SceneView controls

  • Use arrow keys to move around the scene.
  • With a proper mouse you can always (hand tool selected or not):
    • Orbit with Alt + Left-Drag
    • Move with Alt + Middle-Drag
    • Zoom with Alt + Right-Drag
    • Enter FPS mode with Right-Drag
  • On a PC with no middle mouse button (like a laptop) you always (hand tool selected or not):
    • Orbit with Alt + Left-Drag
    • Move with Alt + Control + Left-Drag
    • Zoom with Alt + Right-Drag
    • Enter FPS mode with Right-Drag
  • On a Mac with no right and middle mouse buttons you can always (hand tool selected or not):
    • Orbit with Alt + Left-Drag
    • Move with Alt + Command + Left-Drag
    • Zoom with Alt + Command + Left-Drag
    • (FPS mode is not possible)
  • When using the hand tool, Left-Drag moves when no modifier keys are held down.
  • Combos with Alt + some other modifier key also work without pressing Alt when using the hand tool.

FPS mode

  • Press and hold Right mouse key.
  • Now you can move the view around using mouse and use WASD keys to move left/right forward/backward and QE to move up and down.
  • Holding down Shift key will make you move faster.

Unit snapping

  • Hold down Ctrl/Command key when moving objects in the scene view, and they will get moved in fixed steps instead of continuously.

Vertex snapping

  • Hold down V to enable vertex snapping. This will allow you to precisely place objects together.
  • Press V, hover mouse over an object in the scene, you'll be able to select a specific vertex on that object. Click vertex and drag it to to some other object and you'll be able to snap selected vertex to a vertex on another object.
  • Shift+V acts as a toggle of this functionality.
  • You can snap vertex to vertex, vertex to surface and pivot to vertex.


  • While having some object selected, move the mouse cursor over a scene view and press F to quickly reveal it in the scene view.