문서의 이전 판입니다!



current client supported: Minecraft Bedrock 1.2.7
current server supported: Minecraft Java 1.12.1 - 1.12.2

join ALL servers including but NOT limited to: Spigot, BungeeCord, CraftBukkit, SpongeVanilla

Important things to know: this is NOT a plugin, so you have to run like Spigot: java -jar dragonproxy-x.x.x.jar

demo servers: NONE YET (coming soon)

current features:

- NO MODS needed for MC:Bedrock (MCPE/MCWin10) - both ONLINE/OFFLINE mode are supported - chat - chunks are loading - movement - basic block placing/breaking - simple chest handling - animals/mobs spawning - entity/vehicle riding/mounting


- for players, you can use this to join other servers like Performium Network - for server owners, you can setup this for your players

Official website: https://dragonet.org

배슬로넷 마인크래프트 위키입니다. 직접 수정하셔도 됩니다
