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HBs Ag이 6개월 이상 양성, HBV DNA가 2,000~20,000 IU/mL 이상, AST/ALT의 지속적 혹은 간헐적 상승이 있는경우HBe Ag 양성및음성만성B형간염으로분류됩니다

HBV DNA test is performed on a blood sample using a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique that rapidly generates HBV DNA fragments so they can be measured. Today, viral load is usually measured using international units per milliliter (IU/mL). However, in the past it was measured in copies per milliliter (copies/mL), and in some regions and labs, it is still used.

1 mL 혈액당 카피(copies) 혹은 IU (International Unit) 수치로 표시됩니다.

HBV DNA real time PCR 음성 (< 60 IU/mL) HBV DNA > 10,000 copies/ml 이면 항바이러스 치료를 권고

대부분의 초기 가이드라인들에서는 간경변증을 동반하지 않은 만성 간염 환자의 경우 혈청 HBV DNA가 20,000 IU/mL(100,000 copies/mL) 이상이고 혈청 ALT가 정상 상한치의 두 배가 넘는 경우를 치료의 적응증으로 제시하였지만 최근 가이드라인에서는 항바이러스 치료의 적응증이 되는 혈청 HBV DNA와 ALT의 기준치가 점차 낮아지고 있는 경향으로 ALT 기준치도 남자 30 U/L, 여자 19 U/L, HBV DNA 기준치도 2,000IU/mL(10,000 copies/mL)로 낮추자는 의견들이 있다

If you ever need to convert copies into international units, there are about 5.6 copies in one international unit, so 5,000 copies/mL equals about 893 IU/mL. Remember to keep copies of your lab information on file so you can track your status. An Excel spreadsheet works great.

Why is measuring viral load important if you’re pregnant? Today, all pregnant women are screened for hepatitis B, and experts also want their viral loads to be measured. When pregnant women have high viral loads—exceeding 200,000 IU/mL—medical guidelines recommend antiviral therapy during their third trimester of pregnancy to reduce their risk of infecting their newborns. Babies born to HBV-infected women can become infected even if they are immunized at birth and treated with HBIG (hepatitis B antibodies) if their mothers have high viral loads.
