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신생아 호흡곤란 증후군 (Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
신생아 호흡기 질환과 신생아 사망의 가장 흔한 원인이다. 주로 미숙아에서의 폐의 발달 미숙으로 인한 폐표면활성제(surfactant)의 부족에 의해 발생된다고 알려져 있으며, 발생빈도는 임신주수와 출산시 체중에 반비례한다. 1)
하지만 전체 RDS의 6.8%는 만삭 혹은 거의 만삭에 출생한 아이에서 발생한다는 보고가 있다. 2)
전반적인 폐포의 무기폐 (atelec tasis)와 폐 부종, 세포손상 등을 특징으로 한다.
미숙아 RDS의 빈도를 증가시키는 요인
- 폐 발달의 미숙
- 흉부 기형에 의한 surfactant 부족
- 유전질환 : 폐표면활성제 단백의 유전자 변이
- 주산기 가사 관련요인
- 산모의 출혈 또는 그로 인한 저혈압
- 힘든 소새술 과정
- 기타 태아 폐로의 혈액 공급에 지장을 초래할 수 있는 여러가지 원인
- 진통 전의 제왕절개술
- 쌍생아 중 두번째 아기
- 기타요인 : 백인, RDS의 가족력, 남아
만삭 RDS의 요인
RDS 진단
- 폐 성숙도 -출산 전에는 산모의 양수 검사를 통해 태아의 폐 성숙도를 간접적으로 진단하게 됩니다. 폐표면활성제의 주된 물질인 인지질의 비율 또는 개수를 측정합니다. Lecithin/sphingomyelin(L/S)비 - 2이상이면 폐성숙을 의미하며, RDS의 위험성이 낮다고 판다 -2 이상인 경우라도 당뇨 산모의 아기, 주산기 가사, 태아적아구증인 경우에는 폐성숙이 이루어지지 않을 수 있다.
- Stable Microbubble Rating Test(SMR) - 양수나 위액에 동량의 95% 에탄올을 섞어 15초간 흔든뒤 15분간 방치하여 band의 형성을 보는 방법이다.
- 흉부 방사선 촬영
- 혈액검사 - 동맥혈 가스분석(BGA) : 저산소증, 고탄산혈증, 호흡성/대사성 산증
- 심장초음파
- 호흡곤란의 증상 - 빈호흡, 호기성 신음, 심한 함몰호흡, 청색증, 심한 흡기부족, 지속적인 무호흡, 비익화장(nasal flaring)
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
- Idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS)
- RDS with relating to inherited surfactant disorders
- 보존적 치료 - 체온,수액 및 영양,순환,감염예방
- 폐표면활성제(sulfactant)
- 산소공급
- 비강 지속적 양압환기
- 기계적 환기
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is one of the most common causes of neonatal respiratory failure and neonatal death. It was believed that RDS is mainly found in premature infants, the risk of developing into RDS increased with decreasing of gestational age and birth weight; the incidence rate is 80% in infants <28 weeks gestation, 60% at 29 weeks, and 15–30% at 32–34 weeks, but declined with maturity to 5% at 35–36 weeks and is almost 0% by 39 weeks gestation [1].Accordingly, it is estimated that the incidence rate of RDS is at 80% for infants weighing <750 g at birth and 55% for infants weighing 750–1000 g [2]. However, greater awareness of RDS has led to its more frequent diagnosis in term neonates [3-5], such as Bouziri et al. [4] found that RDS accounted for 6.8% of cases of respiratory distress in term or near-term infants. However, the clinical characteristics, diagnostic criteria and treatment strategies of term neonatal RDS are very different from that in premature infants, all of these will be discussed here. Possible Causes The possible reasons associated with full-term neonatal RDS may be as following: (1) Severe perinatal acquired infections (severe pneumonia and/or septicemia): this is the most common cause of term neonatal RDS. (2) Elective caesarean sections: it has been well documented that the increasing risk of serious respiratory morbidity was associated with decreasing gestational age [6]. It has been suggested that relative surfactant deficiency was the main cause of RDS in elective caesarean birth infants, because of their relatively early gestational age. (3) Severe birth asphyxia and meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS). (4) Pulmonary hemorrhage. (5) Inherited disorders of surfactant metabolism are a rare cause of respiratory disease in newborns but are associated with significant morbidity and mortality [7]. Classification for Term Neonatal RDS Full-term neonatal RDS can be divided into three types, they are as following: (1) Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): which follows a catastrophic pulmonary or non-pulmonary event, such as asphyxia, meconium aspiration, shock, sepsis and disseminated intravascular coagulation. (2) Idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS): Mainly was seen in selective cesarean section babies. The earlier the cesarean section was performed, the higher the incidence of RDS in full-term neonates was [6,8-10]. (3) RDS with relating to inherited surfactant disorders: Inherited disorders of surfactant metabolism is a rare condition but associated with significant morbidity and mortality [11,12