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Once you've installed the enabler, press " ~ " to bring up the console.


godEnable invincibility
healmeRefill Geralt's HP bar
CiriSwitch player character to Ciri
GeraltRevert player character to Geralt
setlevel(#)Sets your player levelex:setlevel(15)
levelupAdvance player level by 1
addexp(#)Adds specified amount of experience points ex: addexp(25000)
learnskill(skill)Learns specified skill ex: learnskill(sword_s3) Re-entering command will increase skill level.
Cat(1)Activates night vision
Cat(0)Disables night vision
setbeard(1)Grows a beard on Geralt
shaveRemoves Geralt's facial hair
seatattoo(1)Enables tattoo from Witcher 2 save
seatattoo(0)Removes tattoo from Witcher 2 save
additem(name,#)Adds designated item(s) to inventory ex: additem(Bear Armor 1,3)
addmoney(#)Adds specified amount of Crowns ex: addmoney(100000)
removemoney(#)Removes specified number of Crownsex: removemoney(5)
spawn(name,#)Spawns a specified amount of NPCs ex: spawn(bear_grizzly,50)
killallKill all enemies engaged in combat.
makeitrainToggle stormy weather.
stoprainStops rain from falling.
gotoNovigradImmediately fast-travel to Novigrad
gotoSkelligeImmediately fast-travel to the Skellige Isles
gotoKaerMorhenImmediately fast-travel to Kaer Morhen
gotoPrologImmediately fast-travel to White Orchard
gotoPrologWinterImmediately fast-travel to White Orchard
ShowAllFT(1)Discover all Signposts
ShowPins(1)Discover all map icons and areas
secretgwintImmediately play a round of Gwent anywhere
winGwint(#)Win current Gwent game with specified number of power points.
addgwintcardsAdds one of every Gwent card to your deck
additem(card,#)Adds specified number of desired Gwent cards. ex: additem(gwint_card_werewolf,10)