타이니 데스 스타(TINY DEATH STAR)
님블빗(Nimblebit)의 강점인 8-bit 애니메이션 스타일로 기존 그들의 라인업인 '타이니타워(Tiny Tower)', '포켓플래인(Pocket Planes)'의 느낌과 매우 유사한 형식을 취하고 있다. 게임의 개발은 님블빗(Nimblebit)과 그리고 루카스필림의 게임디비젼인 루카스아츠 그리고 디즈니모바일사업부 개발진이 함께 작업했다.
- Nimblebit 공식홈페이지 바로가기
Blast Doors | Obi Wan Kenobi |
Bounty Hunters | Any bounty hunter ( Boba Fett or Dengar or 4-LOM or Gand) |
Cloud City Spa | Han solo, Boba Fett |
Communications | Luke Skywalker |
Dagobah Apts | Yoda , R2-D2 |
Detention Level | Luke Skywalker, Han Solo or Princess Leia, Chewbacca |
Droid Lab | Leia, C3-PO, R2-D2 |
Droid Store | Jawa, R5-D4, Greedo |
Extending Bridge | Luke Skywalker or Princess Leia (not Bespin Leia) |
Holochess Hall | Any Droid*, IG-88 and Chewbacca (*not Pit Droid, FX-7) |
Holonet Cineplex | Chadra-fan (orange clothing) |
Imperial Meeting Room | Darth Vader |
Imperial Museum | Wicket (ewok with red hood) Ewok, Snow trooper |
Interrogation | Princess Leia(rebel), Interrogation Droid |
Ithorian Food | Ithorian (Hammerhead) |
Mon Cala Aquarium | Mon Calamari (non-Ackbar) |
Mos Espa Café | Any Gungan/Jar Jar Binks |
Panna City Medicines | Boba fett Limited Edition (Holiday Special) |
Scoop of Hoth | Snow Trooper 1) |
Sith Meditation | Darth Vader |
Superlaser Tunnerl | Imperial Gunner, TIE Pilot |
Tatooine Apts | C-3PO , Tusken Raider |
The Cantina | Han, Greedo |
Tractor Beam | Obi Wan Kenobi |
Training Remotes | Luke , Obi Wan Kenobi |
Trash Compactor | Leia, Luke, Chewbacca |
Watto’s Wares | JarJar Binks, Pit droid, Toydarian, Watto, Gungan |
currently broken, but can be seen in the cs_scoopHoth.png file in the app here: http://imgur.com/nMqJyGb