보더랜드2 [Borderlands 2]

몬스터를 쓰러뜨리고 경험치를 얻으며 캐릭터를 육성시키고, 무기를 다양하게 업그레이드할 수 있다는 점에서 FPS 계의 디아블로라는 별칭으로 불리는 FPS-RPG 보더랜드. 바로 그 보더랜드의 후속작 보더랜드2가 E3 2012 행사를 통해 플레이 버전을 공개했습니다. 기어박스 소프트웨어가 개발한 '보더랜드 2' 는 전작보다 더욱 독특해진 주인공들의 개성과 함께 새로운 캐릭터들과 스킬트리, 다양한 새로운 환경들, 미션, 적, 무기 및 장비 등을 보여준다. 플레이어는 4명의 친구들과 온라인에서 팀을 이뤄 거대하고 개방된 판도라(Pandora)행성을 여행하게 된다. '보더랜드 2' 는 4인 협동 RPS 게임으로 비평가들의 뜨거운 관심을 받고 있으며, 각종 매체들로부터 높은 리뷰 점수를 받은 바 있다. PC와 Xbox360, PS3로 국내에 정식 출시되었다.

아이템 문구

이름 등급 제조사 문구 특수효과 획득방법  
Legendary SirenLegendaryMaliwan"(Giggles) I'm really good at this."Boosts cooldown rate and gun damage. Boosts five Tier 1 skills by 5 points each and increases movement speed by 45% while using Phaselock.Vermivorous the Invincible
Legendary HunterLegendaryJakobs"I never die."Boosts cooldown rate, critical hit damage and reload speed. Boosts five Tier 1 skills by 5 points each and entering Deception automatically restores 10% health.Vermivorous the Invincible
Legendary SoldierLegendaryDahl"It's like Christmas."Boosts cooldown rate, gun damage and fire rate. Boosts six Tier 1 skills instead of five.Vermivorous the Invincible
Legendary BerzerkerLegendaryBandit"Never look at my fist."Boosts cooldown rate, fire rate and melee damage. Boosts five Tier 1 skills by 5 points each and increases movement speed while Gunzerking by 20%.Vermivorous the Invincible
Good TouchUnqiueMaliwan…but when I'm bad, I'm better.Always Incendiary. Dealing damage causes the player to regenerate health (2.5% of damage inflicted). Also vibrates while wielded.Received from Moxxi after tipping her an unknown amount
Blood of TerramorphousLegendaryEridian…His blood could inspire…Regenerates 0.5% of your health every second.Terramorphous the Invincible
Breath of TerramorphousE-TechVladof…His breath was of fire…Always Incendiary. Causes massive geysers of flame to erupt below the feet of any enemies caught inside the blast radius.Terramorphous the Invincible
Hide of TerramorphousLegendaryBandit…His hide turned the mightiest tame…Is a combination of theRoid,FireNova, andFireSpikeshieldtypes. Also gives an extremely high roid damage boost.Terramorphous the Invincible
The CradleLegendaryTediore…to the grave.When shield is depleted it is disposed of…with explosive results.Henry
Bonus PackageLegendaryTorgue2x more awesome, bonus extreme!Always Explosive. MIRV Grenade that spawns a high amount of child grenades, each of which spawns one additional child grenade.Boom and Bewm and
HydraUniqueJakobs5 heads of Death!Very high pellet count. Spread forms five groupings in a horizontal line.Rouge
Jolly RogerUniqueBanditA Pirate's Life for me!High pellet count, pellets form a 'Skull and Bones' pattern.Just Desserts For Desert Deserters
MorningstarUniqueHyperiona Rose by any other name…Powerful rifle, but berates the user any time they reload, kill an enemy or score a critical hit in a nagging, whiny voice.Hyperion Contract #873
LeechLegendaryMaliwanA skilful leech is better far, than half a hundred men of war.Low-damage Transfusion Grenade that can neither be Slag or Explosive. All damage, including elemental DoT is instantly converted into health.The Warrior
GubLegendaryBanditAbt NaturalAlways Corrosive. Massive magazine size, heavily increased damage.Laney White
HopliteSeraphPangolinAlone a mere soldier, together an unstoppable phalanx.Very high shield capacity. Further increases shield capacity and decreases movement speed for every Hoplite in the party.Seraph Vendor in
BlockheadUniqueTedioreAlso try Minecraft!Always Incendiary. Fires a unique 3x3 spread of fireball blocks that ricochet off of surfaces.Badass Creeper
RapierUniqueVladofAs I end the refrain, thrust home. Curse of the Porcelain Fist!(red text) +200% melee damage. (blue text) The user takes increased damage from melee attacks.Message In A Bottle (Hayter's Folly)
RexUniqueJakobsBasically, it's a big gun.In contradiction to it's itemcard the Rex does not fire as fast as one can pull the trigger. It does, however, sports an extremely high damage output and accuracy for compensation.Bulstoss
InterfacerSeraphHyperionBecause it enters your face. Get it? IT ENTERS YOUR FACE!Fires slow moving projectiles which spawn several other projectiles on a vertical row, on either side of the original projectiles, which flare out and then reconnect with their parent projectiles; similar to the Teeth of Terramorphous, but in a sideways motion. Also allows full movement speed when aiming down the sights.Seraph Vendor in
DogUniqueBanditBecause one barrel ain't enough, and two is too few.Increased damage, fire rate and magazine size at the cost of stability.Assassin Rouf
Might of the SeraphsSeraphEridianBecome the unstoppable force!Enhances melee ability and melee override cooldown rate.Seraph Vendor in
Fire BeeLegendaryVladofBees are coming!Always Incendiary.Fire Burst Grenade that spawns an incendiary child grenade with every spin, along with spinning around and releasing fire.Unknown
BuffaloUniqueJakobsBison Bison had had had had had Bison Bison Bison shi shi shi.Boosted normal damage and very high critical damage, weapon always spawns without a scope.Demon Hunter
SlaggaLegendaryBanditblagagaAlways Slag. Fires 3 slag projectiles per shot at a cost of one SMG ammo.Tector & Jimbo Hodunk
Pot O' GoldUniqueBanditBlarney I say! 'Tis blarney!When damaged, has a small chance to drop money as well as shield boosters.Bagman
NorfleetLegendary/E-TechMaliwanBlows Up Everything!!!Hurls three large purple balls of energy in a horizontal line. Each ball deals a tremendous amount of damage while covering a large area of effect. The flavor text is orange, for whatever reason.Vermivorous the Invincible
Boom PuppyUniqueTorgueBoom! Boom! Boom! BOOM! BOOOM!!!! GOOD DOGGY!!!Always Explosive. Fires a low velocity, bouncing grenade which explodes each time it bounces. Grenade continues bouncing (which may ricochet off of walls - at times towards the player) for a number of seconds before final detonation.Walking the Dog
Yellow JacketE-TechHyperionBy the people. For the peopleAlways Shock elemental, increased damage, enhanced magazine size, projectiles start off extremely slow and gradually pick up speed, only to disappear after a certain distance. Despite being invisible, they continue to accelerate and still do damage. Projectiles also have a small aoe blast radius, making it possible to damage multiple enemies with every shot. It has been known that with certain scopes that the light from the shock bullets will block out the screen.Jackenstein
LongbowLegendaryHyperionCeci n'est pas une sniper rifle!Always Incendiary. Fires slow moving projectiles that look like arrows from the video game Minecraft.Badass Creeper
OrderUniqueBanditChung-gunk!When Law is equipped, any melee damage done is converted to health.BFFs
LawUniqueJakobsDe Da.Always +100% Melee damage. 100% accuracy and recoil reduction while zoomed. If Order is equipped, melee strikes from Law restore health.The Sheriff of Lynchwood and Won't Get Fooled Again
Unkempt HaroldLegendaryTorgueDid I fire six shots, or only five? Three? Seven. Whatever.Always Explosive. Each trigger pull sends out a shot over a horizontal arc that slowly splits until 7 projectiles are traveling. Each shot costs 3 rounds.Savage Lee (Unconfirmed) or Torgue Vending Machine
Pocket RocketUniqueTorgueDid you ever have the feeling…Always Explosive. Fires high-speed projectiles at the cost of 2 rounds. Increased explosion radius.Torgue Vending Machine
DahlminatorE-TechDahlDodge this.Always Corrosive. Fires homing & ricocheting projectiles that stick to enemy and explode.The Lost Treasure
RokSaltUniqueBanditDon't retreat. Instead, reload!Heavily decreased reload speed.Splinter Group
QuasarLegendaryHyperionE = mc^(OMG)/wtfAlwaysShock. Singularity Grenade that attacks enemies with a lightning bolt similar to a Tesla Grenade while they are near the singularity, before exploding for massive Shock damage.Ultimate Badass Varkid
Captain Blade's Otto IdolUniqueEridianEvery man for himself.Curse of the Sudden-er Death!(red text) Restores a portion of the user's health on kill. (blue text) Decreases Fight For Your Life duration.Message In A Bottle (The Rustyards)
Evil SmasherUniqueTorgueEvil will be SMASHED!!! WITH SMASHING!!! EVIL!!! SMASH!!! ER!!!Always Explosive. High-velocity explosive bullets (from hip and sights). Double damage against bandits. Horrendous stats at first, but on reload has a small chance to heavily increase its damage, magazine size, fire rate and accuracy.The Chosen One
RetcherSeraphTedioreEwwwAlways Corrosive. Shoots corrosive balls similar toSplatguns. Reloading throws weapon and causes a small corrosive explosion. After initial explosion, weapon spawns two additional child grenades.Seraph Vendor in Oasis (120 crystals)
Hawk EyeSeraphJakobsEye certain. Finger Lightning. Aim Death.Extremely high critical hit damage, high accuracy, and lowered overall damage output.Seraph Vendorin
StrikerLegendaryJakobsFandir? Thirteen.Additional critical damage, added with exceptional accuracy and minuscule spread.Old Slappy
HornetLegendaryDahlFear the swarm!Always Corrosive. High elemental effect chance, 5-10 round bursts.Knuckle Dragger
CrossfireSeraphDahlFind, fix, flank, finish!When thrown, acts like a Bouncing Bettie grenade, but has a MIRV effect on each bounce, shooting out another grenade. The grenade shot out also has what looks like relic particles surrounding it.Seraph Vendor in
FlakkerLegendaryTorgueFlak The WorldAlways Explosive. Heavily increased damage, Consumes 4 ammo per shot, extremely large spread, rounds detonate after reaching a certain distance, creating a massive field of explosions upon detonation..The Warrior or
Tidal WaveUniqueJakobsFlee the Wave, Dude!Fires 13 horizontal slow moving projectiles in a wave pattern that ricochets off of surfaces once if it does not hit an enemy.Uncle Teddy if you choose Hyperion
The BeeLegendaryHyperionFloat like a butterfly…Large amount of Amp shot damage, no Amp shot drain. Lowered shield capacity. Increased recharge rate and delay.Hunter Hellquist
Big Boom BlasterSeraphTorgueFor all your big boom blasting needs!Each booster dropped causes a small explosion as well as restoring one grenade and rocket ammo upon pick-up.Seraph Vendor in
NeogenatorLegendaryAnshinFor an impenetrable shield stand inside yourself.Increased health and health regeneration. High elemental resistance, low shield capacity.Spycho
AhabSeraphTorguefor hate's sake.Always Explosive. Shoots a harpoon styled projectile that sticks into a target before exploding. The projectile will curve downward steeply.Seraph Vendor in
FastballLegendaryTedioreForget the curveball Ricky, give him the heater.Increased damage, explodes immediately upon contact. Thrown straight out like its namesake fastball, bouncing once off a surface but exploding upon second contact. All at the cost of a greatly decreased damage radius.Boll (Unconfirmed)
CobraUniqueJakobsFound out about this I was like DAAAMN, I'm bringing that gun BACK!Always Explosive. Has a hidden +180% damage modifier.Burners
Flame of the FirehawkLegendaryMaliwanFrom the ashes she will rise.Constant FireNova effect while shields are at 0. This effect lasts indefinitely, as long as the shield remains at 0, and triggers roughly every two seconds.Cult Following: The Enkindling
HiveUniqueMaliwanfull of bees.Always Corrosive. Fires a stationary orb similar to a beehive for the cost of 4 ammo that emits small corrosive homing rockets, before exploding into acid.Saturn
Hammer BusterLegendaryJakobsGar! Gorarr! My dad's a scientist! GWARRRR!!!!Unusually high bullet damage compared to similar rifles.McNally
LandscaperUniqueTorgueGet off my lawn!Always Explosive. Fires 4 projectiles at the cost of 2 ammo. Projectile spread forms a rectangle. Projectiles stick to any surface then explode.Clan War: Zafords vs. Hodunks if you side with Hodunks
CHOPPERUniqueBanditGet to it.Massively increased magazine size, empties it's magazine with one pull of the trigger. Extremely fast fire rate and low accuracy. Fires 4 projectiles at the cost of 6 and has an extended reload time.Dexiduous the Invincible
GunerangLegendaryTedioreGive it a burl.Reloading throws the gun like a boomerang and it chases the nearest target, which can be yourself.Rakkman
Flynt's TinderboxUniqueBanditGood for starting fires.Always Incendiary. High chance to cause fire effect. Bullets travel in an arc.Captain Flynt
TriquetraUniqueJakobsGood things kill in threes.Consumes 3 ammo per shot, increased damage and number of pellets. Pellets fire in a triquetra shape.Clan War: End of the Rainbow
Logan's GunLegendaryHyperionGun, Gunner!Always Incendiary. Rounds explode directly on contact, then continue traveling until striking an inert surface, upon which after a small delay they explode again.Wilhelm
DevastatorSeraphTorgueHail.Always Explosive. Fires two inaccurate explosive beams in a burst.Seraph Vendor in
Captain Blade's Midnight StarUniqueTorgueHangin' around with you is no picnic. Curse of the Cackling Designer!(red text) AlwaysExplosive. Abnormally high damage for a MIRV Grenade. (blue text) Child grenades spawned will fly towards the wielder instead of the regular MIRV spread.Message In A Bottle (Magnys Lighthouse)
Elephant GunUniqueJakobsHated by large numbers of people.Extremely high damage output. Always spawns without a scope.Arizona
TeapotUniqueDahlHavin' a tea Partay drinkin' mah Teeea!Always Corrosive. Corrosive effect spreads to nearby enemies.You Are Cordially Invited: Tea Party
SpongeSeraphVladofHighly absorbent!High capacity combined with high bullet absorption chance.Seraph Vendor in
BunnyLegendaryTedioreHippity Hoppity!When reloaded it drops out active grenades at random while bouncing like a rabbit leaping.Chubby Enemies
Teeth of TerramorphousUniqueBanditHis teeth made them flee in shame…Always Incendiary. Fires two horizontal rows of 6 rounds which rise, then fall and close in on each other after a specific distance, much like a mouth closing.Terramorphous the Invincible
SeraphimSeraphDahlHoly? Holy? Holey!Always Incendiary. Fires projectiles in a slower velocity. 3-round burst while zoomed.Seraph Vendor in
JudgeUniqueJakobsI am free now.Bonus critical hit damage.Assassin Oney
Thunderball FistsLegendaryMaliwanI can have such a thing?Always Shock. Shots fired produce electrical orbs, which travel for a couple seconds, and then explode for shock damage.Captain Flynt
Fremington's EdgeUniqueHyperionI can see my house from here.Increased zoom, increased critical hit damage.Assassin Reeth
Heart BreakerUniqueHyperionI don't want to set the world on fire…Always Incendiary. Increased projectile count, fire rate, and critical hit damage. Shoots in heart shaped pattern. Any inflicted damage returns health to the wielder (2% of damage).Safe and Sound
CommerceUniqueHyperionI have a Soldier, a Siren, two Scooters and a Claptrap.Always Shock. Slightly increased reload speed.Assassin Wot
TrespasserUniqueJakobsI infrequently perish.Shots bypass shields and Mordecai contacts you via ECHO to see if you're all right when getting a Second Wind.Animal Rights
Shotgun 1340UniqueHyperionI like being a gun.Hyperion Loader voice while firing, reloading, swapping, etc.Out of Body Experience
VerucLegendaryDahlI want that rifle, Daddy!Fires 3 projectiles at the cost of 2 bullets in a horizontally linear spread. When zoomed, fires a five-round burst of the same pattern, but each group gets progressively tighter towards the center bullet - the first group of the burst is the same as if hip-fired; the fifth is very close to centered.Mobley
TattlerSeraphBanditIf thou'st would'st snitch'st, acquire thine stich!Always spawns with a bayonet. Fires slow-moving projectiles with a large spread. Fires two shots at the cost of one ammo.Seraph Vendor in
Love ThumperUniqueBanditIf thumping you is wrong, I don't want to be right.Ludicrously increased recharge delay. When shield is depleted, in addition to normal Roid bonus the shield also causes ExplosiveNovas every time the user connects with a melee attack. These explosions can damage other vault hunters in co-op.Best Mother's Day Ever
1340 ShieldUniqueVladofIf you can't beat 'em, join 'emHyperion Loader voice moduleOut of Body Experience
BaneUniqueHyperionin Spain, stays mainly on the plain.Reduced movement speed. When fired the weapon yells out annoying sounds and phrases.The Bane
Sand HawkUniqueDahlIn. Not unlike Errol.Incredibly low fire rate for an SMG. Consumes three rounds per shot, producing 8 slow-moving projectiles in a horizontal bird-shaped pattern which shifts as though flapping its wings.Whoops
The Rough RiderUniqueJakobsIt takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose.0 shield capacity. Increases resistance to all damage types. Increases maximum health.The Bulwark
Kiss of DeathUniqueMaliwanIt takes two to get one in trouble.Transfusion effect. Homing elemental grenade that latches onto target's face until they die or grenade detonates. Upon exploding sends out beams that heal allies.Hell Hath No Fury
InfectionSeraphMaliwanItchy. Tasty.Extremely high elemental effect damage/chance, but extremely low projectile damage. Projectiles explode after travelling a certain distance. AlwaysCorrosive.Seraph Vendor in
Madhous!LegendaryBanditIt's a Madhouse! A MADHOUSE!!!Bullets fired will follow a slightly swerving path that swerves back and forth left-right or up-down (orientation is random), then will split into two upon impact and bounce, bullets become faster after every bounce.Supposed to drop from Mad Dog, currently glitched
PyrophobiaLegendaryMaliwanIt's actually a fairly rational fear in this case.Always Incendiary. Projectiles explode multiple times mid-flight before hitting their target.Incinerator Clayton
InfinityLegendaryVladofIt's closer than you think! (no it isn't)Does not consume ammo. Spread pattern creates an infinity (8) symbol.Doc Mercy
Chère-amieUniqueJakobsJe suis enchante, Ou est le bibliotheque?Transfusion effect. Also heals player when an enemy is suffering from its elemental effect.Hyperion Slaughter: Round 5
DeliveranceLegendaryTedioreKiki got a shotgunReload-thrown weapon continues to fire after thrown and homes in on targets.Tumbaa
Conference CallLegendaryHyperionLet's just ping everyone all at once.Generates additional projectiles horizontally upon ricochet or after sufficient distance. The item card states reduced accuracy and recoil recovery; however, like the Bitch, this gun actually becomes very accurate very quickly.The Warrior
Lady FistUniqueHyperionLove is a Lady Finger. True Love is a Lady Fist.Deals +400% critical hit damage. Increased magazine size.Uncle Teddy if you choose Una Baha
PitchforkLegendaryDahlMainstream'd!Fires 5 horizontal shots in a line for the cost of 2 ammo.Terramorphous the Invincible
Fuster CluckUniqueBanditMake it rain!Spawns 6 child grenades midair when thrown.The Pretty Good Train Robbery
Orphan MakerUniqueJakobsMakes Orphans Often.,Curse of the Nefarious Backlash!(red text) Incredibly low pellet count and a massive damage bonus. (blue text) Every shot fired will deal a small amount of damage (5% of weapon damage rating) to the wielding character.Message In A Bottle (Oasis)
SkullmasherLegendaryJakobsMakes your brain hurt.Shoots five projectiles at the cost of one round.Son of Mothrakk
LyudaLegendaryVladofMan KillerShoots one projectile which branches into three after a certain distance. Bullets travels horizontally at an angle from branch point. Increased critical hit damage.Gettle
MaggieLegendaryJakobsMonty's wife don't take no guff.Fires a 6 pellet shot (10 pellets if spawned with 'Two Fer' prefix) projectile, at the cost of 1 bullet (Costs 2 bullets with 'Two Fer' prefix).Mick Zaford
BadaboomLegendaryBanditMulti-kill.Fires six rockets at the cost of one rocket ammo.King Mong
NukemLegendaryTorgueName dropper.Always Explosive. Fires highly-damaging mini-nukes for the cost of 2 ammo that travel in a steep arc.The Black Queen or
12 PounderUniqueTorgueNec Pluribus Impar, Bitches.Always Explosive. Fires arcing cannonballs that skip or bounce once before exploding; provided the angle of incidence is sharp enough. Unusually high damage.Big Sleep
CreamerUniqueTorguenon-dairyAlways Explosive. High rocket velocity, rocket splits in two and spreads after a certain distance. Inflicted damage restores health to the weapon's wielder.Creature Slaughter Round 5
Legendary MechromancerLegendaryHyperionnoneBoosts cooldown rate. Boosts three Tier 1 skills, two Tier 2 skills, and one Tier 3 skill.Vermivorous the Invincible
Meteor ShowerSeraphTorgueNot just for wishing on!Always Explosive. High-yield MIRV Grenade that bursts into a high amount of child grenades (~12), each of which spawns one additional grenade.Seraph Vendor in
OctoUniqueTedioreOcto means 9.Fires 8 pellets in 3x3 pattern with center left pellet missing. Pellets are slow moving and fly in a sine-wave pattern while leaving yellow orange trails.Slap Happy
StomperUniqueJakobsOh, sorry, was that your head?High critical damage.Hungry Like the Skag
PatriotSeraphVladofOur voice will not be silenced!Fires slower-moving projectiles.Seraph Vendorin
VolcanoLegendaryMaliwanPele humbly requests a sacrifice, if it's not too much trouble.Always Incendiary. Large bonus to incendiary effect. Emits a fire cloud upon impact, spreading incendiary damage over nearby enemies.The Warrior
TwisterUniqueJakobsPutting trouble on the run.Fires a cluster of spherical projectiles that quickly transform into a tornado over a short distance. Always Shock.Omnd-Omnd-Ohk
ChulainnUniqueMaliwanRiastrad!Always Slag, but procs as bothShock and Slag. The wielder is slagged as long as the weapon is equipped.Clan War: Zafords vs. Hodunks if you side with the Zafords
ScorpioUniqueDahlSay not in grief: "He is no more," but live in thankfulness that he was.Increased burst-fire count when zoomed. When not zoomed, fire rate fluctuates going from as low as 7 to up to 11 (sounds like an army snare drum). High accuracy.Bearer of Bad News
Little EvieUniqueMaliwanShock and awwwww! So cute!Always Shock. Increased elemental damage and chance. Increases cool-down rate when on cool-down.Lil' Sis
VeritasUniqueVladofShoulda stopped at one.+10% duration to Fight For Your Life for everyAequitas or Veritasequipped in the party.Clan War: Wakey Wakey
PimpernelUniqueMaliwanSink me!When the bullet impacts it splits into five lower-damage elemental energy balls that are cast out in an even distribution from the point of impact for additional damage.Don't Copy That Floppy
Whisky Tango FoxtrotLegendaryDahlSituation normal……all foxtroted up.(flavor 1) Chance to drop an IED Booster when damaged. (flavor 2) Seen on IED Boosters. Launches 3 volleys of 3 Shockgrenades each. Is launched at an enemy, rather than in a random direction.Chubby Enemies
Storm FrontLegendaryVladofSometimes lightning does strike twice.Always Shock. Tesla Grenade that spawns four child grenades, each of which has their own smaller area of effect while dealing less damage.Mutants fought during Splinter Group
Damned CowboyUniqueJakobsSpeak Softly. Carry This.In contradiction to its itemcard, Sir Hammerlock's Damned Cowboy does not fire as fast as one can pull the trigger. It does, however, sport an extremely high damage output and accuracy for compensation.Bloodtail
ShredifierLegendaryVladofSpeed kills.Initially has a very high rate of fire, reaches top fire rate in half the time. The spin-speed is retained much longer than other miniguns, likely long enough to retain most or all of it's fire rate after reloading. Also sports an enhanced magazine size.Obtainable from any suitable loot source
PandemicLegendaryVladofSpread the sickness.AlwaysCorrosive. Corrosive Cloud Grenade that spawns three additional homing grenades upon detonation. These homing grenades seek out enemies, "infect" them with corrosion, before moving onto another. This effect lasts until the grenades disappear.Mortar
EvolutionSeraphAnshinStrength through adversity.Adds health regeneration. Taking shield damage increases regeneration. Large elemental Resistance bonus. Health capacity is increased while Action Skill is active.Seraph Vendor in
Nasty SurpriseLegendaryHyperionSupplies!Longbow Grenade that splits into four grenades upon exiting teleportation, teleporting near the feet of enemies.Vermivorous the Invincible
Sheriff's BadgeUniqueEridianTake turns and play nice.Increases pistol fire rate, pistol damage, and Fight For Your Life duration. Also further increases Fight For Your Life time and max health by 15% each for every equipped Deputy's Badge in the party.The Sheriff of Lynchwood
Slow HandE-TechHyperionTake your time, Sugar…Fires a slow-moving projectile with high elemental effect chance and splash damage. Unlike normal E-Tech shotguns, it is not affected by gravity.Badassasaurus Rex
InvaderLegendaryHyperionThe Executioner has arrived.Low damage. Fires a burst of 5 rounds when scoped.Saturn
LascauxUniqueDahlThe gun of the Bulls.Modified Dahl Burst-fire module: fires 13-round bursts that leaves a bullet pattern similar to the Lascaux cave paintings. Always spawns with a Double Mod and +100% Recoil Reduction.Frostburn Canyon
MongolLegendaryVladofThe Horde will always return!Fires a large rocket which in turn fires off smaller rockets as it travels. Also has unique white text, first saying it uses reduced ammunition, then having the unique line "just kidding, no it doesn't." The actual effect is that the Mongol uses two ammo per shot instead of every third shot using no ammo.Dukino's Mom
Bone ShredderUniqueBanditThe Lead Wind Blows!Always has a double accessory.Bone Head 2.0
Sledge's ShotgunLegendaryBanditThe Legend LivesBurst-fires two shots per trigger pull, with a long delay between each burst.Smash-Head
AequitasUniqueVladofThe second is better.+10% duration to Fight For Your Life for everyAequitas orVeritas equipped in the party.Clan War: Wakey Wakey
Rolling ThunderLegendaryTorgueThe thunder shall bring forth the pain!Always Explosive. Behaves identically to a RubberizedMIRV Grenade, with the exception that it causes an explosion with every bounce.Wilhelm and
Blood of the SeraphsSeraphEridianTheir power courses through you…Increases health statistics and adds health regeneration. No longer changes stats each time the relic is equipped.Seraph Vendor in
Breath of the SeraphsSeraphEridianTheir return is to be feared…Grants bonus damage and health regeneration for a short time after killing an enemy to gain Second Wind.Seraph Vendor in
The TransformerLegendaryVladofThere's more than your eye can see.Grants immunity to Shock damage. High chance to absorb enemy bullets. Shockdamage taken recharges the shield.Pimon
GreedUniqueJakobsThief.Always Incendiary. No speed loss when aiming down the sights.Captain Scarlett
Gwen's HeadUniqueDahlThinking outside the box.Burst-fires 7 rounds when zoomed in.Various locations in The Dust
RoasterUniqueBanditToasty!Increased rocket speed and (if the element is other than explosive), increased elemental chance and damage.Note for Self-Person
KerBlasterLegendaryTorgueTorgue got more BOOM!Always Explosive. Consumes 4 ammo per shot. Each shot fires one projectile which has a straight trajectory and explodes on impact. The explosion releases a grenade which also explodes one second later.Midge-Mong or
O-NegativeSeraphMaliwanUniversal donor!Unusually high damage for a Transfusion Grenade.Seraph Vendor in
ImpalerLegendaryMaliwanVlad would be proud.LaunchesCorrosive homing spikes when damaged at range. DealsCorrosive spike damage to melee attackers.The Warrior
Contraband Sky RocketUniqueBanditWARNING: Not intended for indoor use.Upon detonation grenade pops up into the air and releases a burst of "fireworks." Damage scales to level.Download bonus exclusive to pre-release limited edition packages.
HellFireLegendaryMaliwanWe don't need no fire…Always Incendiary. High fire elemental damage, incredibly high elemental effect chance, small explosion damage radius which deals reduced damage and infinite proc stacking.Scorch
ActualizerSeraphHyperionWe need to talk about your DPS report.Weapon always has 200% bonus accuracy. However, this effect actually makes this weapon lessaccurate than comparable Hyperion SMGs.Seraph Vendor in
KittenUniqueVladofWe're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.Fires 3 bullets per shot at the cost of one ammo. Spread takes the shape of a smiley face, with two eyes and a wide grin. Heals the user when inflicting damage at a rate of 2.5% of the damage inflicted with the weapon.Everybody Wants to be Wanted
StinkpotUniqueJakobsWe're Pirates. We don't follow the rules.Always Corrosive. Can spread corrosion to other enemies. In addition, rounds which do not strike a surface dead-on will ricochet.No-Beard
Captain Blade's Manly Man ShieldUniqueTorgueWhat a fabulous window treatment.Curse of the Elementals!(red text) Adds bonus Explosivedamage to all melee attacks. This ability stays in effect, even while shields are totally depleted. (blue text) Wearer takes increased damage from elemental sources.Message In A Bottle (Wurmwater)
Lead StormSeraphVladofWhat a glorious feeling!Fires flared, slow-arcing bullets, which split into 3 projectiles during travel. Extra high fire rate and magazine size.Seraph Vendor in
Deadly BloomUniqueTorgueWhat do you mean…theoretically?ReleasesExplosive Nova when shields or health is depleted.The Overlooked: This is Only a Test
HailUniqueVladofWhat play thing can you offer me today?Fires bullets in an arc, hidden increased critical hit modifier. Damage done with this gun heals the wielder.Bandit Slaughter: Round 5
Bad TouchUniqueMaliwanWhen I'm good, I'm very good…Always Corrosive. While wielding this gun, dealing damage (from either the gun or special abilities or even grenades) causes health regeneration (2% of damage inflicted).Received from Moxxi after tipping her an unknown amount
RubiUniqueMaliwanWhenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I've never tried.High elemental chance. Damage dealt with the gun on enemies causes you to gain health (12%).Rakkaholics Anonymous
Deputy's BadgeUniqueEridianWho the hell shot me?Increases shotgun damage and reload speed. +10% duration to Fight For Your Life for every equippedDeputy's Badge in the party.Showdown
Baby MakerLegendaryTedioreWho's a widdle gunny wunny!!!Thrown weapon spawns "child grenades," identical but smaller versions of the original gun.Madame Von Bartlesby and
Fabled TortoiseLegendaryPangolinWin by a hareHighest capacity of any shield so far but reduced movement speed while active. Movement speed is increased beyond normal upon shield depletion. Greatly reduced health.Blue
FibberUniqueHyperionWould I lie to you?All stats on the weapon are inaccurate. Actual stats are highly variable. See weapon page for details.A Real Boy: Human
The ShamLegendaryVladofWow, I CAN do this all day.Extremely high bullet absorption chance. Low shield capacity.BNK-3R
SlothUniqueDahlYeah, booze'll do that to ya…Reduced bullet speed, increased damage. While equipped, Mordecai will maintain ECHO contact to the Vault Hunter and comment on actions such as going into fight for your life.Rakkaholics Anonymous
Black HoleLegendaryMawlianYou are the center of the universe.Pulls nearby enemies towards you when shields are depleted, similar to the effect of singularity grenades, before releasing a powerful ShockNova.Foreman Jasper
EmperorLegendaryDahlyou know… for him.Low fire rate. Delivers a burst of 6 bullets to the target at reliable recoil. Very fast accuracy recovery.Assassin Wot, Assassin Oney, Assassin Reeth, and Assassin Rouf
Pun-cheeSeraphBanditYou wanna go, asshole?Improved recharge rate and delay.Seraph Vendor in
Bouncing BonnyLegendaryDahlYour sister is such a bitch.Similar to a Bouncing Bettie Grenade; bounces around while releasing a blistering shower of bullets, while spawning a child grenade with every bounce.Chubby Enemies (Unconfirmed)
BitchLegendaryHyperionyup. back.Accuracy increases very quickly compared to other Hyperion SMGs, reaching near-pinpoint accuracy in less than one second.BNK-3R
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