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- messages.yml
join: register: '{RED}등록되어 있지 않습니다. {NEWLINE}{RED} /register <password>.' login: '{RED}로긴하세요 /login <password>.' resume: '{BRIGHTGREEN}어서오세요.. 서버에서 당신을 기억합니다.' error: lockout: 자꾸 암호틀려서 일시적으로 차단되었습니다.. name: 이름에 영어알파벹과 숫자, 밑줄만 허용됩니다. online: 이미 접속해 있습니다! register: usage: '{RED}Correct Usage: /register <password> [email]' success: '{BRIGHTGREEN}등록되었습니다!{NEWLINE}{BRIGHTGREEN} 로긴하세요 /login <password>' error: disabled: '{RED}Registrations are currently disabled!' registered: '{RED}이미 등록되어 잇습니다!' limit: '{RED}더이상 등록할 수 없습니다. 운영자에게 연락하세요!' password: '{RED}암호 길아가 {PWMINLENGTH} 이상 되어야 합니다!' email: '{RED}Please use a valid email address when registering!' general: '{RED}Something went wrong while creating your account!' login: usage: '{RED}Correct Usage: /login <password>' success: '{BRIGHTGREEN}로긴되었습니다!' error: registered: '{RED}You are not registered!' authenticated: '{RED}You are already logged in!' password: '{RED}Incorrect password!' active: '{RED}Your account is not activated!' general: '{RED}Something went wrong while logging you in!' logout: success: '{BRIGHTGREEN}You have been logged out!' error: logged: '{RED}You are not logged in!' general: '{RED}Something went wrong while logging you out!' changepw: usage: '{RED}Correct Usage: /changepw <old password> <new password>' success: '{BRIGHTGREEN}암호를 바꾸었습니다!' error: disabled: '{RED}Password changes are currently disabled.' logged: '{RED}You are not logged in!' incorrect: '{RED}Incorrect old password!' invalid: '{RED}Your new password does not meet complexity requirements!' general: '{RED}Something went wrong while changing your password!' authurl: registration: '{RED}AuthURL registration is disabled.' changepw: '{RED}AuthURL does not support password changes.' misc: illegal: '{GRAY}You must be logged in to do that!' timeout: You have taken too long to log in! strikeout: 잘못된암호로 너무 많이 시도했습니다! reloaded: '{RED}Server reloaded, you must log in.' admin: permission: 권한이 없습니다! register: usage: '{RED}Correct Usage: /xauth register <player> <password> [email]' success: '{BRIGHTGREEN}Account successfully created for: {WHITE}{TARGET}' error: registered: '{RED}This player is already registered!' general: '{RED}Something went wrong while creating an account for {TARGET}' changepw: usage: '{RED}Correct Usage: /xauth changepw <player> <new password>' success: '{TARGET}''s {BRIGHTGREEN}password has been changed!' error: registered: '{RED}This player is not registered!' general: '{RED}Something went wrong while changing {TARGET}''s password!' logout: usage: '{RED}Correct Usage: /xauth logout <player>' error: logged: '{TARGET} {RED}is not logged in!' general: '{RED}Something went wrong while logging this player out!' success: player: '{TARGET} {BRIGHTGREEN}has been logged out!' target: '{BRIGHTGREEN}You have been logged out by an Administrator!' unregister: usage: '{RED}Correct Usage: /xauth unregister <player>' error: registered: '{RED}This player is not registered!' general: '{RED}Something went wrong while unregistering this player!' success: player: '{TARGET} {BRIGHTGREEN}has been unregistered!' target: '{RED}You have been unregistered and logged out!' location: usage: '{RED}Correct Usage: /xauth location set|remove [global]' set: error: global: '{RED}Global teleport location is set to this world.{NEWLINE}{RED}Please remove it first.' general: '{RED}Something went wrong while setting this location!' success: regular: '{BRIGHTGREEN}Teleport location for this world set to your location!' global: '{BRIGHTGREEN}Global teleport location set to your location!' remove: error: noglobal: '{RED}A global teleport location is not set!' notset: '{RED}This world does not have a teleport location!' global: '{RED}Global teleport location is set to this world.{NEWLINE}{RED}Please use /xauth location remove global' general: '{RED}Something went wrong while removing this location!' success: regular: '{BRIGHTGREEN}Teleport location for this world has been removed!' global: '{BRIGHTGREEN}Global teleport location has been removed!' reload: '{BRIGHTGREEN}xAuth reloaded.' activate: usage: '{RED}Correct Usage: /xauth activate <player>' error: registered: '{RED}This player is not registered!' active: '{RED}This player is already active!' general: '{RED}Something went wrong while activating this player!' success: '{BRIGHTGREEN}{TARGET} has been activated!' config: usage: '{RED}Correct Usage: /xauth config <node> <value>' error: exist: '{RED}This configuration node does not exist!' int: '{RED}This configuration node requires an integer value!' invalid: '{RED}This setting cannot be altered using this command!' success: '{BRIGHTGREEN}Configuration updated!'
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