도전과제 Scholar(학자)

25점 시타델을 처음 떠나기 전 모든 정보를 얻어야 합니다. .

Aliens: Council Races
Asari Automatic
Salarians Automatic
Turians Automatic
Aliens: Non-Council Races
Batarians After you’re a spectre, ask Anderson about his past mission.
Elcor Presidium, Embassies, Volus and Elcor Office, talk to the Elcor.
Volus Presidium, Embassies, Volus and Elcor Office, talk to the Volus.
Geth After Eden Prime, ask Anderson during the debrief.
Hanar Presidium, Emporium, talk to the Hanar shopkeeper.
Krogan Presidium, Do the quest to obtain Wrex.
Quarians Do the quest to get Tali.
Keepers Avina Terminal II, ask about the Keepers.
Extinct: Races
Rachni Presidium, Avina Terminal III. ask about the Rachni War
Prothean Beginning of game on the Normandy before Eden Prime during the briefing with Nihlus.
게임 시작하고 이든 프라임 가기전 니힐러스와 대화 중 얻어야합니다. 나중에 못얻음…

-thanks to XxTnT3CKxX