Action disabled: source


  "sidebar": {
    "alchemy": "연금술",
    "abandoned": "버려진 거주지",
    "armourer": "갑옷장인",
    "armourerstable": "갑옷 장인의 선반",
    "banditcamp": "도적 야영지",
    "barber": "이발사",
    "blacksmith": "대장장이",
    "brothel": "매음굴",
    "entrance": "지하 동굴",
    "grindstone": "숯돌",
    "guarded": "보호받는 보물",
    "gwent": "궨트 ",
    "harbor": "항구",
    "herbalist": "약초사",
    "hidden": "숨겨진 보물",
    "innkeep": "여관주인",
    "monsternest": "괴물 둥지",
    "monsterden": "괴물 소굴",
    "notice": "공고 게시판",
    "pid": "위험에 처한 사람(들)",
    "pop": "힘의 원천",
    "poi": "아직 발견하지 않은 장소",
    "signpost": "이정표",
    "shopkeeper": "상점 주인",
    "smugglers": "밀수꾼의 은닉처",
    "spoils": "전쟁 전리품"
  "controls": {
    "show": "모두 보기",
    "hide": "모두 감추기",
    "showCounts": "개수 보기",
    "hideCounts": "개수 감추기",
    "resetInvisible": "초기화",
    "hideMonsters": "괴물 감추기",
    "showMonsters": "괴물 보이기"
  "abandoned": {
    "label": "Abandoned Site",
    "desc": "A place abandoned due to monster or bandit attacks. Once the danger is eliminated, it will fill with life once more"
  "armourerstable": {
    "label": "Armorer's Table",
    "desc": "Armorer's tables grant your gear increased armor for a limited duration."
  "boat": {
    "label": "배",
    "desc": "You can use boats to travel across bodies of water"
  "entrance": {
    "label": "동굴 입구",
    "desc": "Entrance to cave or ruins"
  "grindstone": {
    "label": "숯돌",
    "desc": "A blade sharpened here will deal more damage"
  "guarded": {
    "label": "보호받는 보물",
    "desc": "A particularly powerful monster __monster__ guards a valuable cache here"
  "harbor": {
    "label": "항구",
    "desc": "A place where you can find a boat, boats will respawn here"
  "herbalist": {
    "label": "약초사",
    "desc": "Here you can buy alchemy ingredients"
  "hidden": {
    "label": "숨겨진 보물",
    "desc": "A hidden cache of valuable goods",
    "guarded": "A hidden cache of valuable goods (Guarded by __monster__)"
  "monsterden": {
    "label": "괴물 소굴",
    "desc": "Monster-infested location. A constant worry for those living nearby __monster__"
  "monsternest": {
    "label": "괴물 둥지",
    "desc": "Destroy monster nests with Grapeshot or Dancing Star bombs __monster__"
  "notice": {
    "label": "공고 게시판",
    "desc": "Here you can find monster contracts and announcements about matters of local concern"
  "pid": {
    "label": "살려줘!!!",
    "desc": "There's a person or a group of people here in need of assistance __monster__"
  "poi": {
    "label": {
      "witcherGear": "Witcher Upgrade Gear"
    "desc": {
      "witcherGear": {
        "silversword": {
          "feline": {
            "standard": "Inside the Est Tayiar Ruine, behind a Wall that you can break",
            "enhanced": "You need to climp up a Leader",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
          "griffin": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
          "ursine": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
        "steelsword": {
          "feline": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
          "griffin": {
            "standard": "Near the Monster Nest",
            "enhanced": "",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
          "ursine": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
        "crossbow": {
          "feline": "",
          "ursine": ""
        "armor": {
          "feline": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "on top of the Aeramas' Abandoned Manor",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
          "griffin": {
            "standard": "Inside the Dragonslayers Grotto",
            "enhanced": "Near the Troll at White Eagle Fort",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
          "ursine": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
        "boots": {
          "feline": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
          "griffin": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
          "ursine": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
        "gauntlets": {
          "feline": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "Inside a Shaft from the Codgers Quarry",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
          "griffin": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
          "ursine": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
        "trousers": {
          "feline": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "Inside the Burned Ruin",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
          "griffin": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
          "ursine": {
            "standard": "",
            "enhanced": "",
            "superior": "",
            "mastercrafted": ""
    "popup": {
      "witcherGear": {
        "silversword": {
          "feline": {
            "standard": "Feline Silver Sword",
            "enhanced": "Enhanced Feline Silver Sword",
            "superior": "Superior Feline Silver Sword",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Feline Silver Sword"
          "griffin": {
            "standard": "Griffin Silver Sword",
            "enhanced": "Enhanced Griffin Silver Sword",
            "superior": "Superior Griffin Silver Sword",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Griffin Silver Sword"
          "ursine": {
            "standard": "Ursine Silver Sword",
            "enhanced": "Enhanced Ursine Silver Sword",
            "superior": "Superior Ursine Silver Sword",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Ursine Silver Sword"
        "steelsword": {
          "feline": {
            "standard": "Feline Steel Sword",
            "enhanced": "Enhanced Feline Steel Sword",
            "superior": "Superior Feline Steel Sword",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Feline Steel Sword"
          "griffin": {
            "standard": "Griffin Steel Sword",
            "enhanced": "Enhanced Griffin Steel Sword",
            "superior": "Superior Griffin Steel Sword",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Griffin Steel Sword"
          "ursine": {
            "standard": "Ursine Steel Sword",
            "enhanced": "Enhanced Ursine Steel Sword",
            "superior": "Superior Ursine Steel Sword",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Ursine Steel Sword"
        "crossbow": {
          "feline": "Feline Crossbow",
          "ursine": "Ursine Crossbow"
        "armor": {
          "feline": {
            "standard": "Feline Armor",
            "enhanced": "Enhanced Feline Armor",
            "superior": "Superior Feline Armor",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Feline Armor"
          "griffin": {
            "standard": "Griffin Armor",
            "enhanced": "Enhance Griffin Armor",
            "superior": "Superior Griffin Armor",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Griffin Armor"
          "ursine": {
            "standard": "Ursine Armor",
            "enhanced": "Enhanced Ursine Armor",
            "superior": "Superior Ursine Armor",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Ursine Armor"
        "boots": {
          "feline": {
            "standard": "Feline Boots",
            "enhanced": "Enhanced Feline Boots",
            "superior": "Superior Feline Boots",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Feline Boots"
          "griffin": {
            "standard": "Griffin Boots",
            "enhanced": "Enhance Griffin Boots",
            "superior": "Superior Griffin Boots",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Griffin Boots"
          "ursine": {
            "standard": "Ursine Boots",
            "enhanced": "Enhanced Ursine Boots",
            "superior": "Superior Ursine Boots",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Ursine Boots"
        "gauntlets": {
          "feline": {
            "standard": "Feline Gauntlets",
            "enhanced": "Enhanced Feline Gauntlets",
            "superior": "Superior Feline Gauntlets",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Feline Gauntlets"
          "griffin": {
            "standard": "Griffin Gauntlets",
            "enhanced": "Enhance Griffin Gauntlets",
            "superior": "Superior Griffin Gauntlets",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Griffin Gauntlets"
          "ursine": {
            "standard": "Ursine Gauntlets",
            "enhanced": "Enhanced Ursine Gauntlets",
            "superior": "Superior Ursine Gauntlets",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Ursine Gauntlets"
        "trousers": {
          "feline": {
            "standard": "Feline Trousers",
            "enhanced": "Enhanced Feline Trousers",
            "superior": "Superior Feline Trousers",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Feline Trousers"
          "griffin": {
            "standard": "Griffin Trousers",
            "enhanced": "Enhance Griffin Trousers",
            "superior": "Superior Griffin Trousers",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Griffin Trousers"
          "ursine": {
            "standard": "Ursine Trousers",
            "enhanced": "Enhanced Ursine Trousers",
            "superior": "Superior Ursine Trousers",
            "mastercrafted": "Mastercrafted Ursine Trousers"
  "pop": {
    "label": "힘의 원천",
    "desc": "Draw from a Place of Power to gain a temporary bonus. The first time you draw from any Place of Power, you also receive 1 Ability Point",
    "popup": "Place of Power - __sign__"
  "smugglers": {
    "label": "밀수꾼의 은닉처",
    "desc": "Smuggled goods have been hidden here"
  "spoils": {
    "label": "Spoils of War",
    "desc": "Search here for loot left behind after a battle or skirmish __monster__"
  "signs": {
    "aard": "아드",
    "axii": "엑실",
    "igni": "이그니",
    "quen": "쿠엔",
    "yrden": "이르덴"
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