용 (Dragon)
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이름 있는 용
- *알두인 (Alduin) - "Destroyer Devour Master" The first born of Akatosh, elder brother of Paarthurnax, and self-proclaimed aspect of Akatosh. Also called "The World Eater".
- *Mirmulnir - "Allegiance Strong Hunt" The first dragon you fight in Skyrim, at the West Watchtower near Whiterun.
- *Nahagliiv - "Fury Burn Wither" Unknown date of death. Buried in a mound west of 로릭스테드 (Rorikstead).
- *오다빙 (Odahviing) - "Winged Snow Hunter" was the right-hand to Alduin, records date by interrogation of captured Dragon Cultists during Crusade. Buried in a mound in the south east of Skyrim, near 리프튼 (Riften). After completing the main quest, Odahviing can be summoned by using a Dragon Shout called "Call Dragon".
- *파르슈낙스 (Paarthurnax) - "Ambition Overlord Cruelty" The legendary lieutenant of 알두인 (Alduin) in the Dragon War. He is now known to lair on the Throat of the World under the protection of the Greybeards of High Hrothgar.
- *Sahloknir - "Phantom Sky Hunt" You have to fight him during the "어둠속의 칼날 (A Blade In The Dark)" quest. Buried near 카인즈그로브 (Kynesgrove).
- *Viinturuth - "Black? Hammer ?" Death dating back to Dragon War era. Buried near Lake Yorgrim.
- *Vuljotnaak - "Dark Maw Eat" Death dating back to Dragon War or just after. Buried in a mound near Granite Hill.
- *Vulthuryol - "Dark Overlord Fire" A dragon encountered underground in 블랙리치 (Blackreach)..