심플파이 (Simplepie) - RSS리더

RSS를 긁어올 수 있는 오픈소스임. 설정이 간편하지만 기능은 막강함.

$feed_no=7;   //갯수
include_once('./sp/autoloader.php');   // 심플파이 가져오기.
$feed2 = new SimplePie();    //객체 생성
$feed2->set_feed_url('http://feeds.feedburner.com/VLBB');   //주소 설정
if (!empty($_GET['force']) && $_GET['force'] ===== 'true') { $feed2->force_feed(true);}
$success = $feed2->init();   //실행!
$feed2->handle_content_type();  //처리!
  <div class="rss_recent" >
   <?php if ($success): ?>
    <div class=" " align="center">
     <h3 class="header"><?php if ($feed2->get_link()) echo '<a href="' . $feed2->get_link() . '">'; echo $feed2->get_title(); if ($feed2->get_link()) echo '</a>'; ?></h3>
<table >
    <!-- Let's begin looping through each individual news item in the feed. -->
    <?php foreach($feed2->get_items(0,$feed_no) as $item): ?>
     <tr class="" >
      <td class="ellips" title="<?php echo $item->get_content();  //Display the item's primary content.?>"><?php if ($item->get_permalink()) echo '<a class="ellips" href="' . $item->get_permalink() . '">'; echo (mb_strlen($item->get_title(),"UTF-8")>25)?mb_substr($item->get_title(),0,25,"UTF-8").'...':$item->get_title(); if ($item->get_permalink()) echo '</a>'; ?></td><td class="footnote"><?php echo $item->get_date('j M Y, g:i a'); ?></td>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
   <?php endif; ?>


좀 느린 것 같다. 피드 두개 불러오는데 1초 걸림..캐쉬도 있는데…

Magpie Simplepie
Light Weight Too Many Files.
Simple Implementation Complex Implemenation
Easy to modify Difficult to modify.
Less time to parse Delay in parsing.
Less documentation but enough Good documented.


캐쉬 방법 속도 테스트
flatfile 0.658 seconds in processing this page.
mysql 0.149 seconds in processing this page.

훨씬 빠른 mysql을 쓰도록 함.
