특권 (Perk)
Action Boy
- 현재 전투 시 사용할 수 있는 최대 AP(Action Point)를 +1 올려줍니다.
- Number of Ranks : 2 (이건 레벨업 되는 동안 2번 나오므로 2번까지 선택 가능
- Requirments (요구치) : agility 5, Level 12 (레벨이 12가 됐을때 선택할 수 있음)
Adrenaline Rush
- 전투시 체력(HP)이 50%이하로 떨어지면 Strength가 1증가합니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Strength 1 ~ 9, Level 6
- This Perk gives you more information when you Examine a critter. You can see their exact amount of hit points, and what weapon they are armed with (if any.)
- 적을 선택하면 적의 정보가 왼쪽 하단 정보창에 나옵니다. 적의 HP(체력이 몇인지 숫자로 나옵니다)와 현재 손에 지니고 있는 무기가 나옵니다. (정말 유용합니다)
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Repuirements : Perception 5, Level 3
Better Criticals
- The critical hits you cause in combat are more devastating. You gain a +20% bonus on the critical hit table, almost ensuring that more damage will be done. This does not affect the chance to cause a critical hit.
- 크리티컬 힛트 포인트(Critical Hit Point : 전투시 랜덤으로 나오는 치명적 데미지)가 20%증가합니다. 크리티컬 찬스가 증가 하는게 아닙니다. 데미지가 증가한다는 거죠.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Perception 6, Luck 6, Agility 4, Level 9
Bonus HtH Attacks
- Your character can make more hand-to-hand or melee style attacks per combat turn with this Perk. The AP cost to use a HtH or melee attack is reduced by one.
- 손이나 발로 때리는 공격이 1AP줄어듭니다. 더 많이 때릴 수 있겠죠. (HtH는 Hand to Hand) 주먹이나 발로 한번 때릴 때 AP를 3만큼 소비하죠. 이 퍽을 선택하면 2만큼만 소비합니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Agility 6, Level 15
Bonus HtH Damage
- With this Perk, your character does more damage when using HtH or melee attacks. Each attack does +2 points of damage for each rank of this Perk.
- Hand to Hand 전투에서 데미지가 2포인트 늘어납니다.
- Number of Ranks : 3
- Requirements : Agility 6, Strength 6, Level 3
Bonus Move
- For each rank of this Perk, your character can move an additional two hexes per turn of combat. The first hexes moved each turn cost no APs. At the first rank, your character would have to move three hexes just to be charged one AP. Bonus Move APs show up as yellow lights on the interface bar.
- 오직 이동만 가능한 AP가 2 늘어납니다. (늘어난 AP는 푸른 색입니다.)
- Number of Ranks : 2
- Requirements : Agility 5, Level 6
Bonus Ranged Damage
- Your character does +2 points of damage per round fired with ranged weapons, for each rank of this Perk.
- 총류의 무기 데미지가 2포인트 늘어납니다.
- Number of Ranks : 2
- Requirements : Agility 6, Luck 6, Level 6
Bonus Rate of Fire
- This Perk allows your character to shoot a little faster. Each ranged weapon attack costs one AP less to perform.
- 모든 총류의 AP가 전투시 발사할 때 1포인트 줄어듭니다.(제가 제일 좋아하는 퍽입니다.) 보통 사격할 때 AP를 5만큼 소비합니다만, 이 퍽을 선택하면 4만큼만 소비합니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Agility 7, Intelligence 6, Perception 6, Level 15
Cautious Nature
- This Perk increases Perception by +3 in random encounters to determine how far away your character starts from hostile critters.
- 월드맵에서 Perception이 3포인트 늘어나 랜덤으로 걸리는 이벤트가 증가합니다. 월드맵에서만 Perception이 3늘어납니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Perception 6, Level 3
- With this Perk, your character gains an additional +50% to the number of skill points earned when reading educational books.
- 책을 통해서 스킬을 올릴때 +50%를 더해 준다는 겁니다. 책을 통해서 스킬을 10 증가 시킨다면 15만큼 증가시켜준다는 겁니다. 책을 통해서 올릴 수 있는 스킬치는 스킬이 클수록 줄어듭니다. 스킬이 1단위면 약10정도 올라가고 10단위면 9~8정도 올라갑니다. 책으로 올릴 수 있는 스킬의 한계는 90입니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Intelligence 6, Level 3
Cult of Personality
- This Perk will make your characterꡑs Karma a positive modifier to all people. Everybody likes your character!
- 주인공의 Karma(첫인상 정도로 알면 되겠네요)를 다른 사람들한테 긍정적으로 인식(호감을 줌)하게 해줍니다. 모든 NPC들이 첨 봐도 좋아합니다. 효과는 직접 선택해보면 아실 듯 ^^;
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Charisma 10, Level 12
Demolition Expert
- For characters that like to blow things up, there is nothing better than this Perk. Explosives set by this character do more damage and will always detonate on time.
- 폭탄류의 데미지를 증가시켜주고 제시간에 터집니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Agility 4, Traps 90%, Level 9
- This Perk will lower the chance your character will be hit in combat by increasing the Armor Class by +5 per rank.
- 아머가 5포인트 늘어나 상대방에게서 맞을 확률이 줄어듭니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Agility 6, Level 9
Earlier Sequence
- Your character will be more likely to move before other characters in combat with this Perk. Each rank of this Perk will increase the Sequence statistic by +2.
- sequence +2 (높은 sequence 는 전투에서 자신의 순서(턴)를 빨리오게 하죠)
- Number of Ranks : 3
- Requirements : Perception 6, Level 3
- Every rank of this Perk will add +2 skill points when your character gains an experience level.
- 레벨 오를 때마다 얻는 스킬 포인트를 2포인트 더해줍니다. 지능이 높다면 의미 없는 퍽입니다.
- Number of Ranks : 3
- Requirements : Intelligence 6, Level 6
- You will get a better idea of what to say when you are speaking to an NPC when your character has this Perk. The lines of dialogue will be color-coded. It us up to you to figure out what the colors actually mean.
- NPC한테 더 호감가는 대화를 할 수 있습니다. 이걸 선택하면 NPC와 대화할 때 호감가는 문장이 다른 색깔로 변합니다. 쉽게 선택할 수 있겠죠.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Perception 7, Intelligence 5, Level 6
- This Perk will make it more likely that your character will run across strange and interesting random encounters.
- 월드맵에서 랜덤 이벤트를 더 자주 만날 수 있게 합니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Level 9
Faster Healing
- Characters with Faster Healing just plain heal faster. For each rank of this Perk, your character gains a +2 to the Healing Rate statistic.
- Healing 포인트를 2포인트 높여줍니다. 쉴 때 보통 HP가 3씩 늘어나지만 이 퍽을 선택하면 5씩 늘어나져.
- Number of Ranks : 3
- Requirements : Endurance 6, Level 3
Fortune Finder
- Random encounters yield more money. Of course, you have to take it off the cold, dead bodies of your opponents.
- Random encounters에서 많은 돈을 얻을 수 있거나 시체에서 여러 가지 물건을 얻을 수 있습니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Luck 8, Level 6
- This Perk adds +40 skill points to Gambling.
- Gambling(도박) Skill을 40포인트 늘립니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Gambling 50, Level 6
Gain Agility
- Increases your Agility by +1 permanently.
- Agility를 1포인트 늘립니다. 레벨 12가 될 때 선택할 수 있습니다. 거의 중반에 나오죠.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Agility 1-9, Level 12
Gain Charisma
- Increases your Charisma by +1 permanently.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Charisma 1-9, Level 12
Gain Endurance
- Increases your Endurance by +1 permanently.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Endurance 1-9, Level 12
Gain Intelligence
- Increases your Intelligence by +1 permanently.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Intelligence 1-9, Level 12
Gain Luck
- Increases your Luck by +1 permanently.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Luck 1-9, Level 12
Gain Perception
- Increases your Perception by +1 permanently.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Perception 1-9, Level 12
Gain Strength
- Increases your Strength by +1 permanently.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Strength 1-9, Level 12
- In areas of darkness, or at night, characters with this Perk gain +20% to their Sneak skill.
- 밤이 될 때 Sneak기술이 20%늘어납니다. (50이면 60으로 늘어난다는 뜻)
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Sneak 60%, Level 6
- Your characterꡑs innocent demeanor makes stealing from people a little easier. +40 skill points to Steal.
- Steal(훔치기,소매치기)기술이 40포인트 늘어납니다. (30이면 80으로 늘어남)
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Steal 50%, Karma > 49, Level 6
- Each rank of this Perk will increase the number of Hit Points healed by the use of the First Aid or Doctor skills by 4-10 points. The second rank adds +8-20 points per use.
- First Aid 나 Doctor skill을 쓰면 한번에 HP가 4~10포인트 더 늘어납니다. 한번더 선택하면 8~20늘어납니다. (나오자마자 선택하면 좋죠)
- Number of Ranks : 2
- Requirements : Perception 7, Agility 6, Intelligence 5, First Aid 40%, Level 3
Heavy Ho!
- For purposes of determining the maximum range of thrown weapons only, this Perk will increase Strength by +2 for each rank.
- 던지거나 쏘는 무기에서 Strength를 +2만큼 높아진 효과. 힘이 높다면 의미 없는 퍽입니다.
- Number of Ranks : 3
- Requirements : Level 6
Here and Now
- With this Perk, your character gains one experience level immediately.
- 레벨업! 그러나 스킬포인트는 없음. 나중에 선택할 수 있는 퍽을 빨리 선택할 수 있거나 New Reno에서 임무를 더 빨리 맡을 수 있거나 높은 레벨이 필요한 무기나 아머를 쓸 수 있습니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Level 9
HtH Evade
- If both item slots are empty, at the end of a combat turn, your character will gain 3 points of Armor Class for every unused Action Point (instead of the normal 1 unused AP = +1 point of AC.)
- Hand to Hand로 전투시 턴 종료때마다 아이템 슬롯에 격투 무기(글러브, 너클류)와 비전투 아이템만 있거나 맨손일 때, 이전 턴에 남겨둔 AP 1당 AC가 2씩 상승, 격투의 1/12만큼 더 증가.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Unarmed 75%, Level 12
Kama Sutra Master
- This Perk confers great stamina and skill when doing the dirty.
- 밤일을 잘하게 해준다네여. (뉴리노에서 잘써먹겠네여 ㅎㅎ)
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Endurance 5, Agility 5, Level 3
Karma Beacon
- Your Karma ran over someoneꡑs Dogma. Karma is doubled for the purposes of dialogue and reactions.
- Karma가 두 배로 좋아집니다. NPC들한테 두 배로 인심이 좋아집니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Charisma 6, Level 9
Life giver
- Everytime your character gains a level, gain an additional four Hit Points for each rank of this Perk. With two ranks of Lifegiver, thatꡑs +8 HP each level!
- 레벨업을 할 때마다 HP가 +4증가 , 두 번 선택했을 경우 +8증가. 역시 나올 때(레벨12일때)부터 선택했을 경우 뒤에 가면 엄청난 HP를 가지죠.
- Number of Ranks : 2
- Requirements : Endurance 4, Level 12
Light Step
- Characters with this Perk are much less likely to set off traps.
- 트랩에 걸리는 확률이 낮아집니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Agility 5, Luck 5, Level 9
Living Anatomy
- This Perk confers +20 skill points to Doctor. Since characters with this Perk have greater knowledge of anatomy, they also do +5 points of damage with every attack to living creatures.
- Doctor스킬 +20, 살아있는 생물을 공격할 때(HtH는 물론 모든 무기로 공격할 때) 데미지 +5
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Doctor 60%, Level 12
Magnetic Personality
- Characters with this Perk can attract an additional party member.
- 파티의 동료를 한명 더 추가할 수 있습니다. 원래 데리고 다닐 수 있는 동료의 수는 Charisma/2입니다. 7이면 7/2=3.5 이므로 3명까지 데리고 다닐 수 있습니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Charisma 1-9, Level 3
Master Thief
- This Perk gives a one-time bonus of 20 skill points to the Lockpick and Steal skills.
- Lockpick 과 Steal기술 +20포인트
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Lockpick 50%, Steal 50%, Level 12
Master Trader
- This Perk makes your items more valuable when bartering.
- 물물교환할 때 캐릭터의 아이템이 더 비싸게 팔립니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Charisma 7, Barter 60%, Level 9
- This Perk gives a one-time bonus of 20 skill points to First Aid and Doctor.
- First Aid와 Doctor기술 +20포인트
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : First Aid 40% or Doctor 40%, Level 12
More Criticals
- Characters with this Perk cause more critical hits in combat. Each rank adds +5 to the Critical Chance statistic.
- Number of Ranks : 3
- Requirements : Luck 6, Level 6
Mr. Fixit
- This Perk gives a one-time bonus of 20 skill points to the Repair and Science skills.
- Repair와 Science스킬 +20포인트
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Repair 40% or Science 40%, Level 12
- Picking this Perk will also make you select one of your current Traits to remove. You then get a chance to pick another Trait. Weird, huh?
- 원래의 Traits(맨처음 캐릭터 만들 때 2번 선택하는 퍽과 비슷한)의 선택을 해지하고 다른 Trait를 한번 선택할 수 있다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Level 9
Mysterious Stranger
- When you select this Perk, there is a chance 30% + (2x Luck) that your character will gain a temporary ally, but only in random encounters.
- Random encounter를 만날 때 동맹군을 만날 확률이 30% + (2x Luck)만큼 높아집니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Luck 4, Level 9
- This Perk gives a one-time bonus of +20 skill points to Speech and Barter.
- Speech(언변)와 Barter(물물교환)기술이 +20포인트
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Barter 50%, Speech 50%, Level 6
Night Vision
- Your character can see better in darkness when you select this Perk. This reduces the negative for attacking in low-light conditions.
- 밤에 캐릭터가 볼 수 있는 비젼이 더 커집니다. 밤에 전투시 총으로 쏠 때 맞을 수 있는 확률이 더 높아집니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Perception 6, Level 3
Pack Rat
- Each rank of this Perk adds +50 lbs. to your characterꡑs Carry Weight statistic.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Level 6
- This Perk reduces your travel time on the World Map by 25% for each rank.
- 월드맵에서 이 퍽을 선택할 때 25%만큼 이동시간을 줄입니다.
- Number of Ranks : 2
- Requirements : Endurance 6, Outdoorsman 60%, Level 6
- Characters with this Perk do not suffer the negative modifiers for facing and size that are normally associated with Steal.
- 도둑질을 할 때 어느 방향에서 하든 물건의 크기에 상관없이 더 잘 할 수 있습니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Agility 8, Steal 80%, Level 15
- The initial reaction of NPCs are modified by +10% for each rank of this Perk.
- 첫 인상을 좋게 합니다. NPC와의 첫 대화시 Reaction +10%.
- Number of Ranks : 3
- Requirements : Charisma 6, Level 3
- This Perk will make your character do horrible things with fire – to other people. +5 points of damage with fire-based weapons.
- 불을 이용하는 무기의 데미지를 5포인트 늘립니다. (화염 방사기 등)
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Big Guns 75%, Level 9
Quick Pockets
- The cost to access Inventory during combat is only two AP with this Perk.
- Inventory를 열 때 소비되는 4AP를 2AP로 줄입니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Agility 5, Level 3
Quick Recovery
- It only costs one AP to stand up after being knocked down.
- 전투시 쓰러지고 일어났을 때 소모되는 AP를 1포인트 줄입니다. 쓰러졌다가 일어날 때 소비되는 AP는 데미지와 맞은 부위에 따라 틀립니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Agility 5, Level 6
Rad Resistance
- Each rank of this Perk increases the Radiation Resistance statistic of your character by +15%.
- 방사능의 저항력이 15%증가합니다.
- Number of Ranks : 2
- Requirements : Endurance 6, Intelligence 4, Level 6
- This Perk adds +20 skill points to Outdoorsman. It also makes finding special random encounters slightly easier.
- Outdoorsman기술을 20포인트 늘립니다. 랜덤이벤트 또는 스페셜인카운터에 걸릴 확률이 더 늘어납니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Perception 6, Level 6
- Your character becomes an adept salesman with this Perk. +40 skill points to the Barter skill.
- barter(물물교환)기술을 40포인트 늘립니다. 물건이 더 싸지고 물건을 팔 때 받는 돈이 더 늘어나죠.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Barter 50%, Level 6
- Your character can now scout a little farther on the World Map. This will increase the amount of the map you can see while exploring and make finding the special random encounters a little easier.
- Special random encounter를 더 쉽게 만날 수 있고 탐험하지 않은 마을도 더 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Perception 7, Level 3
- For each rank of this Perk, increase Perception by +2 for the purposes of determining the modifiers for range in combat.
- 총들고 싸울 때 perception +2(전투시에만). 맞출 수 있는 확률이 더 늘어나죠.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Perception 7, Intelligence 6, Level 9
Silent Death
- While Sneaking, characters with this Perk do double damage using a HtH or melee attack if they can hit their opponent in the back.
- Hand to Hand나 Melee weapon(망치나 창등)으로 공격할 때 두 배의 데미지를 줌.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Agility 10, Sneak 80%, Unarmed 80%, Level 18
Silent Running
- This Perk allows characters to run and still Sneak.
- 달릴 때도 Sneak(숨는 기술)을 유지합니다. 원래는 걸어갈 때만 Sneak을 유지 할 수 있죠.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Agility 6, Sneak 50%, Level 6
- In HtH or melee combat, holders of this Perk do critical hits with a successful Luck roll.
- 맨손이나 melee weapon(창, 망치 등)으로 공격할 때 항상 크리티컬 데미지가 나옵니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Agility 8, Strength 8, Unarmed 80%, Level 24
Smooth Talker
- Each rank of this Perk will increase the number of options your character has while talking to NPCs. Basically, characters will be able to say things they would not normally be able to discuss due to their Intelligence.
- NPC랑 대화할 때 선택할 수 있는 문장이 더 많아집니다.
- Number of Ranks : 3
- Requirements : Intelligence 4, Level 3
- This Perk adds +25% to the Poison Resistance statistic.
- 독에 대한 저항력을 25%늘립니다.
- Number of Ranks : 2
- Requirements : Endurance 3, Level 6
- Your character will do a critical hit with a ranged weapon with a successful Luck roll and this Perk.
- 총 들고 싸울 때 크리티컬 찬스가 더 잘 나오는 퍽. Luck 수치에 따라 크리티컬 찬스가 결정됩니다. (LUK 5 = 50%, LUK 10 = 100%)
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Agility 8, Perception 8, Small Guns 80%, Level 24
- This Perk gives a one-time bonus of 40 skill points to the Speech skill.
- Speech 기술을 40포인트 올립니다. (30이면 70으로)
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Speech 50%, Level 9
- Your character is only half as likely to be knocked down in combat.
- 전투에서 쓰러질 확률이 반으로 줄어듭니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Strength 6, Level 3
Strong Back
- Each rank of this Perk increases the Carry Weight statistic by 50 lbs.
- 들고 다닐 수 있는 무게 +50
- Number of Ranks : 3
- Requirements : Strength 6, Endurance 6, Level 3
- Gain 40 skill points in the Outdoorsman skill with this Perk.
- Outdoorsman스킬 +40포인트
- Number of Ranks : 3
- Requirements : Endurance 6, Intelligence 6, Outdoorsman 40%, Level 3
Swift Learner
- Each rank of this Perk adds an additional +5% to your characterꡑs experience point total whenever your character earns experience.
- Experience(경험치)포인트 +5%(경험치를 2000ex얻었다면 2100ex로 얻는다는 뜻) 후반 부에 가면 의미 없는 퍽입니다.
- Number of Ranks : 3
- Requirements : Intelligence 4, Level 3
- Pick an additional Tag skill.
- Tag 스킬을 추가할 수 있는 중요한 perk이죠. Tag를 선택하면 스킬치 두배로 올라가고 선택할 때마다 2씩 올라가죠. 뒤에 가서 올리고 싶은 걸 왕창 올릴때 사용하면 됩니다. 올린 스킬치를 낮춰서 다른 스킬에 분배할 수도 있습니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Level 12
- A one-time bonus of +10 skill points to Sneak, Lockpick, Steal and Traps.
- Sneak, Lockpick, Steal, Trap류의 skill point를 +10올려줍니다.
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Level 3
- Each rank of this Perk adds +10 to your characterꡑs Damage Resistance statistic.
- Damage저항력을 +10 올려줍니다. 데미지 저항력이 올라갈수록 데미지를 더 적게 받습니다.
- Number of Ranks : 3
- Requirements : Endurance 6, Luck 6, Level 3
Weapon Handling
- This Perk adds +3 to Strength for weapon minimum Strength checks.
- 무기가 요구하는 Strength를 3만큼 감소합니다. (초반에 빅건 쓸 때 유용하죠)
- Number of Ranks : 1
- Requirements : Agility 5, Level 12
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