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임신 중 복강경 수술 지침



최근 신뢰할만한 연구에 의하면 임신 주수에 상관없이 안전한 숫술이 가능하다. 과거에는, 발생 가능한 합병증을 줄이기 위하여 임신 일분기와 삼분기에는 수술을 피하였다. 그래서 보통 임신 26~28주가 한계로 여겨졌다.


똑바로 누울 경우 커진 자궁이 대정맥을 눌러 심장 혈류 순환이 감소하여, 결과적으로 태반의 혈류가 감소한다.

가능하다면, 좌측옆으로 누운 자세로 수술을 하는 것이 좋고, 완전 옆으로 눕는 것이 불가능하다면, 부분적으로 라도 좌측으로 돌리는 것이 가능하다.

일분기 산모는 자궁이 크지 않으므로 자세를 바꾸는 것이 필요하지 않다.


  • Local anesthesia was utilized in port sites for improved postoperative analgesia, which minimized narcotic requirements after surgery.
  • A modified Hasson technique was used for initial entry and insufflation via direct visualization of the fascial opening and trocar insertion without use of blindly inserted insufflation devices. Initial entry was a supraumbilical (or subxiphoid), modified Hasson, open-fascia technique under direct vision. The fascia, elevated by a towel clip, was incised in the midline sufficiently to pass a 10-mm cannula (with the trocar removed) directly into the abdomen, angled away from the visible uterus. Ultrasound was not required in order to identify the uterus.
  • Patients were turned slightly to their left to minimize uterine compression of the vena cava, and low-level insufflation pressures were maintained throughout the procedures.
  • Fetal heart tones were checked preoperatively, again after induction of anesthesia, upon completion of the operation, in the recovery room, and every 4 hours until discharge the next morning.
  • Uterine contraction monitoring was done every 4 hours and if the patient reported unusual pain or contractions. Tocolytic agents were not utilized prophylactically.
  • All patients were monitored overnight for uterine irritability and fetal heart tone checks.