


unknown_user: User is not in database
not_logged_in: '&cNot logged in!'
reg_voluntarily: 등록하세요...  "/register password password"
usage_log: '&c사용법: /login password'
wrong_pwd: '&c잘못된 암호'
unregistered: '&c등록 삭제 되었습니다!'
reg_disabled: '&c등록이 금지되어있습니다.'
valid_session: '&c이전 정보로 로그인합니다.'
login: '&c로그인되었습니다!'
user_regged: '&c이미 등록된 사용자가 잇습니다.'
usage_reg: '&c사용법: /register password'
no_perm: '&c권한이 없습니다.'
error: 오류가 있습니다. 관리자에게 질문하세요.
login_msg: '&c로그인하세요 "/login password"'
reg_msg: '&c등록하세요 "/register password password"'
usage_unreg: '&c사용법: /unregister password'
pwd_changed: '&c암호가 변경되었습니다!'
user_unknown: '&c등록된 사용자가 아닙니다.'
reg_only: Registered players only! Please visit to register
logged_in: '&cAlready logged in!'
logout: '&cSuccessful logout'
same_nick: 같은 이름으로 이미 접속중입니다.
registered: '&c등록되었습니다!'
reload: 설정과 자료를 다시 읽었습니다.
timeout: 시간초과입니다
unsafe_spawn: Your Quit location was unsafe, teleporting you to World Spawn
max_reg: You have Exeded the max number of Registration for your Account
password_error: Password doesnt match
unvalid_session: Session Dataes doesnt corrispond Plaese wait the end of session
pass_len: Your password dind't reach the minimum length
vb_nonActiv: Your Account isent Activated yet check your Emails!
usage_changepassword: 'Usage: /changepassword oldPassword newPassword'
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