인연 : Random encounter
랜덤 이벤트(Random Event)에 대해
랜덤 이벤트는 도시들 간의 이동 중에 무작위적으로 발생합니다. 때로는 동물이나 짐승을 만나기도 하고 갱들 간의 전투에 끼일 때로 있고 노예상인이라던가 심지어 외계인의 시체를 볼 때도 있습니다. 폴아웃2에 있어서 랜덤 이벤트는 그 나름대로의 재미를 갖고 있습니다.
폴아웃 2에서는 좀 더 이벤트들이 다양해져서 제작자들의 유머 감각을 엿볼 수 있는 이벤트들이 꽤 포함되어 있습니다. 나름대로의 재미가 있는 희귀한 랜덤 이벤트를 당하신 분들은 다른 분들에게 알려주시면 더욱 즐겁겠죠?
Random Encounter
The is the bridgekeeper from Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail. Answer his questions similar to how Arthur did in the movie, and the bridgekeeper will be killed. His robe is equal to combat armor but lighter. I like to wear it if I don't have power armor, but I don't like how it looks.
Crashed Whale
This looks like the whale from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. You can get daisies at this encounter, but I don't think they do anything.
Federation Shuttle
This is a crashed Federation shuttle(like from Star Trek). There are numerous dead "redshirts" at the crash site. Search them and you can pick up hypos. A hypo will heal almost 100 HP, and your HP won't later drain away like with a Super Stimpack.
Mad Brahimn
Run! When the Brahimn get near you, they explode. This encounter killed me the first time I hit it.
There are a lot of dead bodies here and the Pariah dog. The Pariah Dog joins your party, and it is bad luck.
Talking Head
This is a giant stone head of the Vault Dweller. You have a 12 hour long argument with it as to whether you really are the Chosen One, and then it gives you a bogus artifact to get rid of you.
Toxic Waste Dump
This place sucks. There is every kind of gecko here, but there is also large doses of radiation that you are constantly hit with. I wasn't able to stay long, but I didn't see anything good here.
Rumored Events
Cafe of Broken Dreams
This is where characters from Fallout that didn't make it into Fallout 2 hang out. Supposedly, you can get Dogmeat to join you here, but you may have to wear a leather jacket for that to happen.
King Arthur
Supposedly, you run into King Arthur and one of his knights(from Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail). They are looking for the Holy Hand Grenade.
Guradian of Forever
폴아웃1을 해본 사람이라면 정말 웃을 수 밖에 없는 이벤트.
뭔가 해서 들어가 봤더니…
'자네가 워터칩을 부쉈네….' (된장)
경험치 1000… ㅋㅋㅋ
워터칩? 폴아웃 1 해보신 분들은 알죠…
폴아웃 2 (Fallout 2) 누구나 수정하실 수 있습니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.