale of his dream before battleList 2
A Game at Dinner55An Anonymous SpyA spy's observations upon poison making and a dinner partyAlchemyskill book
A Gentleman's Guide to Whiterun3Mikael the BardA bard's description of life in the city of WhiterunList 1
A Hypothetical Treachery55Anthil MorvirA One Act PlayDestructionskill book번역
A Kiss, Sweet Mother6A description of the Black Sacrament in order to enlist the Dark Brotherhood.List 2
A Minor Maze8A brief history of LabyrinthianList 2
A Tragedy in Black50A folk tale from the time of the Oblivion CrisisEnchantingskill book
Admonition Against Ebony5A warning to any who might claim the Ebony Blade.
Adonato's Book40Adonato LeonettiA historian's view about Olaf One-Eye and his conflict with the dragon Numinex
Advances in Lockpicking75An experienced thief summarizes the intricacies of lockpickingLockpickingskill book
Adventurer's Journal5About investigating attacks on caravans by the Falmer.
Aedra and Daedra5Overview of the basic differences between Gods, Demons, Aedra, and DaedraList 2
Aevar Stone-Singer60Traditional Skaal myth about a young Skaal's journey to recover the Gifts of the All-MakerPickpocketskill book
Agrius's Journal5AgriusThe last accounts of a bandit before being possessed and sacrificed by Halldir.
Ahzirr Traajijazeri4AnonymousThe public manifesto of the Khajiit organization Renrijra KrinList 0
Aicantar's Lab Journal5AicantarResearch notes on Dwarven Spider control.
Alchemist's Journal5
Alchemist's Journal5The idyllic journal of an Alchemist.
Alduin is Real8Thromgar Iron-HeadA poorly spelled essay from a "prowd Nord" on the difference between Alduin and AkatoshList 2
Alva's Journal5AlvaA vampire's plot to take over all of Morthal.
Amongst the Draugr14Bernadette Bantien, College of WinterholdDiscoveries about the draugr and their link to the dragon cultsList 3
An Accounting of the Scrolls20Quintus Nerevelus, Former Imperial LibrarianAn author's report on the Elder Scrolls and his subsequent entry into the Cult of the Ancestor MothList 4
An Explorer's Guide to Skyrim8Marcius Carvain, Viscount BrumaA brief travel guide for adventuresome tourists in SkyrimList 2
Ancestors and the Dunmer8An outdated guide for foreign visitors to MorrowindList 2
Annals of the Dragonguard200Brother AnnulusChronicles of the Dragonguard in the late First Era
Antecedants of Dwemer Law5A historical account of the development of Dwemer law and custom from its roots in High Elven cultureList 2
Arcana Restored25Wapna Nuestra, Praceptor EmeritusCryptic instructions for the restoration of ArcanaList 4
Argonian Account, Book 12Waughin JarthDecumus Scotti's continued adventures in Black Marsh, Volume 1List 0
Argonian Account, Book 212Waughin JarthDecumus Scotti's continued adventures in Black Marsh, Volume 2List 3
Argonian Account, Book 312Waughin JarthDecumus Scotti's continued adventures in Black Marsh, Volume 3List 0
Argonian Account, Book 412Waughin JarthDecumus Scotti's continued adventures in Black Marsh, Volume 4List 3
Arondil's Journal, Part 15ArondilArondil's account of moving into Yngvild to study necromancy.
Arondil's Journal, Part 25ArondilArondils's account of his necromancy experimentations.
Arondil's Journal, Part 35ArondilArondil's account of dealing with a trespasser into Yngvild.
Arondil's Journal, Part 45ArondilArondil's account of learning to reanimate the dead as ghosts.
Arvel's Journal5Arvel the SwiftA journal describing how Arvel came into possession of the Golden Claw and a hint of its true purpose.
Atlas of Dragons50Brother MathnanA glossary of Skyrim's dragons
Atronach Forge Manual5A guide on how to use the Atronach Forge
Azura and the Box10Marobar SulBook 11 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer.List 3
Bandit Leader's Journal5Journal entries indicating the location of a hidden stash.
Bandit's Journal5A Bandit's account of taking over Fort Neugrad.
Bandit's Journal5A Bandit's complaints about their inability to kill a Mammoth.
Battle of Red Mountain50VivecThe story of the Battle of Red Mountain and the Nerevarine Prophecies from Vivec's perspectiveBlock skill book번역
Battle of Sancre Tor50The story of how General Talos defeated the stronghold of Sancre TorTwo-handedskill book
Before the Ages of Man60Aicantar of ShimereneChronicles the major events of the Dawn and Merethic ErasIllusion skill book번역
Beggar60RevenThe first chapter in the adventures of Eslaf ErolPickpocketskill book
Beggar Prince5The story of Wheedle and his gifts from the Daedric Lord NamiraList 2번역
Biography of Barenziah, v13Stern Gamboge, Imperial ScribeA factual biography of Queen Barenziah, Volume 1List 1
Biography of Barenziah, v23Stern Gamboge, Imperial ScribeA factual biography of Queen Barenziah, Volume 2List 1
Biography of Barenziah, v33Stern Gamboge, Imperial ScribeA factual biography of Queen Barenziah, Volume 3List 1
Biography of the Wolf Queen60Katar EriphanesA history of the unambiguously evil Queen Potema, the so-called Wolf Queen of SolitudeSpeechskill book
Boethiah's Glory25Worship book for BoethiahList 4번역
Boethiah's Proving25AnonymousAn account of a fatal summoning of Boethiah
Breathing Water60Haliel MyrmLessons on water breathingAlterationskill book번역
Brief History of the Empire, v12Stronach k'Thojj III, Imperial HistorianPart 1 of a description of events in the history of the EmpireList 1
Brief History of the Empire, v22Stronach k'Thojj III, Imperial HistorianPart 2 of a description of events in the history of the EmpireList 1
Brief History of the Empire, v32Stronach k'Thojj III, Imperial HistorianPart 3 of a description of events in the history of the EmpireList 1
Brief History of the Empire, v42Stronach k'Thojj III, Imperial HistorianPart 4 of a description of events in the history of the EmpireList 1
Brothers of Darkness30Pellarne AssiA brief history of the Dark BrotherhoodList 4
Butcher Journal5Calixto CorriumA journal revealing the ghoulish motivation behind killings in Windhelm.번역
Butcher Journal #15The ButcherA serial killer's journal entries on stalking a victim.번역
Butcher Journal #25The ButcherA serial killer's translation on "flesh" magic.번역
Catalogue of Armor Enchantments50Yvonne Bienne, Synod researcherAn incomplete list of all the spells and armor used in enchantingEnchantingskill book
Catalogue of Weapon Enchantments50Yvonne Bienne, Synod researcherAn incomplete list of all the spells and weapons used in enchantingEnchantingskill book
Cats of Skyrim7AldetuileA brief treatise on the few felines that can be found in Skyrim.List 2
Chance's Folly6Zylmoc GolgeThe folly of a double-crosserList 2
Charwich-Koniinge Letters, v113Charwich and KoniingeList 3
Charwich-Koniinge Letters, v313Charwich and KoniingeList 3
Charwich-Koniinge Letters, v420Charwich and KoniingeList 4
Charwich-Koniinge, v213Charwich and KoniingeList 3
Chaurus Pie: A Recipe11NilsA recipe for a pie from chaurus meatList 3
Cherim's Heart70Livillus Perus, Professor at the Imperial UniversityInterview with Cherim, a master tapestry weaverSmithingskill book
Children of the Sky25Description of the NordsList 4
Chimarvamidium70 (skill book)Marobar SulBook 6 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer.Heavy Armor skill book
Chronicles of Nchuleft30An anonymous AltmerA historical chronicle of events in the Dwemer Freehold Colony of NchuleftList 4
Cicero's Journal - Final Volume100CiceroThe personal chronicle of a Dark Brotherhood assassin
Cicero's Journal - Volume 125CiceroThe personal chronicle of a Dark Brotherhood assassin
Cicero's Journal - Volume 225CiceroThe personal chronicle of a Dark Brotherhood assassin
Cicero's Journal - Volume 325CiceroThe personal chronicle of a Dark Brotherhood assassin
Cicero's Journal - Volume 425CiceroThe personal chronicle of a Dark Brotherhood assassin
Cleansing of the Fane20Fragmented script from a member of the Alessian OrderList 4
Confessions Of A Khajiit Fur Trader11A Khajiit Fur Trader writes about his profession.
Cook's Journal5an Unknown Bandit CookThe journal of a cook that took the phrase dog-eat-dog world a little too literally.
Darkest Darkness5A description of various DaedraList 2
Daughter of the Niben60Sathyr LongleatThe history of Bravil town and its famous statue of Lucky Old LadyAlterationskill book
Daynas Valen's Journal5Daynas ValenDetails Valen's efforts to hunt down the Gauldur Legend.
Daynas Valen's Notes5Daynas ValenA summary of research of the Gauldur Legend.
De Rerum Dirennis55Vorian DirenniTales about a creator of Alchemy ScienceAlchemyskill book
Death Blow of Abernanit50Anonymous (with notes by Geocrates Varnus)The death of Dagoth ThrasBlock skill book
Death of a Wanderer12AnonymousA tale of an Argonian's unfortunate venture into a Draugr cryptList 3
Decree of Monument5About recognizing a place of historic value.
Diary of Faire Agarwen20Faire AgarwenTranslated from Falmer Text by Calcelmo of Markarth
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. I5Moric Sidrey
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. II5Moric Sidrey
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. III5Moric Sidrey
Discovering Ruunvald, Vol. IV5Moric Sidrey
Dragon Language: Myth no More14Hela Thrice-VersedA lengthy thesis on the ancient language of the dragonsList 3
Dunmer of Skyrim7Athal SarysA proclamation of Dunmer supremacy in eastern SkyrimList 2
Dwarves, v110Calcelmo, Scholar of MarkarthA scholarly work on the architecture and metallurgy of DwemerList 3
Dwarves, v210Calcelmo, Scholar of MarkarthA scholarly work on the war equipment and machinery of DwemerList 3
Dwarves, v310Calcelmo, Scholar of MarkarthA scholarly work on the culture and history of DwemerList 3
Dwemer History and Culture13Hasphat AntabolisA scholar's review of the Dwemer essays written by Marobar SulList 3
Dwemer Inquiries Vol I6Thelwe Ghelein, ScholarPart of a series of scholarly essays on the elusive DwemerList 2
Dwemer Inquiries Vol II6Thelwe Ghelein, ScholarPart of a series of scholarly essays on the elusive DwemerList 2
Dwemer Inquiries Vol III6List 2
Effects of the Elder Scrolls25Justinius PoluhniusA thesis on the four different types of readers of the Elder ScrollsList 4
Eisa's Journal5Eisa BlackthornThe journal of a bandit
Enchanter's Primer50Sergius TurrianusA guide for novices in enchanting issued by the College of WinterholdEnchantingskill book
Endrast's Journal5EndrastA journal detailing Endrast's escape from Falmers in Alftand.
Erj's Notes5ErjNotes revealing an expedition team's member selfish intents.
Expedition Manifest5Sulla TrebatiusA basic run-down of the Alftand Expedition Camp and its occupants.
Faded Diary5The diary of a refugee from Morrowind who never found safety.
Fall from Glory8Nithilis LidariTheories on the weakening of the Skyrim Thieves GuildList 2
Fall of the Snow Prince11LokheimAn account of the Battle of the Moesring as transcribed by Lokheim, chronicler to the chieftain Ingjaldr White-EyeList 3
Father Of The Niben65Florin JaliilTranslation of the fragmented journal of Topal the PilotArcheryskill book
Feyfolken I12Waughin JarthThe Great Sage tells Volume 1 of a story of Artaeum, Psijics, and Robotic EnchantersList 3
Feyfolken II12Waughin JarthThe Great Sage tells Volume 2 of a story of Artaeum, Psijics, and Robotic EnchantersList 3
Feyfolken III12Waughin JarthThe Great Sage tells Volume 3 of a story of Artaeum, Psijics, and Robotic EnchantersList 3
Final Lesson14Aegrothius GothTwo apprentices are separatedList 3
Fire and Darkness50Ynir GormingThe history of the Morag Tong assassin guildOne-handedskill book
Fisherman's Journal5
Five Songs of King Wulfharth30A summary of five epic songs of King Wulfharth, plus an apocryphal song of the Tribunal, Dagoth-Ur, and Nerevar IndorilList 4
Flight from the Thalmor13Hadrik Oaken-HeartA written epitaph of a Nordic skald.List 3
Forge, Hammer and Anvil14Adolphus EritiusPoorly-written notes on smithing by a Nordic blacksmith in the late Second EraList 3
Fragment: On Artaeum05월 20일Taurce il-AnselmaA work explaining some of the history of the Psijic island of ArtaeumList 4
Frontier, Conquest5University of Gwylim Press, 3E 344Details the presence of humans in Tamriel prior to the original Nordic conquests thought to bring humans to TamrielList 2
Galerion The Mystic6Asgrim KolsgregA biography of Galerion, a Psijic who founded the Mages GuildList 2
Gallus's Encoded Journal5Gallus DesideniusThe secret encrypted journal of one of the Nightingales.
Gallus's Journal5Gallus DesideniusJournal entries noting Mercer Frey's betrayal of the Guild.
Ghosts in the Storm13Adonato LeotelliAuthor's tale of his encounter with the FalmerList 3
Glories and Laments25Alexandre HetrardThe "glories" of the Ayleid ruin Ceyatatar and "laments" over the collapse of the Ayleid civilizationList 4
Gods and Worship5Brother HetchfieldSpeculation concerning the worship of gods and their benefit from suchList 2
Great Harbingers13Swyk the Long-SightedChronicle of some of the leaders of the CompanionsList 3
Guide to Better Thieving60Wulfmare Shadow-CloakA boastful thief discusses the tricks of the tradePickpocketskill book
Habd's Journal5HabdA journal detailing Habd's purchase of the Frostflow Lighthouseand the events leading up the massacre of his family by Falmer.
Hajvarr's Journal5Hajvarr Iron-HandA journal relaying the White River bandit gangs problems.
Hallgerd's Tale70Tavi DromioSquabbling over the greatest warrior ever leads to a tale of heavy-armor-master Hlaalu PasorothHeavy Armor skill book
Hamelyn's Journal75
Hanging Gardens30A travel guide to the Hanging Gardens of Wasten Coridale, written in both Dwemeris and AldmerisList 4
Hargar's Journal5Captain HargarEvents leading up to the wreckage of the Icerunner.번역
Harvesting Frostbite Spider Venom7A brief guide to harvesting frostbite spider venom
Heavy Armor Forging70Sven Two-HammersA guide to creating Heavy ArmorSmithingskill book
Heddic's Volunruud Notes5Heddic VolunnarAbout accessing the tomb of Kvenel the Tongue
Herbalist's Guide to Skyrim55Agneta FaliaA description of alchemy ingredients found in Tamriel's northernmost province, Skyrim.Alchemyskill book
Herbane's Bestiary: Automatons14HerbaneA guide to Dwemer ConstructsList 3
Herbane's Bestiary: Hagravens6HerbaneA guide to HagravensList 2
Herbane's Bestiary: Ice Wraiths7HerbaneA guide to Ice WraithsList 2
Holdings of Jarl Gjalund5
Horker Attacks4Heidmir StarkadThe tale of a horker attack.List 1
Horror of Castle Xyr55Baloth-KulA One Act PlayDestructionskill book
Hunter's Journal5
Ice and Chitin50Pletius SpatecA tale of the manipulation of chitin armorLight Armorskill book
Immortal Blood4AnonymousDialogues about fighting with vampiresList 0
Imperial Missive0General TulliusAbout the Thalmor imprisonment of a Whiterun citizen.
Imperial Report on Saarthal13Heseph ChirirnisA report from a Mages Guild Scholar assigned to Imperial Archaeologist Sentius FloroniusList 3
Incident at Necrom60Jonquilla BotheA story about an illusionistIllusion skill book
Invocation of Azura20Sigillah ParateA work written by the High Priestess of Azura arguing the superiority of Azura to other Daedra PrincesList 4
J'zhar's Journal5J'zharThe journal of one of the Khajiti brothers on an ill-fated expedition.
Japhet's Journal5JaphetThe journal of a man who became consumed by his obsession
Jornibret's Last Dance50Song involving men and women's partsLight Armorskill book
Journal5A dying man's last thoughts.
Journal5About a female's fatal trip to her favorite swimming hole.
Journal5KornalusAbout experiments for infusing elemental energy into Frostbite Spiders.
Journal of Drokt5
Journal of Mirtil Angoth20Mirtil AngothTranslated from Falmer Text by Calcelmo of Markarth
Karan's Journal5KaranAbout a girl's ill-fated plan to elope with her Dunmer lover.
Katria's Journal15Katria
Killing - Before You're Killed3Eduardo CorvusTips on effective combat methodsList 1
King50RevenThe final chapter in the adventures of Eslaf ErolTwo-handedskill book
King Olaf's Verse30A lost part of the Poetic Edda, sung during the burning of Olaf's effigy in Solitude
Kodlak's Journal5Kodlak WhitemaneThe last writings of a Harbinger of the Companions
Kolb & the Dragon2A story of a quest to slay a dragon where the reader makes the choices and decides the hero's fate.List 1
Krag's Journal5KragNotes on an expedition team's progress into Nchuand-Zel.
Kyr's Log5KyrThe log of an attempt to turn a crypt into a bandit lair
Last King of the Ayleids25Herminia CinnaChronicles the downfall of the Ayleid Empire in the First EraList 4
Last Scabbard of Akrash70Tabar VunqidhStory of a slaver's daughter and her Khajiit loverSmithingskill book번역
Legend of Krately House75Baloth-KulA play about the ghostly Krately family and how they diedSneak skill book번역
Life of Uriel Septim VII5Rufus HaynA short biography of Uriel Septim VII's accomplishmentsList 2
Light Armor Forging70Revus SarvaniA book detailing various aspects of forging the various types of light armor.Smithingskill book
Liminal Bridges50Camilonwe of AlinorA Discourse On The Theory and Praxis of Traveling Between Mundus and OblivionConjurationskill book
Lost Legends11Talsgar the ElderA collection of less well-known folk tales from Skyrim's pastList 3
Love Poem5Yngvar the Singer
Lu-ah's Journal5Lu'ah Al-Skaven
Lycanthropic Legends of Skyrim20Lentulus Inventius, Order of the HornA recounting of the unwillingness of Skyrim's inhabitants to share stories of LycanthropyList 4
Lymdrenn Tenvanni's Journal5Lymdrenn TenvanniA father's last words, as transcribed by a family servant
Mace Etiquette50A warrior's instruction pamphlet on proper mace tacticsOne-handedskill book
Magic from the Sky12Irlav JarolTreatise concering Ayleidic Wells, Welkynd Stones, and Varla StonesList 3
Maluril's Journal5Maluril Ferano
Malyn Varen's Grimoire30Malyn Varen, Master EnchanterA proud mage boasts of altering a Daedric artifact
Mannimarco, King of Worms55HoriclesBiography of Mannimarco, the leader of Necromancers, in verseAlchemyskill book
Margret's Journal5MargretAn Imperial Legion spy's journal detailing a mission to acquire the Cidhna Mine.
Markarth Home Decorating Guide5
Master Illusion Text5
Medresi's Notes5Medresi Dran
Merchant's Journal5
Midden Incident Report5
Miner's Journal5Hadrir
Minorne5Moric Sidrey
Mixed Unit Tactics5Codus CallonusA book about the strategies of the Khajiit during the Five Years WarList 2
Mysterious Akavir5Information about the continent AkavirList 2
Mystery of Talara, Part 460Mera LlykithPart four of the story of Princess TalaraIllusion skill book
Mystery of Talara, v 13Mera LlykithPart one of the story of Princess TalaraList 0
Mystery of Talara, v 255Mera LlykithPart two of the story of Princess TalaraRestorationskill book
Mystery of Talara, v355Mera LlykithPart three of the story of Princess TalaraDestructionskill book
Mystery of Talara, v511Mera LlykithPart five of the story of Princess TalaraList 3
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 125Mankar CamoranThe first book read by initiates to the Mythic Dawn cult
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 225Mankar CamoranThe second book read by initiates to the Mythic Dawn cult
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 325Mankar CamoranThe third book read by initiates to the Mythic Dawn cult
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 425Mankar CamoranThe fourth and final book read by initiates to the Mythic Dawn cult
Myths of Sheogorath2MymophonusMagical myths about The Madgod himselfList 1
N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis!20N'GastaAn obscure text written in the language of the Sload by a necromancerList 4
Nepos's Journal5Nepos the NoseThe regretful musings of an elderly Forsworn agent.
Nerevar Moon and Star30An imperial work on the legend of the NerevarList 4
Night Falls on Sentinel50BoaliHow a knight weeds out an enemy of the kingOne-handedskill book번역
Night of Tears5Dranor SelethAn inquiry into the cause of the Night of Tears
Nightingales: Fact or Fiction?3Wilimina RothDissertation discussing whether a mysterious group of thieves actually existsList 0
Nords Arise!4AnonymousStormcloak's recruitment essay calling for rebellion against the EmpireList 1
Nords of Skyrim6Hrothmund Wolf-HeartAn essay professing the finer qualities of NordsList 2
Notes on Dimhollow Crypt, Vol. 311Adalvald
Notes On The Lunar Forge55
Notes on Yngol Barrow5A scholar's transcription of ancient Nord writings in a Skyrim barrow
Nystrom's Journal150NystromA bandit's journal on attempting to con their way into the Twilight Sepulcher.
Ode To The Tundrastriders8UnknownA poem dedicated to giantsList 2
Of Crossed Daggers5Dwennon WyndellThe story of Riften's fall from graceList 2
Of Fjori and Holgeir6A tale of two star-crossed lovers in SkyrimList 2
Oghma Infinium2500XarxesAn ancient text containing the knowledge of Hermaeus Mora
Olaf and the Dragon2Adonato LeotelliA historian ponders the legend of Olaf One-Eye and NuminexList 1
Old Tome5A poetic hint on how to open a hidden door.
On Oblivion10Morian ZenasA guide to Oblivion and the DaedraList 3
On Stepping Lightly12Sigilis JustusA warning on what to expect in the ruins of SkyrimList 3
On the Great Collapse12Arch-Mage DenethA letter from the Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold to the Jarl following the Great Collapse.List 3
Opusculus Lamae Bal14Mabei Aywenil, ScribeA brief account of Lamae Bal and the Restless DeathList 3
Orsinium and the Orcs70Menyna GsostThe story of how Gortwog won the land to the north of WayrestHeavy Armor skill book
Palla, volume 13Vojne MierstyydA conjurer's tragic infatuation with a dead woman (volume 1 of 2)List 0
Palla, volume 210Vojne MierstyydA conjurer's tragic infatuation with a dead woman (volume 2 of 2)List 3
Pension of the Ancestor Moth8A Temple novice's initiatory pamphlet on the Cult of the Ancestor MothList 2
Physicalities of Werewolves14Reman CrexA morbid anatomical study of werewolves on live subjectsList 3
Pirate King of the Abecean6An ode to the Pirate KingList 2
Power of the Elements5Fire Stormspell tome
Proper Lock Design75Written as a manual for lock designers, unintentionally helpful to thievesLockpickingskill book
Purloined Shadows60Waughin JarthA chill tale recounting the theft of Nocturnal's cowlPickpocketskill book
Racial Phylogeny55Council of Healers, Imperial UniversityAbout the similarities and differences between the races of TamrielRestorationskill book
Ramati's Journal5RamatiA journal detailing a Redguard family's purchase of the Frostflow Lighthouse leading up to their massacre by Falmer.
Reality & Other Falsehoods60Summary of the basic principles of Alteration magic.Alterationskill book
Red Eagle's Rite5A rite to raise the legendary Red Eagle from death.
Remanada20Fragmented, mythical recounting of the conception of Reman and the return of the Chim-el Adabal - also known as the Amulet of Kings - with the people of TamrielList 4
Report: Disaster at Ionith3Lord Pottreid, ChairmanAn Imperial-scripted dispatch concerning Uriel V's invasion of AkavirList 1
Research Log5
Research Notes5Sulla TrebatiusResearch notes on the discovery of Dwarven Spider Automatons.
Response to Bero's Speech55Malviser, BattlemageCommentaries of "Bero's Speech to the Battlemages" bookDestructionskill book
Riften Home Decorating Guide5
Rising Threat, Vol. I6Lathenil of SunholdVolume one in the series of books about ThalmorList 2
Rising Threat, Vol. II6Lathenil of SunholdVolume two in the series of books about ThalmorList 2
Rising Threat, Vol. III6Lathenil of SunholdVolume three in a series of books about the ThalmorList 2
Rising Threat, Vol. IV6Lathenil of SunholdFinal volume in the series of books about ThalmorList 2번역
Rislav The Righteous50SinjinHeroic tales of Rislav Larich, ancient King of SkingradLight Armorskill book
Ruined Trailbook5Travel log of an ill-fated group's accidental foray into Falmer territory.
Ruins of Kemel-Ze7Rolard NordssenAn archaeologist's adventure through ancient Dwemer ruinsList 2
Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls30Septimus Signus, College of WinterholdA philosophical view on the role of the Elder Scrolls
Runil's Journal5RunilThe journal of a priest that portents the return of Dragons and the arrival of the Dovahkiin.
Sacred Witness75Enric MilresAccount of Enric's meeting with the Night Mother and career as an assassinSneak skill book
Saint Jiub's Opus1250JiubSaint Jiub the Eradicator of the Winged Menace recounts his rise to glory
Scourge of the Gray Quarter8Frilgeth Horse-BreakerA complaint on the presence and behavior of the growing Dunmer population of SkyrimList 2
Shadowmarks30Delvin Mallory
Shalidor's Insights5
Shezarr and the Divines11Faustillus JuniusThe relationship between the god Shezarr and the other Cyrodilic deitiesList 3
Short History of Morrowind15Jeanette SitteSome excerpts from the book's introduction and its section on VvardenfellList 3
Sild's Journal5Sild the WarlockJournal entries on how a warlock captures live test subjects with a pit fall trap.번역
Sinderion's Field Journal30SinderionA detailed account of an alchemist's obsession with Nirnroot.
Sithis60Text detailing an apparent connection between Sithis and LorkhanAlterationskill book
Skorm Snow-Strider's Journal5Skorm Snow-Strider
Skyrim's Rule14Abdul-Mujib AbabnehA Redguard explains Skyrim's political systemList 3
Smuggler's Journal5
Solitude Home Decorating Guide5
Song Of Hrormir50The epic narrative of Hrormir, one-time champion of NocturnalTwo-handedskill book
Song of the Alchemists55Marobar SulBook 5 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer.Alchemyskill book
Song of the Askelde Men5A traditional Nordic poem about a ghost stalking those that killed himList 2
Songs of Skyrim10Giraud Gemaine, Historian of the Bards College, SolitudeList 3
Songs of Skyrim: Revised14Giraud Gemaine, Historian of the Bards College, SolitudeA compilation of popular songs in SkyrimList 3
Songs of the Return, Vol 196Part of the traditional legend of Ysgramor and his Five Hundred CompanionsList 0
Songs of the Return, Vol 26Part of the traditional legend of Ysgramor and his Five Hundred CompanionsList 2
Songs of the Return, vol 2430Part of the traditional legend of Ysgramor and his Five Hundred CompanionsList 4
Songs of the Return, Vol 566Part of the traditional legend of Ysgramor and his Five Hundred CompanionsList 2
Songs of the Return, Vol 76Part of the traditional legend of Ysgramor and his Five Hundred CompanionsList 2
Souls, Black and White20A scholar's look at the souls of man and beastList 4
Sovngarde: A Reexamination12Bereditte JastalSpeculation regarding Sovngarde, the Nordic Hall of ValorList 3
Spirit of Nirn6Opinions of the god Lorkhan and the origin of creationList 2번역
Spirit of the Daedra25An insight to the Daedra mindsetList 4
Staubin's Diary5StaubinAn account of an expedition into Nchuand-Zel.
Stromm's Diary5StrommResearch notes on an expedition into Nchuzand-Zel.
Sudi's Journal5SudiA journal detailing the moments from Sudi moving into Frostflow Lighthouse until her family's massacre by Falmer.
Sulla's Journal5Sulla TrebatiusA journal describing an ill fated excavation of Alftand.
Surfeit of Thieves75Aniis NoruHow a busted robbery gets even worseLockpickingskill book
Suvaris Atheron's Logbook5Suvaris Atheron
Tattered Journal5
Thalmor Dossier: Delphine5Thalmor Dossier on the Blades agent Delphine.
Thalmor Dossier: Esbern5Thalmor Dossier on the Blades Loremaster Esbern.
Thalmor Dossier: Ulfric Stormcloak5Thalmor Dossier on the Stormcloaks leader and Jarl of Windhelm Ulfric Stormcloak.번역
The "Madmen" of the Reach7Arrianus Arius, Imperial ScholarA defense of the Forsworn.List 2
The Adabal-a25The memoirs of Morihaus, consort to AlessiaList 4
The Aetherium Wars15Taron DrethA treatise on the collapse of Dwemer city-states in Skyrim
The Alduin/Akatosh Dichotomy8Alexandre Simon, High Priest of the Akatosh Chantry, WayrestA priest's deductions on the relation between Akatosh and AlduinList 2
The Amulet of Kings6Wenegrus MonhanaChronicles the creation of the Amulet of KingsList 2
The Apprentice's Assistant12AramrilAdvice from Valenwood's most prestigious spellcasterList 3
The Arcturian Heresy6The Underking, Ysmir KingmakerA brief, undated, early historical document covering the Underking and Tiber SeptimList 2
The Armorer's Challenge70MymophonusA competition between two skilled armorsmithsSmithingskill book
The Art of War Magic55Zurin Arctus, with Commentary By Other Learned MastersMastering the art of winningDestructionskill book
The Bear of Markarth8Arrianus Arius, Imperial ScholarAn account of Ulfric Stormcloak's short-lived independent reign over the Reach.List 2번역
The Beginner's Guide to Homesteading10A guide to building and furnishing a house on your purchased plot of land
The Betrayed20Engwe EmelothTranslated from Falmer Text by Calcelmo of Markarth
The Black Arrow, v12Gorgic GuineA story of revenge, and a true master archerList 0
The Black Arrow, v265Gorgic GuineVolume two of a story of revenge, and a true master archerArcheryskill book
The Black Arts On Trial60Hannibal Traven, Archmagister of the Mages GuildA summary of the salient points of the debate which led to the resolution of the Mages Guild on the subject of NecromancyIllusion skill book
The Book of Daedra5Excerpts from a lengthy tome describing the nature of each of the DaedraList 2
The Book of Fate40
The Book of Life and Service35Book relating to the undead of the Soul Cairn
The Book of the Dragonborn12Prior Emelene MadrineA treatise on the DragonbornList 3
The Buying Game60Adabael Timsar-DadisunTips on buying and sellingSpeechskill book
The Cabin in the Woods8Mogen Son of MolagA tale of a soldier and a sobbing ghostList 2
The Cake and The Diamond5Athyn MuendilList 2
The City of Stone4Amanda AlleiaA mercenary's guide to MarkarthList 1
The Code of Malacath2Amanda Alleia, MercenaryA description of life in an average Orc StrongholdList 1
The Doors of Oblivion50Seif-ij HidjaThe chronicles of Morian Zenas' journey through the realms of Oblivion, penned by his apprenticeConjurationskill book
The Dowry11Marobar SulBook 10 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer.List 3
The Dragon Break14Fal DroonExplanation of an historical error of timingList 3
The Dragon War12Torhal BjorikA religious text describing the primordial war between men and dragonsList 3
The Dreamstride5The Mysterious Alchemists of VaerminaA description of the nature and effect of Vaermina's Torpor
The Exodus55Waughin JarthThe tale of a parent's desperate bid to save their only childRestorationskill book
The Falmer: A Study11Ursa UthraxA study on Falmer, recounting their war with the DwemerList 3
The Firmament5FfoulkeA book of constellations and their meaningsList 2
The Firsthold Revolt7Maveus CieThe story of how Hlaalu Helseth's sister kept the Summerset Isle city of FirstholdList 2
The Four Totems of Volskygge5A logic puzzle holding the secret to opening a barred gate.
The Gold Ribbon of Merit65Ampyrian BrumA man tutors his old friend in marksmanshipArcheryskill book
The Great War6Legate Justianus QuintiusA soldier's summation of the major events before and during the Great WarList 2
The Holds of Skyrim3The official guide of the Imperial Legion to Skyrim and its holdsList 1
The Hope of the Redoran5Turiul NirithA tale of a child blessed by a prophesy and the interpretation thereofList 2
The Importance of Where50Marobar SulBook 3 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer.One-handedskill book번역
The Keepers of the Razor5An account of the separation and division of Mehrunes' Razor into three pieces.
The Knights of the Nine70Karoline of SolitudeThe founding and breakup of the original Knights of the NineHeavy Armor skill book
The Last King of the Ayleids5Herminia CinnaChronicles the downfall of the Ayleid Empire in the First Era
The Legend of Red Eagle5Tredayn Dren, Archivist of WinterholdAn ancient tale about the invasion of the Reach by the First Empire.List 2번역
The Legendary Sancre Tor50Matera ChapelAn attempt to chronicle the rise and fall of Sancre TorTwo-handedskill book
The Legendary Scourge30A short story and poem about Scourge, the mace of MalacathList 4
The Locked Room75Porbert LyttumlyHow a pupil outlocks her cruel picklock instructorLockpickingskill book
The Lunar Lorkhan60Fal DroonA theory about the moons Masser and SecundaAlterationskill book
The Lusty Argonian Maid, v114Crassius CurioA short excerpt from Crassius Curio's bawdy playList 3
The Lusty Argonian Maid, v214Crassius CurioAnother short scene from the pen of Vivec City's foremost playwrightList 3
The Madness of Pelagius12TsathenesProfiling the renowned Mad EmperorList 3
The Marksmanship Lesson65Alla LlalethHow a Bosmer slave teaches his master's son marksmanshipArcheryskill book
The Mirror50Berdier WreansAbout a skilled fighter's showdown with his greatest enemyBlock skill book
The Monomyth8A theological book containing the common creation mythsList 2
The Night Mother's Truth25Gaston BellefortA thesis on the Dark Brotherhood and its spiritual leaderList 4
The Nightingales Vol. 1500Gallus DesideniusVolume 1 of the books that describe the Nightingales
The Nightingales Vol. 2500Gallus DesideniusVolume 2 of the books that describe the Nightingales
The Nirnoot Missive250SinderionA description of the enigmatic plant called Nirnroot.번역
The Oblivion Crisis6Praxis Sarcorum, Imperial HistorianA summary of the events stemming from the assassination of Emperor Uriel Septim VIIList 2
The Old Ways30Celarus the LoremasterA guide to the Psijic Order and their beliefsList 4
The Pig Children20Tyston BaneDiscusses the history of the Orcish threat in the Iliac BayList 4
The Posting of the Hunt25A document announcing a ritualistic hunting of a mortal by DaedraList 4
The Ransom of Zarek2Marobar SulHow a boy escapes his kidnappersList 0
The Real Barenziah, v15AnonymousUnauthorized biography of the famous Queen Mother of Morrowind, Volume 1List 2
The Real Barenziah, v25AnonymousUnauthorized biography of the famous Queen Mother of Morrowind, Volume 2List 2
The Real Barenziah, v35AnonymousUnauthorized biography of the famous Queen Mother of Morrowind, Volume 3List 2
The Real Barenziah, v45AnonymousUnauthorized biography of the famous Queen Mother of Morrowind, Volume 4List 2
The Real Barenziah, v55AnonymousUnauthorized biography of the famous Queen Mother of Morrowind, Volume 5List 2번역
The Rear Guard50Tenace MourlHow a lone man guards a besieged castle and how he obtains his foodLight Armorskill book
The Red Book of Riddles30Small collection of riddlesList 4번역
The Red Kitchen Reader75Simocles QuoAutobiographical musings of how the Master of Cuisine came to adore viandsSneak skill book
The Refugees50Geros AlbreighHistory of refugees fleeing the Camoran UsurperLight Armorskill book
The Rise and Fall of the Blades11AnonymousOn the Blades' origins and their fateList 3
The Secrets of Ragnvald5A poem about Otar's corruption and the fate of two warriors sent to stop him
The Seed10Marobar SulBook 2 of an incomplete series of fictional stories about the Dwemer.List 3
The Song of Pelinal, v15A description of the origins of Pelinal's nameList 2
The Song of Pelinal, v25A history of Pelinal's originsList 2
The Song of Pelinal, v35A description of Pelinal's mortal enemy, Umaril the UnfeatheredList 2
The Song of Pelinal, v45A brief list of Pelinal's great deedsList 2
The Song of Pelinal, v55Notes about Pelinal's friendship with MorihausList 2
The Song of Pelinal, v65Thoughts on Pelinal's madnessList 2
The Song of Pelinal, v75On Pelinal's battle with Umaril, and his dismembermentList 2
The Song of Pelinal, v85Pelinal's words at the deathbed of AlessiaList 2
The Sultry Argonian Bard, v114Ellya ErdainA short excerpt from Ellya Erdain play
The Tale of Dro'Zira11Sonia VetteA Khajiit father in the grips of Moon Sugar gives his cub a history lessonList 3
The Talos Mistake7Leonora VenatusPropaganda encouraging acceptance of the ban on the worship of TalosList 2
The Third Door11Annanar OrmeTale of a heart-broken, vengeful, axe-wielding womanList 3
The Third Era Timeline8Jaspus IgnateousAn accounting of the most significant events of the Third EraList 2
The Totems of Hircine30Werewolf tales regarding artifacts of Hircine
The True Nature of Orcs20Book detailing the Orsimer race and their originList 4
The Warrior's Charge50An old poem of the Redguards that deals with the constellationsConjurationskill book번역
The Waters of Oblivion30A work on the dangers of Daedra and OblivionList 4
The Wild Elves25Kier-Jo ChorvakBrief description of the Ayleids, or Wild ElvesList 4
The Windhelm Letters7ReyliaA series of letters written in the Second Era from a woman in Windhelm to her husband in SolitudeList 2
The Wispmother8Mathias EtienneSummation of legends regarding the WispmothersList 2
The Wolf Queen, v175Waughin JarthLife of Queen Potema, Book OneLockpickingskill book번역
The Wolf Queen, v24Waughin JarthLife of Queen Potema, Book TwoList 0번역
The Wolf Queen, v34Waughin JarthLife of Queen Potema, Book ThreeList 0번역
The Wolf Queen, v44Waughin JarthLife of Queen Potema, Book FourList 0번역
The Wolf Queen, v54Waughin JarthLife of Queen Potema, Book FiveList 0
The Wolf Queen, v630Waughin JarthLife of Queen Potema, Book SixList 4번역
The Wolf Queen, v74Waughin JarthLife of Queen Potema, Book SevenList 0
The Wolf Queen, v812Waughin JarthLife of Queen Potema, Book EightList 3
The Woodcutter's Wife8Mogen Son of MolagA story of mistrust, murder, and magicList 2
There Be Dragons11Torhal BjorikA report on the nature of dragonsList 3
Thief60RevenThe second chapter of the adventures of Eslaf ErolPickpocketskill book
Thief of Virtue5A bawdy tale of one thief's quest for coin, and capture of a lady's virtueList 2
Thonar's Journal5Thonar Silver-BloodRevelations that the Silver-Bloods are secretly manipulating the Forsworn.
Three Thieves75AnonymousSome thieves in Morrowind plan a heistSneak skill book
Tolfdir's Book5Asgrim Kolsgreg
Touching the Sky20Parmion SaldorTranslated from Falmer Text by Calcelmo of Markarth
Treatise on Ayleidic Cities25The history of Varsa Baalim and Mehrunes' RazorList 4
Trials of St. Alessia5Excerpt from a greater work detailing the creation of the Amulet of KingsList 2
Troll Slaying8FinnA guide to identifying, fighting, and collecting fat from trollsList 2
Twin Secrets50Brarilu TheranA tale of an enchanter's demise from a perilous experimentEnchantingskill book
Ulfr's Book5A blank book being read by a blind watchman.
Umana's Journal5UmanaA record of an ill-fated exploration of Dwemer ruins in Skyrim.
Uncommon Taste3The GourmetA recipe book, containing recipes of a Breton origin.List 1번역
Uncommon Taste - Signed30The GourmetA Letter, containing recipes, from The Gourmet to Anton.
Unknown Book, Vol. I20ENGWE EMELOTH
Unknown Book, Vol. II20
Unknown Book, Vol. III20
Unknown Book, Vol. IV20PARMION SALDOR
Unsent Afflicted Letter5
Valerica's Journal10ValericaValerica's notes on attuning the portal vessel to the Soul Cairn.
Varieties of Daedra11Aranea Drethan, Healer and Dissident PriestAn analysis of Daedra forms, focusing primarily on the DremoraList 3
Venarus Vulpin's Journal5Venarus Vulpin
Venarus Vulpin's Research5Venarus Vulpin
Vernaccus and Bourlor65 (Skill Book)Tavi DromioHow a short-tempered Daedra tries to make something of himselfArcheryskill book
Volk's Journal5Volk
Wabbajack7Story of one man's summoning of Sheogorath and descent into madnessList 2번역
Walking the World, Vol XI8Spatior MuniusA comprehensive description of the city of SolitudeList 2
War of the First Council25Agrippa FundiliusA brief account of a First Age religious conflictList 4
Warrior50RevenThe third chapter of the adventures of Eslaf ErolBlock skill book
Watcher of Stones8Gelyph Sig, Thane of BjorinMusings by the Thane of Bjorin about Guardian StonesList 2
Whiterun Home Decorating Guide5Details on accessory packages available for a Whiterun home
Windhelm Home Decorating Guide5Details on accessory packages available for a Windhelm home
Withershins55Yaqut TawashiA humorous tale of a man's ailment and cureRestorationskill book
Words and Philosophy50An interview with a Bosmer master swordsman about her lifeTwo-handedskill book
Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi14Clan Mother AhnissiHow a Khajiit explains the origin of the worldList 3
Wraith's Wedding Dowry10Voltha gra-YamwortList 3
Wyndelius's Journal40Wyndelius GatharianA journal documenting a treasure-hunter's descent into madness.
Yellow Book of Riddles3A series of riddlesList 1번역
Yngol and the Sea-Ghosts5A tale of Ysgramor's first adventure in TamrielList 2

One - Handed (한손 무기)

  • 2920 샛별 (1 권) (2920, Morning Star, v1): Driftshade Refuge / 일단 Driftshade Cellar에 내려 다시 올라 방에있는 책상

*Fire and Darkness, Volume 1: In 폴군터 (Folgunthur). *Fire and Darkness, Volume 2: In Esben's room in the Ratway Warrens in 리프튼 (Riften). *Mace Etiquette, Volume 1: In Orotheim. *Mace Etiquette, Volume 2: In 녹색담장 요새 (Fort Greenwall). *Morning Star Part I, Volume 1: In 더미그늘 피난처 (Driftshade Refuge). *Morning Star Part II, Volume 1: In 잃어버린 메아리 동굴 (Lost Echo Cave). *Night Falls on Sentinel, Volume 1: In the Bandit camp northwest of 헬겐 (Helgen). *Night Falls on Sentinel, Volume 2: In 사기꾼의 굴 (Swindler's Den) during a side quest. *The Importance of Where, Volume 1: In a Markarth guard tower. *The Importance of Where, Volume 2: In Chillfurrow Farm. *Warrior: In 더미그늘 피난처 (Driftshade Refuge).

Two - handed (양손 무기)

  • 산쿠레토루 전투 Battle of Sancre Tor: Whiterun / House of Clan Ba​​ttle - Born 북서 방 선반
  • 후로미루의 노래 Song of Hrormir: Whiterun / Jorrvaskr / Jorrvaskr Living Quarters 최북단 방

*Battle of Sancre Tor, Volume 1: In 청소부의 돌무덤 (Dustman's Cairn). *Battle of Sancre Tor, Volume 2: In 오래된 흐롤단 (Old Hroldan). *King, Volume 1: In 음산한바람 절벽 (Bleakwind Bluff). *King, Volume 2: In Penitus Oculatist Outpost at 용다리 (Dragon Bridge). *Song of Hrormir, Volume 1: In 요르바스크 (Jorrvaskr) Living Quarters. *Song of Hrormir, Volume 2: In Jala's house in 솔리튜드 (Solitude). *The Legendary City of Sancre Tor, Volume 1: In 이스그래머 (Ysgramor)'s Tomb: the room before the Harbinger's Flame. *The Legendary City of Sancre Tor, Volume 2: In 포크리스 (Falkreath)'s barracks. *Words and Philosophy, Volume 1: In the flooded cave of the (Lost Knife Hideout). *Words and Philosophy, Volume 2: In the 리프튼 (Riften) barracks.

Archery (활)

  • 사격 학습 The Marksmanship Lesson: Whiterun / Jorrvaskr / Jorrvaskr Living Quarters 서쪽에서 2 번째 방 전문가 잠금 디스플레이
  • 검은 화살 (2 권) The Black Arrow, v2: Robber 's Gorge 언덕 오두막에서 Valtheim Towers 북쪽 타워 중층
  • 영예의 금색 리본 The Bold Ribbon of Merit: Solitude / Fletcher 점내 들어가자 마자 왼쪽 테이블 Angi 's Camp 오두막에서
  • 붸루나카스과 부로루 Vernaccus and Bourlor: Knifepoint Ridge 작업 오두막 건너편의 활과 화살이 놓여져있는 책상

*Father Of The Niben, Volume 1: In Brinehammer Shipwreck Hold. *Father Of The Niben, Volume 2: In Autumnshade Clearing, northwest of 리프튼 (Riften), on a dead hunter. *The Black Arrow, Volume 2: in Brood Cavern, near a chest, on a dead hunter. *The Black Arrow Part II, Volume 2: In Valtheim Towers. *The Gold Ribbon Of Merit, Volume 1: In Fletcher's shop in 솔리튜드 (Solitude). *The Gold Ribbon Of Merit, Volume 2: In Angi's Camp. *The Marksmanship Lesson, Volume 1: In the map room in Dawnstar Sanctuary. *The Marksmanship Lesson, Volume 2: In 길프레 (Gilfre)'s house at 섞인물 풍차 (Mixwater Mill). *The Marksmanship Lesson, Volume 3: On a table in a small room in 팔디르의 이빨 (Faldar's Tooth). *Vernaccus And Bourlor, Volume 1: In the Smithshop at 칼끝언덕 (Knifepoint Ridge). *Vernaccus And Bourlor, Volume 2: In 프로키의 판자집 (Froki's Shack). *Vernaccus And Bourlor, Volume 3: 회색겨울 감시탑 (Graywinter Watch), on top of a barrel in the back of the cave. *Vernaccus And Bourlor, Volume 4: 호닝브루 양조장 (Honningbrew Meadery), in the bookshelf to the left.

Heavy Armor (중장 갑옷)

Block (방어)

Smithing (대장장이)

  • 경장 갑옷 수리 Light Armor Forging: Falkreath / Lod 's House 지하, 서쪽 통에

*Cherim's Heart of Anequina, Volume 1: In 던스타 (Dawnstar)'s 퀵실버 광산 (Quicksilver Mine). *Cherim's Heart of Anequina, Volume 2: In the forge room of 몰븐스커 (Morvunskar). *Heavy Armor Forging, Volume 1: In the 침묵의 달 주둔지 (Silent Moons Camp). *Heavy Armor Forging, Volume 2: In 어둠접경지 광산(Gloombound Mine). *Light Armor Forging, Volume 1: In 로드 (Lod)'s house in 포크리스 (Falkreath). *Light Armor Forging, Volume 2: In 엠버샤드 광산 (Embershard Mine), on the lower level of the larger area to the west. *The Armorer's Challenge, Volume 1: Near the Smith's forge at 몰 카즈거 (Mor Khazgur). *The Armorer's Challenge, Volume 2: On the 하늘대장간 (Skyforge) platform in 화이트런 (Whiterun). *The Last Scabbard of Akrash, Volume 1: In 실버핸드 (The Silver Hand) Camp in 교수대 바위 (Gallows Rock). *The Last Scabbard of Akrash, Volume 2: In the armory of Fort Sunguard. *Heavy Armor Foraging: In Pinepeak Caverns.

Destruction (파괴)

Restoration (회복)

  • 마법사 신즈 Withershins: Whiterun / Temple of Kynareth 북동 책장
  • 종족별 계통 발생 론 Racial Phylogeny: Falkreath / Corpselight Farm 들어 맞은 책장

*Mystery of Talara Part I, Volume 2: In 엘더그림 성역 (Eldergleam Sanctuary). *Mystery of Talara Part II, Volume 2: In 서리류 등대 (Frostflow Lighthouse). *Racial Phylogeny, Volume 1: At Moorside Inn in 모르탈 (Morthal). *Racial Phylogeny, Volume 2: At Corpselight Farm in Falkreath. *Racial Phylogeny, Volume 3: Quest reward for "책벌레잡기 (Hitting The Books)", given by 우라그 그로-슈브 (Urag Gro-shub). *Rain's Hand Part I, Volume 4: In 팰리언 (Falion)'s house in Morthal. *Rain's Hand Part II, Volume 4: In the Hall of the Dead in Markarth. *The Exodus, Volume 1: In The Frozen Hearth in Winterhold. *The Exodus, Volume 2: At Stendarr's Beacon. *Withershins, Volume 1: At the end of Actwind Point. *Withershins, Volume 2: In the Temple of Kynareth at 화이트런 (Whiterun).


Illusion (환술)

Conjuration (소환)

Enchanting (첨부 저주)

Light Armor (경장 갑옷)

  • 후위의 마음가짐 The Rear Guard: Driftshade Refuge / Driftshade Cellar 남동 객실 선반

*Ice and Chitin, Volume 1: In the guard tower in 마르카스 (Markarth). *Ice and Chitin, Volume 2: In a room under the southern bridge of 윈드헬름 (Windhelm). *Jornibret's Last Dance, Volume 1: In Fort Neugard's library. *Jornibret's Last Dance, Volume 2: In an 가을구경 탑 (Autumnwatch Tower). *Rislav the Righteous, Volume 1: In the training room at 그래이무어 요새 (Fort Greymoor). *Rislav the Righteous, Volume 2: In the training room at 깨진 상아 요새 (Cracked Tusk Keep). *Rislav the Righteous, Volume 3: On a table at a camp with a 말 (Horse) and dead Horker at the shore just north of the 설원 장막 성소(Snow Veil Sanctum). *The Rear Guard, Volume 1: In Castle Dour in 솔리튜드 (Solitude). *The Rear Guard, Volume 2: At the Druaddach Redoubt. *The Refugees, Volume 1: In a small, nameless camp west of 헬겐 (Helgen). To reach it, follow the path, and keep left. *The Refugees, Volume 2: In the Smithy of 솔리튜드 (Solitude).



  • 자물쇠 기술의 진보 Advances in Lockpicking: Bannermist Tower 중층 책상
  • 도적의 대두 Surfeit of Thieves: Mistvale Keep / Mistvale Keep Jarl 's Chambers Jarl Lalia 침실 사이드 테이블

*Advances in Lock Picking, Volume 1: Inside Ragged Flagon's cistern at 리프튼 (Riften). *Advances in Lock Picking, Volume 2: During the escape from 리프튼 (Riften)'s jail. *Proper Lock Design, Volume 1: In 시드나 광산 (Cidhna Mine) in 마르카스 (Markarth). *Proper Lock Design, Volume 2: In the shack above the ramparts at the top of 팔디르의 이빨 (Faldar's Tooth). *Surfeit of Thieves, Volume 1: In the Wreck of The Winter War. *Surfeit of Thieves, Volume 2: In Mistveil Keep in 리프튼 (Riften). It is next to Jarl Laila Law-Giver's end table. *The Locked Room, Volume 1: At Highmoon Hall in 모르탈 (Morthal). *The Locked Room, Volume 2: In Animonculary's vault in Alftrand. *The Wolf Queen, Book I, Volume 1:

 # In [[Dawnstar]] jail.
 # [[broken fang cave]]

*The Wolf Queen, Book II, Volume 1: Underneath the bar in 크랙슬레인 동굴(Cragslane Cavern).

Pickpocket (절도)

  • 도적 Thief: Bleak Falls Temple 필러를 조작하여 문을 여는 퍼즐을 초과한 대상
  • 그림자를 훔치는 Purloined Shadows: Folgunthur 바로 북서쪽 필드 강가의 얕은 동굴
  • 구걸 Beggar: Riften / The Ratway 가장 동쪽 방 책상, Riften / Haelga 's Bunkhouse 2F 북동의 책상
  • 더 나은 훔치기 가이드 Guide to Better Thieving: Gode​​nglow / Godenglow Estate Sewer 옥내되는 격자의 방

*Aevar Stone-Singer, Volume 1: In 쏜니르 (Thonnir)'s house in 모르탈 (Morthal). *Aevar Stone-Singer, Volume 2: In the last jail cell in 잃어버린 발키그 (Lost Valkygg). *Beggar, Volume 1: Near 쥐길 (The Ratway), at the table in room with Khajiit Lowlife. *Beggar, Volume 2: In 헬거 (Haelga)'s bunkhouse in 리프튼 (Riften). *Purloined Shadows, Volume 1: In 황혼빛 틈새 (Duskglow Crevice). *Purloined Shadows, Volume 2: In Honorfall Orphanage in Riften. *Thief, Volume 1: In Bleak Falls Temple, 사기꾼의 굴 (Swindler's Den). *Thief, Volume 2: At the Argonian Assemblage in 윈드헬름 (Windhelm). *Wulfmare's Guide To Better Thieving, Volume 1: At the bottom of Fort Sunguard's oubliette. *Wulfmare's Guide To Better Thieving, Volume 2: In 마라의 눈 연못 (Mara S Eye Pond).

Speech (입담)

  • 늑대의 여왕 Biography of the Wolf Queen: Whiterun / Belethor 's General Goods 점내 향해 왼쪽 선반 , Blue Palace 2F 최북단 방
  • 장사의 재치 The Buying Game: Solitude / Bird College 2F 계단을 올라 오른쪽 방의 책장

*A Dance in the Fire, Book VI, Volume 6: In Meeko's Shack. *A Dance in the Fire, Book VI, Volume 6: In Dead Man's Drink tavern at 포크리스 (Falkreath). *A Dance in the Fire, Book VI, Volume 7: In Arnleif And Sons Trading Company in 마르카스 (Markarth). *A Dance in the Fire, Book VI, Volume 7: In Beggars' Row in 리프튼 (Riften). *Biography of the Wolf Queen, Volume 1: In the Blue Palace in 솔리튜드 (Solitude). *Biography of the Wolf Queen, Volume 2: In Belthor's General Goods in 화이트런 (Whiterun). *Second Seed Part I, Volume 5: In Sorli's house in Stonehills. *Second Seed Part II, Volume 5: In Sadri's Used Wares in 윈드헬름 (Windhelm). *The Buying Game, Volume 1: In Bards' College. *The Buying Game, Volume 2: At the Shrine to Peyrite.

Alchemy (연금술)

책으로 분류

IDBook NameSkillLocation
0001AFC4A Game at DinnerAlchemyDead Crone Rock?(The Reach) by a lever opening the way to the rooftop.
Forsaken Crypt?(The Pale) in room where?The White Phial?is found
Harmugstahl?(The Reach) behind the expert lock
Honningbrew Meadery?(Whiterun) in the upstairs bedroom
New Gnisis Cornerclub?(Windhelm)
0001AFC7De Rerum DirennisAlchemy240 ft N of?Evergreen Grove?(Falkreath Hold) (x=-50719 y=-62713)
Grave Concoctions?(Falkreath)
Sinderion's Field Laboratory?(Winterhold)
The Midden Dark?(College of Winterhold) at an alchemy lab
0001AFC8Herbalist's Guide to SkyrimAlchemyArcadia's Cauldron?(Whiterun)
Boulderfall Cave?(The Rift)
Journeyman's Nook?(Winterhold)
The Hag's Cure?(Markarth) on the shelf under the counter
0001AFC5Mannimarco King of WormsAlchemyEvergreen Grove?(Falkreath Hold) on an altar
470 ft S of?Haafingar Stormcloak Camp?(x=-90880 y=79768)
Nightcaller Temple?(The Pale) in the Alchemy Lab room
750 ft ESE of?Winterhold?(x=124117 y=97046)
0001AFC6Song of the AlchemistsAlchemyAnise's Cabin?(Falkreath Hold) on a table at the foot of the bed
Bards College?(Solitude) found on the library counter
Jorgen and Lami's House?(Morthal)
0001B236Breathing WaterAlterationIlinalta's Deep?(Falkreath Hold) underwater room next to a submerged chest
Kraldar's House?(Winterhold)
Snapleg Cave?(Eastmarch) in one of the tents sitting on a barrel
600 ft SSE of?Steamcrag Camp?(Eastmarch) (x=147283 y=-22157)
460 ft NNE of?Ysgramor's Tomb?(Winterhold) on a table near?Ilas-Tei's?corpse (x=99749 y=129108)
0001AFC9Daughter of the NibenAlterationBrandy-Mug Farm?(Eastmarch) on top of the fireplace
390 ft E of?Haemar's Shame?(Falkreath Hold) (x=63029 y=-80339)
530 ft NE of?Pale Imperial Camp?(x=6810 y=108140)
Understone Keep?(Markarth) on a table near the throne
0001AFCCReality & Other FalsehoodsAlterationBthardamz Arcanex?(The Reach) on?Orchendor?(only as part of quest?The Only Cure)
Marise Aravel's House?(Riften)
Snow-Shod Farm?(The Rift) basement
320 ft WSW of?Sundered Towers?(x=-124194 y=24994)
Yngvild Throne Room?(Winterhold) next to the throne
0001AFCBSithisAlterationCradle Stone Tower
Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary?(Falkreath Hold)
Dawnstar Sanctuary?(The Pale)
Nchuand-Zel?(The Reach) in the central cavern
0001AFCDThe Lunar LorkhanAlterationCragwallow Slope?(Eastmarch) central chamber
Faldar's Tooth?(The Rift) on a shelf at the top of one of the outer towers
Mzulft Boilery?(Eastmarch) on a table next to a skeleton behind a locked door
440 ft SSE of?Pinewatch?(Falkreath Hold) (x=-6284 y=-85130)
Solitude Lighthouse?(Solitude) Mazoka's quarters
0001B008Father Of The NibenArcheryHunter's Rest?(Falkreath Hold) between two bedrolls.
460 ft SW of?Kagrenzel?(Eastmarch) (x=185593 y=-37167)
190 ft NNE of?Twilight Sepulcher?(Falkreath Hold) (x=-69443 y=-76729)
Wreck Of The Brinehammer?(The Pale) lower cargo hold.
0001B009The Black Arrow v2ArcheryThe Drunken Huntsman?(Whiterun) under the counter
Helgen Keep?(Falkreath Hold)
Robber's Gorge on the floor of the cabin at the top of the hill
Valtheim Towers top of the north tower
0001B005The Gold Ribbon of MeritArcheryAngi's Camp?(Falkreath Hold) inside the shack
300 ft SE of?Autumnshade Clearing in an unmarked hunter encampment (x=158115 y=-83394)
Fort Hraggstad?(Haafingar) over the table in the west room
290 ft N of?North Cold Rock Pass?(x=-47126 y=43920)
0001B26DThe Marksmanship LessonArcheryCliffside Retreat?(The Reach) on a table
Dawnstar Sanctuary?(Dawnstar) on the table with the map
Faldar's Tooth?(The Rift) kitchen area
Gilfre's House?(Eastmarch)on the table on the right after entering
Jorrvaskr Living Quarters?(Whiterun) inside a display case in Aela's Room
0001B007Vernaccus and BourlorArcheryClearspring Cave?(The Rift)
Froki's Shack?(The Rift)
Graywinter Watch?(Whiterun Hold) on a barrel
Knifepoint Ridge near the forge
The Treasury House?(Markarth) on a circular ledge with a pot on the west side of the main room
(Only locations for the skill book are provided)
0001AFDFA Dance in Fire v2BlockFort Snowhawk?(Hjaalmarch) on a desk near an enchanting table in the main keep
Karthspire Camp over a crate inside one of the lower tents (x=-128662 y=9085)
380 ft SE of?Stendarr's Beacon?(The Rift) (x=203409 y=-121921)
Traitor's Post on a cupboard
0002F83CBattle of Red MountainBlockLargashbur Cellar?(The Rift)
Skybound Watch Pass?(Falkreath Hold) on a shelf near a chest.
Kilkreath Ruins?(Haafingar) in a corner book case before activating the last beacon there.
Tolvald's Crossing?(The Rift)
In an unmarked destroyed shack west-southwest of?Shor's Stone?and southeast of?Rift Watchtower?(x=135973 y=-75740)
0001AFDDDeath Blow of AbernanitBlock430 ft W of?Dawnstar?(x=21583 y=105421)
Jarl's Longhouse?(Falkreath) left room of the bottom floor on a table
Northwind Mine?(The Rift)
180 ft WSW of?Reachwater Rock?(The Reach) (x=-144666 y=-4760)
Whiterun Catacombs?(Whiterun) on a table in the first room to the left
0001AFDEThe MirrorBlockBroken Tower Redoubt?(The Reach) on the sleeping area
Castle Dour?(Solitude)
Forsaken Cave?(The Pale) over a table in the first tomb's zone
Palace of the Kings Upstairs?(Windhelm)
0001AFE0WarriorBlockDriftshade Refuge?(Winterhold) near the fireplace in the boss's chamber
Fort Kastav Captain's Quarters?(Winterhold)
380 ft SSE of?Haafingar Stormcloak Camp?(x=-88179 y=82804)
280 ft WNW of?North Skybound Watch by a bedroll in an unmarked bandit camp (x=27379 y=-58190)
Silent Ruin?(Blackreach)
0001AFEA2920 Frostfall v10ConjurationBelyn Hlaalu's House?(Windhelm) upstairs behind the dresser
450 ft SSW of?Evergreen Grove?(Falkreath Hold) on an unmarked necromancer's altar (x=-53721 y=-76998)
Ironbind Barrow?(Winterhold) on?Beem-Ja?(only as part of quest?Coming of Age)
Sunderstone Gorge?(Falkreath Hold) on a pedestal in the room with the word wall
0001AFE92920 Hearth Fire v9Conjuration640 ft SE of?Angi's Camp?(Falkreath Hold) (x=-18119 y=-115582)
520 ft N of?Pinewatch?(Falkreath Hold) (x=-9811 y=-65223)
The Mortar and Pestle?(Dawnstar) under the counter
Rimerock Burrow?(Haafingar) on an end table in the final cavern
0001AFE8Liminal BridgesConjurationBroken Tower Redoubt?(The Reach) the topmost tower (the Briarheart's room)
Falkreath Watchtower at the top of the stairs at the entrance to the tent
2 copies in?Shalidor's Maze?in?Labyrinthian?(Hjaalmarch)
0001AFE7The Doors of OblivionConjurationFellglow Keep?(Whiterun Hold) podium in far west room
Hall of the Dead?(Falkreath)
Ilinalta's Deluge?(Falkreath Hold) in the first room on northwest table
Reachcliff Cave?(The Reach)
120 ft SSW of?Sightless Pit?(Winterhold) (x=99195 y=76358)
This copy respawns with each new skeleton and can be exploited to make money
0001AFEBThe Warrior's ChargeConjurationBrittleshin Pass?(Falkreath Hold) near the Arcane Enchanter
620 ft NE of?Pinepeak Cavern?(The Rift) (x=83896 y=-44446)
310 ft N of?Southfringe Sanctum?(Falkreath Hold) (x=31459 y=-99498)
Stillborn Cave?(Winterhold)
Understone Keep?(Markarth) Jarl's quarters on the end table nearest the bed
0001AFEEA Hypothetical TreacheryDestructionAretino Residence?(Windhelm) behind the bookshelf
Fellglow Keep?(Whiterun Hold) on a table in the storeroom.
High Gate Ruins?(The Pale) central chamber
580 ft NW of?Windward Ruins?(The Pale) (x=11053 y=101689)
0001AFECHorror of Castle XyrDestruction210 ft WSW of?Darklight Tower?(The Rift) (x=145596 y=-118457)
Glenmoril Coven?(Falkreath Hold) northwestern chamber in a box under a tent.
350 ft SE of?Harmugstahl?(The Reach) (x=-131630 y=50460)
Rannveig's Fast?(Whiterun Hold) in Sild the Warlock's room on a table
480 ft SW of?Stendarr's Beacon?(The Rift) (x=189674 y=-123856)
0001AFF0Mystery of Talara v3DestructionBirna's Oddments?(Winterhold) upstairs on a dresser
Darklight Chambers?(The Rift)
Morvunskar?(Eastmarch) on a bookshelf in the northeast corridor
Steepfall Burrow?(Haafingar) in the room with the large chest
Tolvald's Crossing?(The Rift)
0001AFEDResponse to Bero's SpeechDestructionHaemar's Cavern?(Falkreath Hold) on a desk near two dead bandits
Iron-Breaker Mine?(Dawnstar)
Thaumaturgist's Hut?(Morthal)
Witchmist Grove under the bed in the cabin.
0001AFEFThe Art of War MagicDestructionSouthfringe Sanctum?(Falkreath Hold) on?Bashnag?(only as part of quest?The Savior of Selveni Nethri)
540 ft SW of?Bthardamz?(The Reach) (x=-172168 y=37756)
470 ft N of?Fallowstone Cave?(The Rift) (x=194183 y=-74147)
Ravenscar Hollow?(Haafingar) on a table
The White Hall?(Dawnstar)
0002F838A Tragedy in BlackEnchantingBruca's Leap Redoubt?(The Reach) on the bookshelf.
East of?Eldergleam Sanctuary on a crate surrounded by soul gems (x=124040 y=-22819)
Glenmoril Coven?(Falkreath Hold) on a table next to an Arcane Enchanter.
Ilinalta's Deep?(Falkreath Hold) in the room with the Arcane Enchanter and Alchemy Table.
240 ft ENE of?Twilight Sepulcher?(Falkreath Hold) (x=-66614 y=-77839)
0002F83BCatalogue of Armor EnchantmentsEnchantingThe Brinehammer Below Deck?(The Pale)
Falion's House?(Morthal) on a shelf
Fort Amol?(Eastmarch) on the cupboard next to the arcane enchanter.
Steamscorch Mine?(Eastmarch) on a table just after entrance
Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon
0002F83ACatalogue of Weapon EnchantmentsEnchantingCastle Dour Emperor's Tower?(Solitude)
Darkwater Pass near the middle of the dungeon found on top of the enchanting table
Roadside Ruins?(Falkreath Hold) near a chest in the center
The White Hall?(Dawnstar)
0002F837Enchanter's PrimerEnchantingCarlotta Valentia's House?(Whiterun) on the bedroom floor
410 ft NNW of?Fort Kastav?(Winterhold) (x=110606 y=62406)
Hob's Fall Cave?(Winterhold) in the Ritual Room
530 ft NNE of?Valthume?(x=-110922 y=-20620)
0002F839Twin SecretsEnchantingCalcelmo's Laboratory?(Markarth)
Jarl's Longhouse?(Winterhold) inside a basket in the southwest corner of the Jarl's bedroom.
Serpent's Bluff Ruins?(Whiterun Hold) on the Arcane Enchanter at the end of the dungeon.
Shrine?of Stendarr south of?Swindler's Den.
Treva's Watch?(The Rift) bandit chief's room
0001AFF72920 MidYear v6Heavy ArmorBlackreach over a stone table in the south zone
Bonechill Passage?(Falkreath Hold) on the ground in the first room when entered
320 ft ENE of?Cradlecrush Rock?(Eastmarch) (x=98278 y=-1943)
Fort Dunstad Prison?(The Pale)
0001B22EChimarvamidiumHeavy ArmorCalcelmo's Tower?(Markarth)
Goldenrock Mine?(Eastmarch) near a bedroll in a dead end tunnel
Reachwind Eyrie?(The Reach) on a desk as you enter.
390 ft SSE of?Wreck of The Pride of Tel Vos?(Winterhold) (x=142307 y=100264)
0001AFF6Hallgerd's TaleHeavy Armor530 ft NNW of?Fallowstone Cave?(The Rift) (x=187046 y=-74690)
Jorrvaskr?(Whiterun) on an end table in the main hall opposite the fragments of Wuuthraad.
Mistwatch East Tower?(Eastmarch) on a dresser in the bandit leader's room.
Rift Watchtower top of the tower
0001AFF9Orsinium and the OrcsHeavy ArmorDarkshade?(Falkreath Hold) second room laying near the water
Dushnikh Yal?Cellar (The Reach)
Fort Fellhammer Mines?(Winterhold) on a table near the bottom of the mine.
Lost Knife Hideout?(Eastmarch) on a table near a sleeping guard in the collapsed fort section.
Rockwallow Mine?(Hjaalmarch) atop the mine scaffolding
0001AFFAThe Knights of the NineHeavy ArmorGuldun Rock Cave?(Whiterun Hold)
Hall of the Vigilant?(The Pale) downstairs area
Mauhulakh's Longhouse?(Eastmarch)
Palace of the Kings Upstairs?(Windhelm) first room on the left upstairs top shelf of cupboard
220 ft N of?The Tower Stone next to a skeleton and a flag (x=72114 y=110753)
0001B0102920 Sun's Dawn v2IllusionAnsilvund Burial Chambers?(Eastmarch) in the second section large room with the hanging cages on a pressurized pedastal.
Darklight Tower?(The Rift) near Darklight Chambers entrance
Movarth's Lair?(Hjaalmarch)
Temple of Dibella?Inner Sanctum?(Markarth) on the lowest shelf of a bookcase in a long row of books
0001B012Before the Ages of ManIllusionAngarvunde Ruins?(The Rift)
Dragonsreach Jarl's Quarters?(Whiterun)
Reeking Cave?(Haafingar) in the frost troll hideout
Shroud Hearth Barrow?(Ivarstead) on a stone altar near the entrance
Skytemple Ruins
0001B00FIncident at NecromIllusionBloodlet Throne?(Falkreath Hold) in the jail cell.
270 ft NW of?Fallowstone Cave?(The Rift) (x=189522 y=-79772)
Pinemoon Cave?(Haafingar) at the cave's far end
480 ft NE of?Red Road Pass?(The Pale) (x=30075 y=85838)
at the unmarked?Shrine of Dibella?South of?Dawnstar
0001B013Mystery of Talara Part 4IllusionBlind Cliff Bastion?(The Reach) on the platform near the large chest
Broken Fang Cave?(Whiterun Hold) near Arcane Enchanter
Hag's End?(The Reach) in the room where the bridge is activated
Nepos's House?(Markarth) in northeast bedroom by candelabra
Stony Creek Cave?(Eastmarch)
0001B011The Black Arts On TrialIllusionFalkreath Jail?(Falkreath)
370 ft SSE of?Hillgrund's Tomb?(The Pale) (x=82939 y=-24768)
500 ft SE of?Morthal?(x=-29832 y=60737)
The White Phial?(Windhelm)
0001B001Ice and ChitinLight ArmorGuard Tower?(Markarth) in the northeast corner on a wooden table
410 ft NNW of?Narzulbur?(x=153941 y=17695)
Shrouded Grove Cave?(The Pale)
Snow Veil Sanctum?(Winterhold) final room
Windhelm guard's room under the bridge outside the city between the gate and the stables
0001B002Jornibret's Last DanceLight ArmorAutumnwatch Tower?(The Rift) top floor of the small tower
Fort Neugrad?(Falkreath Hold) in the library
190 ft SE of?Honeystrand Cave?(The Rift) (x=82360 y=-79025)
Korvanjund Temple?(The Pale)
Soljund's Sinkhole?(The Reach)
0001B004Rislav The RighteousLight Armor160 ft W of?Abandoned Prison?(Eastmarch) (x=92249 y=-15446)
420 ft S of?Bleakcoast Cave?(Winterhold) (x=147241 y=82176)
Cracked Tusk Vaults?(Falkreath Hold)
Fort Greymoor?(Whiterun Hold) second-floor training room
Riverside Shack
0001B000The Rear GuardLight ArmorCastle Dour?(Solitude) downstairs
Driftshade Cellar?(Winterhold) in the room before the ice tunnel
Druadach Redoubt Cave?(The Reach) near the fire pit
240 ft WSW of?Largashbur?(The Rift) (x=130711 y=-113015)
480 ft SE of?Shadowgreen Cavern?(x=-67355 y=117830)
0001B003The RefugeesLight ArmorBlind Cliff Cave in the collapsed tower.
West of?Helgen?and south of?The Guardian Stones at an unmarked bandit camp (x=4240 y=-78883)
Solitude Blacksmith?(Solitude)
Wolfskull Ruins?(Haafingar) on the ritual altar atop the highest tower.
0001B01CAdvances in LockpickingLockpicking390 ft ENE of?Angarvunde?(The Rift) (x=120965 y=-93353)
Outside?Bannermist Tower at x=-57716 y=-62002
Chillwind Depths?(Hjaalmarch) over a table in the innermost room.
The Ragged Flagon - Cistern?(Riften) on a barrel in the?training room
0001B01BProper Lock DesignLockpickingCidhna Mine?(Markarth) next to the Evidence Chest
Faldar's Tooth?on a table at the top of one of the outer towers
490 ft SSE of?Largashbur?(The Rift) (x=139319 y=-120196)
Twilight Sepulcher?(Falkreath Hold)
0001B01DSurfeit of ThievesLockpickingMistveil Keep Jarl's Chambers?(Riften)
Pelagius Wing?(Blue Palace?Haafingar) in the cellar room
Potema's Catacombs?(Haafingar) only while on the quest?The Wolf Queen Awakened.
Volskygge?(Haafingar) just right of the stone door
Wreck of the Winter War second level
0001B019The Locked RoomLockpickingAlftand Animonculory?(Winterhold) in the treasure room
Southeast of?The Apprentice Stone near a chest in half-flooded building (x=-48095 y=76564
Cronvangr Cave?(Eastmarch)
Highmoon Hall?(Morthal)
Honeystrand Cave near the bandits corpse-guarded by bears.
0001B01AThe Wolf Queen v1LockpickingBroken Fang Cave?(Whiterun Hold)
Cragslane Cavern?(Eastmarch) behind the bar
Dawnstar Jail?(Dawnstar) inside the jail cell
Duskglow Crevice?(The Pale)
330 ft S of?Winterhold Stormcloak Camp?(x=145056 y=48128)
0001AFD92920 Morning Star v1One-handedDriftshade Refuge?(Winterhold) on a table in the final room with the barred door
Jorgen and Lami's House?(Morthal)
Lost Echo Cave?(Falkreath Hold) on the altar
Northwatch Keep?(Haafingar) behind the bar
0001AFDAFire and DarknessOne-handedDawnstar Sanctuary basement
Folgunthur?(Hjaalmarch) lower level
480 ft ENE of?Moss Mother Cavern?(Falkreath Hold) (x=-46732 y=-46678)
The Ratway Warrens?(Riften) in Esbern's room
320 ft SW of?Wreck of The Pride of Tel Vos?(Winterhold) (x=132892 y=102500)
0001AFE6Mace EtiquetteOne-handedFort Greenwall Captain's Quarters?(The Rift)
Orotheim?(Hjaalmarch) on a crate near the grindstone
Sky Haven Temple?(The Reach)
Uttering Hills Cave?(Eastmarch) on an east-facing bookshelf in the northernmost set of rooms
Volunruud?(The Pale) on the throne in the northwest room
0001AFE4Night Falls on SentinelOne-handed310 ft S of?The Guardian Stones?(Falkreath Hold) in a tent in a bandit camp (x=3159 y=-65732)
Rustleif's House?(Dawnstar)
Swindler's Den?(Whiterun Hold)
Volunruud?(The Pale) in boss chest (only as part of quest?Silenced Tongues)
0001AFE3The Importance of WhereOne-handedBrina's House?(Dawnstar)
Chillfurrow Farm?(Whiterun Hold) on a dresser in bedroom
Gallows Rock?(Eastmarch) in the Tower (Silver Hand Hideout) upstairs on table after some tanning racks
Guard Tower?(Markarth) on a stone table in the north room
At the foot of a statue of Talos on the island directly west of?Winterhold?(x=89684 y=109961)
0001ACE6Aevar Stone-SingerPickpocketLost Valkygg southern room
530 ft N of?Nilheim?(The Rift) surrounded by three barrels (x=98787 y=-47509)
Sightless Pit?(Winterhold)
Thonnir's House?(Morthal)
620 ft SW of?Whitewatch Tower?(Whiterun Hold) in a bandit camp (x=22036 y=3454)
0001AFD6BeggarPickpocketHaelga's Bunkhouse?(Riften) on a counter upstairs
Ironback Hideout on a table in the ruined house
The Ratway?(Riften) on a table in the room next to the bridge
1170 ft NE of?Wreck of the Winter War?(x=188237 y=83875)
0002F836Guide to Better ThievingPickpocketFort Sungard Oubliette?(The Reach)
Goldenglow Estate Sewer?(The Rift) by a skeleton in a side room with an Adept lock
Jarl's Longhouse?(Falkreath) right room of the bottom floor locked in a display case with an Expert lock
Mara's Eye Den?(Eastmarch) in a box with several other books by a stone pillar
0001B022Purloined ShadowsPickpocket370 ft NNW of?Bonechill Passage?(Falkreath Hold) (x=50 y=-83575)
Duskglow Crevice?(The Pale) in the junk room
280 ft WNW of?Folgunthur?(Hjaalmarch) at small campsite underneath an overhang (x=-53214 y=94143)
Honorhall Orphanage?(Riften) in?Constance's bedroom
Nightingale Hall
0001AFBFThiefPickpocketArgonian Assemblage?(Windhelm) on a dresser
Bleak Falls Temple?(Falkreath Hold) just beyond the first glyph puzzle
630 ft WSW of?Ivarstead?(x=64762 y=-71235)
Silverdrift Lair?(The Pale)
Swindler's Den?(Whiterun Hold) by a bedroll in the easternmost room
0001B0172920 Rain's Hand v4RestorationBlind Cliff Bastion?(The Reach) on?Petra?(only as part of quest?The Affairs of Hagravens)
Falion's House?(Morthal) on a table
Hall of the Dead?(Markarth) on the shelf next to the priest's bed
370 ft NNE of?Journeyman's Nook?(Winterhold) (x=135134 y=87629)
Behind?Widow's Watch Ruins?(Haafingar)
0001B018Mystery of Talara v 2RestorationEldergleam Sanctuary leaning on the rock next to a backpack.
Frostflow Lighthouse?(Winterhold) on a dresser
Ragnvald Crypts?(The Reach) over a table behind a chest
Ustengrav?(Hjaalmarch) stone shelf near all the urns
0001B015Racial PhylogenyRestorationAvanchnzel Animoncultory?(The Rift) in a room on the eastern side on the northern table
390 ft ESE of?Boulderfall Cave?(The Rift) (x=153820 y=-71304)
Corpselight Farm?(Falkreath)
Moorside Inn?(Morthal)
0001B016The ExodusRestorationForelhost Crypt?(The Rift)
The Frozen Hearth Cellar?(Winterhold)
Hob's Fall Cave?(Winterhold) on a table near the Alchemy Lab
Stendarr's Beacon on a bedroll
In a small unmarked campsite directly between Solitude's docks and?The Apprentice Stone(x=-58837 y=86714)
0001B014WithershinsRestorationArcwind Point at a pedestal the top of the tower after progressing through the ruins.
Gloomreach Cavern?(The Reach)
240 ft N of?Harmugstahl?(The Reach) (x=-136214 y=60335)
Temple of Kynareth?(Whiterun)
Valthume?(The Reach) in an alcove of a room south of the large room with pews.
0001AFD1Cherim's HeartSmithingBroken Oar Grotto?(Haafingar)
360 ft WSW of?Eldergleam Sanctuary?(Eastmarch) on a table in a hunter's camp (x=112691 y=-24574)
Morvunskar?(Eastmarch) next to the forge at base level.
Purewater Run?(The Reach) inside an underwater chest
Quicksilver Mine?(Dawnstar)
0001AFD2Heavy Armor ForgingSmithingEast Empire Company Warehouse
Gloombound Mine just outside the mine entrance
Pinepeak Cavern?(The Rift)
140 ft NNE of?Silent Moons Camp?(Whiterun Hold) (x=4503 y=18304)
Whistling Mine?(Winterhold)
0001AFCFLast Scabbard of AkrashSmithing330 ft SSE of?Black-Briar Lodge?(x=201337 y=-103609)
Fort Sungard Muster?(The Reach) in the armory
Gallows Rock?(Eastmarch) near the sleeping quarters
0001AFD0Light Armor ForgingSmithingCracked Tusk Keep near the forge
Embershard Mine?(Falkreath Hold) on a table in the forge area
Lod's House?(Falkreath) in the basement on a barrel
80 ft NE of?Silent Moons Camp?(Whiterun Hold) (x=3892 y=17312)
0001AFCEThe Armorer's ChallengeSmithingBilegulch Mine?(Falkreath Hold)
Mor Khazgur?(Haafingar) near the forge
The Scorched Hammer?(Riften) in between the dresser and the safe.
The Skyforge in?Whiterun on the stone slab to the right.
Tower of Mzark?(Winterhold) in first room
0001B01F2920 Last Seed v8SneakHag Rock Redoubt Ruin?(The Reach) over the table
Raldbthar?(The Pale) near?Alain Dufont
Redoran's Retreat?(Whiterun Hold) on a crate in the back cavern
480 ft E of?Stendarr's Beacon?(The Rift) (x=207352 y=-116504)
0001B021Legend of Krately HouseSneakBlack-Briar Lodge?(Riften) master bedroom
300 ft N of?Halldir's Cairn?(Falkreath Hold) (x=-43025 y=-90232)
Nightgate Inn Cellar?(The Pale)
Potema's Catacombs?(Haafingar) in boss chest (only as part of quest?The Wolf Queen Awakened)
Red Wave?(Solitude)
0001B020Sacred WitnessSneakDawnstar Sanctuary
Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
Deepwood Redoubt in Deepwood Vale near the Alchemy Lab
Twilight Sepulcher?(Falkreath Hold)
0001AFD5The Red Kitchen ReaderSneakFrostmere Crypt?(The Pale) inside the ruins on a bookshelf
New Gnisis Cornerclub?(Windhelm) under the staircase on the ground floor
Nightingale Hall
Pinewatch?(Falkreath Hold) secret basement.
Riftweald Manor?(Riften) secret basement.
53347The Warmth of MaraSneakGiven to you by?Dinya Balu?during the related quest
0001B276Three ThievesSneak280 ft SE of?Angi's Camp?(Falkreath Hold) (x=-22201 y=-108884)
Honningbrew Basement?(Whiterun) only during Thieves Guild quest?Dampened Spirits
160 ft S of?Shor's Watchtower?(The Rift) (x=169100 y=-54599)
Snow Veil Catacombs?(Winterhold) only during Thieves Guild quest?Speaking With Silence
0001B0252920 Second Seed v5SpeechEast of?Gjukar's Monument?in a ruin with an altar to?Arkay?(x=-52839 y=-7993)
Sadri's Used Wares?(Windhelm)
Shriekwind Bastion?(Falkreath Hold) over a rock in the chamber after the fire corridor
Sorli's House?(Hjaalmarch)
0001B00DA Dance in Fire v6SpeechDainty Sload?(Haafingar)
Dead Man's Drink?(Falkreath)
Debate Hall?(Blackreach)
380 ft SW of?Great Lift at Mzinchaleft?(x=1234 y=72609)
Meeko's Shack?(Hjaalmarch) on a barrel
0001B00EA Dance in Fire v7SpeechOutside?Angarvunde
Arnleif and Sons Trading Company?(Markarth) on a crate on the west side of the sales desk
Beggar's Row?(Riften) on the floor
Mzinchaleft in?Maluril's?room (Hjaalmarch)
0001B023Biography of the Wolf QueenSpeechBlue Palace?(Solitude) Jarl's bedroom
Bthardamz Dwelling?(The Reach)
Liar's Retreat?(The Reach) over a stone in the wall of a room
Anga's Mill Common House?(The Pale)
Belethor's General Goods?(Whiterun)
0001B00AThe Buying GameSpeechBards College?(Solitude) in one of the classrooms
Dead Men's Respite?(Hjaalmarch) easternmost point
East Empire Company Warehouse?(Haafingar)
230 ft SSW of?Falkreath Stormcloak Camp?(x=36955 y=-79174)
Shrine to Peryite on a table next to the Alchemy station
0001AFDCBattle of Sancre TorTwo-handedDustman's Cairn?(The Reach) on the table in the first room.
House of Clan Battle-Born?(Whiterun) bedroom to the left when you first enter
Broken Helm Hollow?(The Rift)
Old Hroldan Inn?(The Reach)
0001AFE5KingTwo-handedBleakwind Bluff next to the cairn
270 ft SSW of?Froki's Shack?(The Rift) (x=92891 y=-106443)
Penitus Oculatus Outpost?(Dragon Bridge)
110 ft NNE of?The Katariah?(x=-48083 y=109351)
0001AFDBSong Of HrormirTwo-handedAbandoned Prison?(Eastmarch) in a storage room filled with books and a Master-level chest.
Jala's House?(Solitude)
Jorrvaskr Living Quarters?(Whiterun) in the basement at the end of the hall
Mauhulakh's Cellar?(Eastmarch)
Yngol Barrow?(Winterhold) in boss chest (only as part of quest?Yngol's Barrow)
0001AFE2The Legendary Sancre TorTwo-handed580 ft ENE of?Broken Tower Redoubt?(The Reach) (x=-96786 y=43754)
350 ft SW of?Cragwallow Slope?(Eastmarch) (x=151363 y=-8144)
Falkreath Barracks?(Falkreath)
Northwatch Keep?(Haafingar) lower level bedroom
Ysgramor's Tomb?(Winterhold) only accessible during the quest?Glory of the Dead
0001AFD8Words and PhilosophyTwo-handedGeirmund's Hall?(The Rift)
Lost Knife Cave?(Eastmarch) on a table on the platform in the large flooded room.
Mistveil Keep Barracks?(Riften)
Shrine of Talos?west of?Saarthal on the altar (x=80417 y=96800)
Silverdrift Lair?(The Pale)
:!: 더 엘더스크롤 5: 스카이림 이다. 누구나 수정할 수 있다.
