힘 (Strength)

포인트당 Melee Weapon +2 포인트당 소지 무게 한도 +10 (소지량 한도는 150 + Str*10이며, Strong Back Perk을 통해 50을 늘릴 수 있다.) 너무 낮은 대다가 하드코어 모드면 무게 때문에 고통 받는다…

이름 운반량 데미지 보너스 Melee Weapons Skill
1 Wet Noodle 160 0.5 Melee Weapons +2
2 Beached Jellyfish 170 1.0 Melee Weapons +4
3 Doughy Baby 180 1.5 Melee Weapons +6
4 Lightweight 190 2.0 Melee Weapons +8
5 Average Joe 200 2.5 Melee Weapons +10
6 Barrel Chested 210 3.0 Melee Weapons +12
7 Beach Bully 220 3.5 Melee Weapons +14
8 Circus Strongman 230 4.0 Melee Weapons +16
9 Doomsday Pecs 240 4.5 Melee Weapons +18
10 Hercules' Bigger Cousin 250 5.0 Melee Weapons +20

Associated Skills:

1. Melee Weapons. 2. Unarmed

Associated Perks:

1. Heave, Ho!(Minimum of 5 STR, LVL 2) 2. Stonewall (Minimum of 6 STR, LVL 8) 3. Strong Back(Minimum of 5 STR, LVL 8) 4. Super Slam(Minimum of 6 STR, LVL 8) 5. Unstoppable Force (Minimum of 7 STR, LVL 12) 6. Weapon Handling(STR < 10, LVL 16) 7. Strength Implant (STR < 10, LVL –)
