이잡지는 10권을 모았을 경우 ‘뉴레노’의 kitty라는 여자에게 팔 수 있고, $500의 돈과 경험치 1000 그리고 Cat's Paw Issue #5 잡지를 얻을 수 있다.
Chemistry Journals
화학분야에 관한 책
Deans Electronics
딘의 전자공학 책으로 repair 스킬 증가
Doctor's Papers
a person just might be able to build a robo-dog
Fallout 2 Hintbook
엔딩보고 나면 New Reno에서 tully가 줍니다.
이것은 모든 스킬을 영구히 300% 올려주고, 한번 읽을 때마다 결험치 10,000획득
First Aid Book
first aid(응급치료) 스킬을 올려주는 책
Guns and Bullets
총기 스킬 증가. 센프란시스코 배 안 상점에서 구입가능
Kokoweef Mine Script
This is a small chit probably used to pay Kokoweef Mine Workers
Note from Francis
Zaius, Marcus isn't doing anything about that mutant-hater Jacob and his damn conspirators. First they disable the air purifier… and then what? I found their secret tunnels. I figure a body or two down there could implicate Jacob. If you want in, let me know. And burn the damn note this time!" -Signed, Francis.
Part Requisition Form
Raiders Map
This is a crumpled map of pre-war Northern California. Reno and the surrounding caravan trails are outlined in red, and there is a red "X" far to the east of Reno with "Raiders" scrawled beneath it
Ranger's Map
Scout Handbook
정찰병 안내서. 이 책을 읽으면 스킬 outdoorman 1%증가
Slag Message
This is a message from the leader of the Slags to the townspeople of Modoc
Technical Manual
T-51b Power Armor의 수리 매뉴얼입니다
The Lavender Flower
It appears to be some kind of romance novel written by Dorothy Rixon. The cover has a woman laying on a bed surrounded by a hundred flowers